Nice to see im not the only one messing around with AHK
well im going to give you my rapid fire script, ive been using this for quite awhile, and feel free to change the delays or keys ive set.
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
RAlt::Suspend ; When you press this it will pause the script press it again to enable or change the key if you want
*~LButton:: ; Pressing Left Click will cause rapid fire so change this if you want
Sleep, 30 ; Delay between clicks - Note: 1 Sec = 1000
If (GetKeyState("LButton","P")=0) ; Checks if Left click is being pressed
Break ; Stops the loop when left click is not pressed
"*" before LButton means that you will be able to rapid fire even if modifiers are held down (SHIFT,CTRL,ALT etc...) so remove that if you need to.
To make it shoot faster change 30 to a lower number.
In this line : Sleep, 30 ; Delay between clicks - Note: 1 Sec = 1000
Sleep, 30 = 320 Clicks in 10 Seconds
Sleep, 10 = 640 Clicks in 10 Seconds
Remove Sleep = 17145 Clicks in 10 Seconds *HOLY..*
And if you want to test the speed , check this website and start bashing
by the way @
n3utra1 having Sleep, 0.0033 won't work. it has to be 10 or either remove it entirely