I'm having a few problems, trying to make a LAN only, server.
I get these annoying "NAT Strict" errors, and I was thinking.. can these errors be removed, as many of the other stuff, you fixed?
Have you tried making sure everything is up-to-date?
This is a general problem, for when I want to run a LAN-only server. I fixed it by simply starting the map rotation, when I launch the server. If I wait too long, it'll happen too.
Are there any crash logs/dumps? If so, post them (on pastebin)
Succeeded reading from default.dspl
Loaded 1 map entries
Loading DSR "default.dsr"...
Loading Succeeded for DSR "default.dsr"
Invalid server configuration - strict NAT detected.
----- Server Shutdown -----
Steam Game Server shutdown complete.
]map mp_dome
Invalid server configuration - strict NAT detected.
Do you know when or where this occurs?
After a while. Let's say after 10-20 seconds, after opening the server, and then starting the map rotation, or just loading a map.
Do you know how to solve this?
When not waiting for too long after opening up the server (ie. starting it directly thru +start_map_rotate), it'll start. But a mapchange will make it go down.
I was hoping it could be solved by 'removing' the error message, and just start the server anyway?
Have you tried removing all of your plugins?
Yes. I've got this problem, even without the mod.
Is your server running on Linux or Windows?
Can you reproduce the error? If so, how?
Open the server.. Wait a few seconds, start the map rotation, and voila. "Invalid server configuration - strict NAT detected."