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Help HudElem disappear after map changes
Hello everyone,

I'm making a little plugin with HudElem to show informations to the players.
I have problems with HudElem, some of them disappear after map change. (and sometimes appear again after next map change)

Some of the HudElem are showed to single players and some are showed to all (Entity_world).
The desappear effect seems to append in both cases.

(I also see a little bug sometime after the map change, if i arrive quickly "before the count 5,4,3,..." i see one of the HudElem with the same zoom effect as count 5, 4,3,.... maybe there is a conflict with some normal game hudd ? Sorry it's very difficult to explain bug with my english, but i can make a small movie if needed)

Any ideas of what append?
Thx in advance guys!

Pretty sure zxz already mentioned that they get deleted after the map restarting.
Have you tried just changing the ShowToEnt value to 1337 and just creating a new hudelem after the map has restarted?
It's what I do in my plugin.

However, I had problems with the HUD as well. It's very unreliable

Some hud desapear and some not...
I'll try the ShowToEnt value to 1337... but what mean 1337? also show to all players like 'int Entity_world'?

The 6 huds that i show to every players are destroyed then recreate everytime a new player connect. but the same 2 huds appear and desapear every time a player connect.
I also use 10 others huds per player to show score, damage, enabled stuff etc. And some of them desappear and appear every map change. Those one are created only when the player connect.

I join a little screen of the huds when they are working.

Attached Files Image(s)

Keep in mind that you can only display a specific amout of HudElement to a client's hud. You do not have to recreate HudElement which are shown to the entity Entity_World during the game. I also recommend to wait some seconds with creating hudElements after a mapchange/fast_restart until the game is fully started.
[Image: azuw.jpg]

Thank you for the answer!
I tried to do an other plugin with only 3 huds common to all clients, i delete them when the map change and i recreate the 3 huds 15 seconds after that. This work perfectly, but if let them active or if i recreate them before the 5 in the countdown some of them are used by the game.

"you can only display a specific amout of HudElement to a client's hud"
Please more infos Wink
How many huds per players? ...or total for the server?


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