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I do not know much about programming, I've just tried it...
Its my first C# programm... Big Grin
I've tried to make it nearly like ManuAdminPlugin.
I dont know if it will work on linux, I ve tested it only on windows web server 2008 R2.
My plugin bases on mysql/sqlite config.
It is writen in .Net2.0
Until now, there is no tool/website to edit the databases, means if you will test it, you must use phpmyadmin/sqlite tool or write youre own.
I will try to make a little tool for sqlite configs and a website for mysql configs in future.

Its possible to create your own language in database, and change command language with aliases.

This is only an alpha!!!
If you find errors, write a feedback.

Integrated functions:
Banner messages.
Welcome messages.
Target player in commands with: part of name or XUID or clientnumber.
Own kick, tempban, ban funktion with reasens. Not IW ban funktion!
Badname kick/tempban/ban.
Badword filter with call warns.
Warn function.
Command aliases.
Fun msgs.
Maprotation with a lot of commands.
Damagelog.(create very very much inserts, but very nice if you want to create a stats page...)

Extract files to your server root path.
admin folder hold only some .dspl files as example for maplist.
you can create your own files, and use them with maplist command.

If you want to use bigadmin maprotation set in config.ini:

sv_config.ini insert:
//Start plugin
enabled=1        //0/1 activate/deactivate

//Database sqlite | mysql
database=mysql        //database system you want to use...

//sqlite settings
sqlite_database_path=-.\plugins\bigadmin\bigadmin.db        //you can write every possible path/filename, plugin will create it...

//mysql settings
mysql_server=        //ip of the mysql database: localhost or or
                                                              // or,3660
mysql_user=mw3server            //mysql username
mysql_password=verysecure        //mysql password
mysql_database=mw3                //database name
mysql_prefix=mw31_                //prefix to identify tables, if there are multible servers or any other tables
//plugin will create all tables itsself...

Faster sql system is mysql on localhost...

sv_config.ini without text:




If server started successfully, join and write "!get" command.
It will make you to highest Admin.
If permissions contains admins "!get" command is disabled.

kick = kick PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID REASON Kicks a player
map = map MAPNAME GAMETYPE Changes the map and gametype
restart = restart 1|0 Restarts the map [1=complete restart]
ban = ban PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID [REASON] Bans a player
tempban = tempban PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID DURATION REASON Bans a player temporarily
untempban = untempban XUID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID Removes a temporarily ban
unban = unban XUID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID Removes a ban
help = help COMMANDNAME Prints the syntax and help of a command
killserver = killserver Kills the gameserver
maprotate = Loads the next map in mapcycle
readconfig = Reloads the plugins config
cointoss = Throws a coin and shows tails or heads
gametype = gametype GAMETYPE Changes the gametype and restarts the map
gametypes = gametypes Shows all gametypes
admintest = admintest Shows your admin group
time = time Shows the current time
nextmap = nextmap Shows the next map
uptime = uptime Shows the server's uptime
setpw = setpw PASSWORD Sets a server password
removepw = Removes the password
hc = hc 1|0 Enables/Disables hardcore , only hc will show you current
killcam = killcam 1|0 Enables/Disables the killcam, only killcam will show you current
me = me Shows your PID and XUID
rcon = rcon COMMAND Executes a RCON command
ff = ff 1|0 Enables/Disables friendlyfire
say = say MESSAGE Prints a red message as console
pl = pl Shows the players with their PIDs
cmdlist = Shows the commands available for your admin group
maps = maps Shows the installed maps
exec = exec NAMEOFCONFIG Executes a config ON THE SERVER
setnextmap = setnextmap MAPNAME GAMETYPE Sets the next map and gametype
setnextgt = GAMETYPE Sets the next gametype
checkadmin = PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID Shows the admin group of a player
warn = warn PID|PART_OF_NICK REASON|XUID Warns a player
fun = fun MSG Prints a funmessage
setgroup = setgroup GROUP PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID Sets the admin group of a player
protect = protect PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID 0|1 Sets or removes the protection of an admin
yell = yell PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID MSG Print a bold message to the player
online = online Shows currently online admins
ping = ping PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID Show ping of a player
version = version Show plugin version
minping = minping Show player with lowest ping
maxping = maxping Show player with highest ping
addword = addword WORD | WORD,WORD,WORD Add badwords
fastrestart = Restarts map without loading
reserve = Kick the guest with higest ping
goto = goto PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID Teleport you to player
maplist = maplist FILENAME Load a maprotation from File.
session = session Shows your stats of your current game session
getip = getip PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID Displays the IP address of a player
port = port PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID|me POINTNAME Teleport player to the point
points = points List of teleport points
savepoint = savepoint PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID|me POINTNAME Save teleport point
stats = stats Shows your overall stats
resetplayerstats = resetplayerstats PID|PART_OF_NAME|XUID Resets the stats of a player
aliases = aliases PID|TEIL_DES_NICKS|XUID Shows all ever used aliases of a player
move = move PID|PART_OF_NICK|XUID Teleport a player to you
skipmap = Skip next map
resetmystats = resetmystats Resets own stats

