This is an old version. You can find the new version here:
[Mod description]
This mod is a gamemode where players have to survive against AI for a number of rounds.
The game ends when all player are dead at the same time or when all rounds are survived.
-Damage reduction against bullets and melee
-Respawn delay
-Buy killstreaks with their credits.
You earn credits by:
-making kills (bonus when it's a headshot kill)
-making assists
-making double kills, triple kills or multi kills
-Perks: last stand pro and scavanger pro, seconds perk is up to you.
-Different weapons every round.
-Respawn insantly.
-Perks: none
Round setup
Round 1:
25 bots with balistic knives
Round 2:
35 bots with makarovs
Round 3:
40 bots with full-auto c-zechs
Round 4:
45 bots with enfields
Round 5:
40 dogs
[Settings & Instructions]
All the settings for the gamemode are found in: mods\mp_AI-Survival\maps\mp\gametypes\_rank.gsc
You can play this gamemode in private match, combat training and on a dedicated server with the gamemode team deathmatch.
Please use the forum topic to post bug reports and suggestions. I would really like to hear some ideas for the rounds and resuply system.
Cyborgking for making the mod.
Jorandude, beta tester and for inspiration.
Makers of itszombiemod for some bits of code.
XG R4PiDzZ and Zy0n- for the shop menu.
Se7en for the points gain effect.
Azumikkel for the key binding.
Nukem for explaining things about the overflow error.
Elite_Nudel for allowing me to use his server to catch bugs.
Everybody who has made awsome tutorials!
[Servers running the mod]
![[Image: b_560_95_1.png]](
Server running an edited v0.22 with more rounds and items in the shop, bot killstreaks, 35 seconds respawn and more. It also uses a quickmessage menu to buy items. It's a bit more fast paced than default.
![[Image: b_560_95_1.png]](
Server running the eXI modification.
[Version Updates]
Bug fixes
-Fixed the bug where the survivors team would get team score when a bot suicided without a player causing it.
-The mod now uses the most up to date _bot.gsc Adds features like the ability for bots to plant turrets(if your edited version has them) and destroy equipment.
-The mods addbot function now overwrites the addbot function of combat training.
-Removed some useless code.
Bug fixes
-Fixed the bug where a player would spawn in god mode and without weapons if he didn't select a class yet before he spawned at the end of a round.
-Fixed the bug where the map wouldn't change
-Fixed the overflow error by replacing many strings with values.
-Fixed team assignment issues when there were more players than bots in private match and on unranked servers.
-Fixed the bug where bots would have killstreaks.
-Some highlighted numbers and text is now in red.
-Killcam and game ending killcam have been disabled to make sure the bots instant respawn and to prevent other issues.
-The dogs now respawn faster.
-The game no longer refills your launcher and attachment ammo and equipment during round 5.
Optimised code.
Bug fixes
Fixed the bug where the menu could be opened when the game ended.
Fixed the bug where the menu didn't close when the game ended.
Fixed the bug where the money hud didn't update when you gained credits from an assist.
Fixed the bug where knifing somebody in the head gave you as much points as a headshot kill.
Fixed the bug where bots would be added to the game when you start a new game round on the same map in private match.
Updated credits in rank.gsc.
You now also get points and credits for double kills, multi kills and triple kills.
You now also lose points for dieing.
Added a new setting: level.maxdogsattackin sets how much dogs a player can be attacked by at once
Added a new setting: level.num_dogs sets how much dogs are on the map at once
Added a new setting: level.respawntime = 0 only respawns the player next round.
Added a new setting: level.easymode sets easy mode on(1) or off(0), in easy mode players respawn instantly and the game doesn't end when all players are dead.
You can now set how much points and credits you get for actions.
You can now set how much points you lose when you die.
Added a new killstreak to the shop: the Grim Reaper
Lowered the costs of the mortar team killstreak
Added some mod info at the bottom center.
The killstreak menu and menu instructions are now placed at the right side of the screen.
The menu instructions now show which key you have to press to open the menu instead of what action you'll have to do.
You can now open the killstreak shop when the game has started instead of after the grace period.
Optimised code.
