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Help Spawn Message Playing on Respawn?
I'm making some mods based off of Yamato's OMA Mod for Beginners (Thanks, BTW, it helped! Big Grin), and I set up a custom spawn message. When you spawn in, it displays all of the text I want it to, but every time you die, it reappears on the screen. It doesn't make sense, since it is in the onPlayerSpawned thread so it should be done after the first time, but I don't know. Here's what I have

OnPlayerSpawned is called every time you spawn....
What you can do is set a local variable like self.hi = 1 and do a check on the text like if(self.hi !=1){ textcode } And put self.hi == 0 on onplayerconnect.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
[Image: UGPjFJa.jpg]

(07-09-2013, 17:15)DidUknowiPwn Wrote: OnPlayerSpawned is called every time you spawn....
What you can do is set a local variable like self.hi = 1 and do a check on the text like if(self.hi !=1){ textcode } And put self.hi == 0 on onplayerconnect.

Can you edit the pastebiun link i set up and resend it to me?I'm not sure what you mean,m I'm still a beginner

Add something like this to onPlayerConnect() and then add the code of the function I made

    for( ; ; )
        level waittill( "connected", player );
        player thread WelcomeAfterSpawn(); //THIS
        player thread onPlayerSpawned();

    self waittill( "spawned_player" );

That too Big Grin
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
[Image: UGPjFJa.jpg]

OMG Yamato your a genius thanks again, it works Big Grin Much appreciated now I can successfully release my mod! This is so cool

Is there a way to do a private release so just a few people can test it and tell me things to improve?


Just send the mod as a private message to people who want it?
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
[Image: UGPjFJa.jpg]

(07-11-2013, 05:45)DidUknowiPwn Wrote: Just send the mod as a private message to people who want it?

Do you and Yamato want to try it? It's 3 basic mods I made that kind of "edits" the game mode. Just reply in this thread if you want to.


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