SQL explanation
aliases: key value
key is a word/text you can write as command ingame, but the server get the command as the word/text in value

badnames: badname
is a list of all not allowed names or nameparts

badwords: badword
is a list of all not allowed words in chat messages

banner: count message
here you can add banner
count is the order number of the message
the text in message is the banner text
<> Contains a variable parameter

config: group key value default
only value is to configurate
other are for plugin sort
default is for future, config tool, dont change...
main:prefix is the prefix you must write bevore each command
main:language this set wich language will be read in table language column lang
main:ondamage set true if you want to insert every damage in table damagelog
kickban:announce set true if kick/temp/ban shown a public massage in chat else false
kickban tempbantime set the default time for tempbans
welcome:enable set true if you want a welcom message when client connected
banner:enabled set true if you want banner
banner:time set number of seconds the banner wait until next banner
mapcycle:enabled set true to enable plugin maprotation
mapcycle:maplistfile set name of maplistfile you want to load as default
mapcycle:defaultgametype set gametype wich will be load if you use map command without a gametype (gametype must exist in table gametypes)
badword:enable set true if you want that the plugin check chat for bad words
badword warn set true if you want that a player who use a bad word will be warned by plugin
warns:warnstokick set number of warns a player become until kick/temp/ban
warns:mode set kick/tempban/ban wich will be execute on max warns
nameprotection:enabled set true to enable nameprotection
nameprotection:badnamekick set true if plugin kick player for badname
nameprotection:adminnamekick set true if plugin kick player who has admin name
nameprotection:uppercasedisallow set true if plugin kick plyer with a uppercasename
nameprotection:badnamekickmode set kick/tempban/ban for badname
nameprotection:adminnamekickmode set kick/tempban/ban for using admin name
nameprotection:uppercasekickmode set kick/tempban/ban for have only uppercase letters in name
spreemsgs:enabled set true if plugin should print spreemessages to chat
spreemsgs:firstblood set true if plugin should print firstblood to chat
spreemsgs:killsprees set true if plugin should print killsprees
spreemsgs:deathsprees set true if plugin should print deathsprees
spreemsgs:spreeends set true if plugin should print end of spree
spreemsgs:multikills set true if plugin should print multikills to chat
spreemsgs:spreeendfrom set number of spree kills a player must have to print endspree message
stats:whisperstats set true if stats/session should print a private message false print public...

damagelog is not to edit anything...

go on in next days....

I edit the post every day, until it is completed.
Wenn du eine Frage oder Anregung hast und Deutsch kannst, schreib mich per PM an, dann ist es leichter fr mich und der Thread bleibt Englisch!

Attached Files
.rar   BigAdmin 0.03 (Alpha).rar (Size: 554.12 KB / Downloads: 570)
Sorry for my bad English!

some of those look very useful but mysql no idea why i would want that, i could do with the rest though, especially "move" etc.
[Image: b_560_95_1.png]

[Image: b_560_95_1.png]


Hey man, a lot of these look good. Have you tested this?

Why did you include dpsl files?

Also, how do you set up admins, other than the initial "!get"?
[Image: tanksignature.jpg]

Quote:some of those look very useful but mysql no idea why i would want that, i could do with the rest though, especially "move" etc.
you can use mysql very easy to configurate/reconfigurate your server by a webside and to make statistic sites ect.
mysql can contain mutch data, and at localhost its very fast.
mysql is very easy to read/write in every code language.

Quote:Hey man, a lot of these look good. Have you tested this?
I have tested it, but only on myself, sometime on one or two other players.

Quote:Why did you include dpsl files?
As examples for maplist command. you can also use you own dpsl.
programm find every dpsl in admin folder.

Quote:Also, how do you set up admins, other than the initial "!get"?
you setup first admin with get.
every other mit setgroup or you insert them directly in mysql/sqlite database with a tool or website.
Sorry for my bad English!

not after mysql or what ever it's called lol, just the other stuff will do nicly.
Best wait for @Nukem to fix this latest mw3 update first though.
[Image: b_560_95_1.png]

[Image: b_560_95_1.png]


Nais. Like a sir

@hillbilly There's nothing wrong with mysql.
The good part is that you can hook up a website to it to make people configure their stats or something.
You can also access the database from a remote location with applications such as phpmyadmin.
The bad part is that (for some users) it's hard to install.
If you could you could; also add a Sqlite database support or something similair (a database that uses 1 single file)
Oh, you added sqlite, in that case everybody should probably shut and don't complain Tongue
Because sqlite doesn't even need to be 'set up'

If you install WampServer on a server installation, it pre installs apache, php and mysql and configures it for you.

Highly recommended.

@fallensouls XAMPP is also pretty good

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