Removed a useless file.
[Mod description]
This mod is a gamemode where players have to survive against AI for a number of rounds.
The game ends when all player are dead at the same time or when all rounds are survived.
-Damage reduction against bullets and melee
-Respawn delay
-Buy killstreaks with their credits.
You earn credits by:
-making kills (bonus when it's a headshot kill)
-making assists
-making double kills, triple kills or multi kills
-Perks: last stand pro and scavanger pro, seconds perk is up to you.
-Different weapons every round.
-Respawn insantly.
-Perks: none
Round setup
Round 1:
25 bots with balistic knives
Round 2:
35 bots with makarovs
Round 3:
40 bots with full-auto c-zechs
Round 4:
45 bots with enfields
Round 5:
40 dogs
[Settings & Instructions]
All the settings for the gamemode are found in: mods\mp_AI-Survival\maps\mp\gametypes\_rank.gsc
You can play this gamemode in private match, combat training and on a dedicated server with the gamemode team deathmatch.
Please use the forum topic to post bug reports and suggestions. I would really like to hear some ideas for the rounds and resuply system.

Cyborgking for making the mod.
Jorandude, beta tester and for inspiration.
Makers of itszombiemod for some bits of code.
XG R4PiDzZ and Zy0n- for the shop menu.
Se7en for the points gain effect.
Azumikkel for the key binding.
Nukem for explaining things about the overflow error.
Elite_Nudel for allowing me to use his server to catch bugs.
Everybody who has made awsome tutorials!
[Servers running the mod]
![[Image: b_560_95_1.png]](
Server running an edited v0.22 with more rounds and items in the shop, bot killstreaks, 35 seconds respawn and more. It also uses a quickmessage menu to buy items. It's a bit more fast paced than default.
![[Image: b_560_95_1.png]](
Server running the eXI modification.
[Version Updates]
Bug fixes
-Fixed the bug where the survivors team would get team score when a bot suicided without a player causing it.
-The mod now uses the most up to date _bot.gsc Adds features like the ability for bots to plant turrets(if your edited version has them) and destroy equipment.
-The mods addbot function now overwrites the addbot function of combat training.
-Removed some useless code.
Bug fixes
-Fixed the bug where a player would spawn in god mode and without weapons if he didn't select a class yet before he spawned at the end of a round.
-Fixed the bug where the map wouldn't change
-Fixed the overflow error by replacing many strings with values.
-Fixed team assignment issues when there were more players than bots in private match and on unranked servers.
-Fixed the bug where bots would have killstreaks.
-Some highlighted numbers and text is now in red.
-Killcam and game ending killcam have been disabled to make sure the bots instant respawn and to prevent other issues.
-The dogs now respawn faster.
-The game no longer refills your launcher and attachment ammo and equipment during round 5.
Optimised code.
Bug fixes
Fixed the bug where the menu could be opened when the game ended.
Fixed the bug where the menu didn't close when the game ended.
Fixed the bug where the money hud didn't update when you gained credits from an assist.
Fixed the bug where knifing somebody in the head gave you as much points as a headshot kill.
Fixed the bug where bots would be added to the game when you start a new game round on the same map in private match.
Updated credits in rank.gsc.
You now also get points and credits for double kills, multi kills and triple kills.
You now also lose points for dieing.
Added a new setting: level.maxdogsattackin sets how much dogs a player can be attacked by at once
Added a new setting: level.num_dogs sets how much dogs are on the map at once
Added a new setting: level.respawntime = 0 only respawns the player next round.
Added a new setting: level.easymode sets easy mode on(1) or off(0), in easy mode players respawn instantly and the game doesn't end when all players are dead.
You can now set how much points and credits you get for actions.
You can now set how much points you lose when you die.
Added a new killstreak to the shop: the Grim Reaper
Lowered the costs of the mortar team killstreak
Added some mod info at the bottom center.
The killstreak menu and menu instructions are now placed at the right side of the screen.
The menu instructions now show which key you have to press to open the menu instead of what action you'll have to do.
You can now open the killstreak shop when the game has started instead of after the grace period.
Optimised code.
Removed a useless file.