So, I was thinking, the code @master131 made for carepackages, is just a block (invisble) with that model around it.
What if there is a way to only make that invisible blocks, so you don't use entitys.
Than I can just make some walls on some points with invisible blocks, so you don't walkinside them.
(like the orginal maps also have some invisible walls)
Is this possible?
And if so, can we use it like the bunker plugin from @archit (and maybe add it to mapedit)
So hope it's possible, than I can take my maps to the next limit
What if there is a way to only make that invisible blocks, so you don't use entitys.
Than I can just make some walls on some points with invisible blocks, so you don't walkinside them.
(like the orginal maps also have some invisible walls)
Is this possible?
And if so, can we use it like the bunker plugin from @archit (and maybe add it to mapedit)
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