UPDATED v0.3 (small update)
Duke Mod v0.3
Update from version 0.2 :
- New shotgun
- 2 new bonus (jetpack, health pack)
- You can cumulate bonus
- 5 kills give a random bonus
- 10 killstreaks give the devastator
- New menus
- New background
- Others fix
Download : http://hitmaxpro.free.fr/hitmaxpro/files/DUKEMOD.zip
![[Image: duke_mod_v0.3.jpg]](http://hitmaxpro.free.fr/hitmaxpro/files/duke_mod_v0.3.jpg)
I release my first (and playable) mod : Duke Mod
The mod is about Duke Nukem (DN3D)
Include new custom gametypes, custom weapons
Video (Capture the babe)
Duke Nukem Explode :
![[Image: dukeexplode.jpg]](http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/9004/dukeexplode.jpg)
Screeshots :
In this thread : http://www.itsmods.com/forum/Thread-Duke-Mod.html (preview version)
And here : http://hitmaxpro.free.fr/mp_duke/ (v0.1)
Features :
Duke Nukem Weapons :
* Duke 3D pistol (with animated clip !!)
* Duke chaingun
* Duke shotgun
* Duke freezer (freeze the ennemi)
* Duke RPG
* Duke devastator
* Duke pipe bomb
- Hand fighting
Duke Nukem 'classical' gametypes :
* Duke Match
* Team Duke Match
* Capture the babe
Duke Nukem 'only [weapon]' gametypes :
* Piece of cake (only pistol)
* Let's rock (only shotgun)
* Come get some (only chaingun)
* Damn I'm good (only RPG and Devastator)
* Rest in pieces (only freezer)
* Hand match (only hand figthing)
* Pipe bomb (only infinite pipe bomb)
* Hail to the king (give all weapons)
New bonus (like killstreaks but different
* Duke vision (headicon wallhack for 5 sec) for 5 killstreaks
* Holo Duke (make a holo Duke model and you are invisible for 5 sec) for 7 killstreaks
* Give devastator for 10 killstreaks (only in 'classical' gametypes)
New menus :
- 'Main menu' removed for the main menu
- Quickmenu choose weapon (for 'classical' gametypes)
- Quickmenu choose bonus
Customs models :
- Duke Nukem player model
- Duke weapons models
- Babe model for capture the babe
- Holo Duke model
Customs shaders :
- Duke headicon for Duke vision
- Babe headicon for capture the babe
- Duke team icon
- Appropriate icons when choose gametype
Perks :
- specialty_bulletpenetration
- specialty_unlimitedsprint
- specialty_noname
- specialty_movefaster
- specialty_loudenemies
- specialty_longersprint
- specialty_fastweaponswitch
- specialty_fallheight
Removed :
- F*cking hitmarker
- Sound of hitmarker
I think I have not forgotten something
Credits :
- 3D Models/Texture : Duke Nukem creator
- Code/Script/Import/Convert/Some textures : @hitmax
- Dukem Nukem player model : Model by Sanya, fixed by @se7en, textures fixed by @hitmax
Download link Duke Mod v0.2 (~20mb):
(Dont remember to create the 'mp_duke' folder and put 'mod.ff', 'mp_duke.iwd', 'mp_duke.files' inside, next put 'mp_duke' in 'mods' folder)
Duke Mod v0.3
Update from version 0.2 :
- New shotgun
- 2 new bonus (jetpack, health pack)
- You can cumulate bonus
- 5 kills give a random bonus
- 10 killstreaks give the devastator
- New menus
- New background
- Others fix
Download : http://hitmaxpro.free.fr/hitmaxpro/files/DUKEMOD.zip
![[Image: duke_mod_v0.3.jpg]](http://hitmaxpro.free.fr/hitmaxpro/files/duke_mod_v0.3.jpg)
I release my first (and playable) mod : Duke Mod
The mod is about Duke Nukem (DN3D)
Include new custom gametypes, custom weapons
Video (Capture the babe)
Duke Nukem Explode :
![[Image: dukeexplode.jpg]](http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/9004/dukeexplode.jpg)
Screeshots :
In this thread : http://www.itsmods.com/forum/Thread-Duke-Mod.html (preview version)
And here : http://hitmaxpro.free.fr/mp_duke/ (v0.1)
Features :
Duke Nukem Weapons :
* Duke 3D pistol (with animated clip !!)
* Duke chaingun
* Duke shotgun
* Duke freezer (freeze the ennemi)
* Duke RPG
* Duke devastator
* Duke pipe bomb
- Hand fighting
Duke Nukem 'classical' gametypes :
* Duke Match
* Team Duke Match
* Capture the babe
Duke Nukem 'only [weapon]' gametypes :
* Piece of cake (only pistol)
* Let's rock (only shotgun)
* Come get some (only chaingun)
* Damn I'm good (only RPG and Devastator)
* Rest in pieces (only freezer)
* Hand match (only hand figthing)
* Pipe bomb (only infinite pipe bomb)
* Hail to the king (give all weapons)
New bonus (like killstreaks but different

* Duke vision (headicon wallhack for 5 sec) for 5 killstreaks
* Holo Duke (make a holo Duke model and you are invisible for 5 sec) for 7 killstreaks
* Give devastator for 10 killstreaks (only in 'classical' gametypes)
New menus :
- 'Main menu' removed for the main menu

- Quickmenu choose weapon (for 'classical' gametypes)
- Quickmenu choose bonus
Customs models :
- Duke Nukem player model
- Duke weapons models
- Babe model for capture the babe
- Holo Duke model
Customs shaders :
- Duke headicon for Duke vision
- Babe headicon for capture the babe
- Duke team icon
- Appropriate icons when choose gametype
Perks :
- specialty_bulletpenetration
- specialty_unlimitedsprint
- specialty_noname
- specialty_movefaster
- specialty_loudenemies
- specialty_longersprint
- specialty_fastweaponswitch
- specialty_fallheight
Removed :
- F*cking hitmarker
- Sound of hitmarker
I think I have not forgotten something
Credits :
- 3D Models/Texture : Duke Nukem creator
- Code/Script/Import/Convert/Some textures : @hitmax
- Dukem Nukem player model : Model by Sanya, fixed by @se7en, textures fixed by @hitmax
Download link Duke Mod v0.2 (~20mb):
(Dont remember to create the 'mp_duke' folder and put 'mod.ff', 'mp_duke.iwd', 'mp_duke.files' inside, next put 'mp_duke' in 'mods' folder)