Hello every1, I got a little desperate so i thought i might post my idea here. Could any1 of you make a mod that allows you to fly a cobra? Yes thats right. Not a hind or a huey. Cobra. The support helicopter.
I would like if i can.
1st. Get in and out of it.
2nd. Play in third person. First person in cobra doesnt look so good.
3rd. Important. Being able to use its turret, shot enemies and also aim with the turret. Rockets arent neccesary, since it never uses rockets but you could add them as an addition. When people shoots rockets at me. It should dump flares. Or whatever thats coming out of it when you hit it with a rocket.
I would like if i can.
1st. Get in and out of it.
2nd. Play in third person. First person in cobra doesnt look so good.
3rd. Important. Being able to use its turret, shot enemies and also aim with the turret. Rockets arent neccesary, since it never uses rockets but you could add them as an addition. When people shoots rockets at me. It should dump flares. Or whatever thats coming out of it when you hit it with a rocket.