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Killstreaks HUD list
Big Grin 
Hello everybody,this is time for my new relese Big Grin
This is taken from my new upcoming mod (InTime), hope you can find it useful!
Bye! Nyan Cat

Ah, I forgot to say you, when you take all killstreak you can continue your streak and re-earn them again!
[Image: 34rxhc9.jpg]

Quote:How to use:
Call showKillstreaksList( 145 ) when player connect
Call monitorCurStreak( 145 ) when player spawn
Note: 145 is the height position of the list, to get the same position of the screenshot you have to keep 145

showKillstreaksList( inizio )
    killstreak0 = self getPlayerData( "killstreaks", 0 );
    killstreak1 = self getPlayerData( "killstreaks", 1 );
    killstreak2 = self getPlayerData( "killstreaks", 2 );
    streakShader = "MADE BY Puffiamo | Steam: Puffiamo94";
    self.streakCost0 = "MADE BY Puffiamo | Steam: Puffiamo94";
    self.streakCost1 = "MADE BY Puffiamo | Steam: Puffiamo94";
    self.streakCost2 = "MADE BY Puffiamo | Steam: Puffiamo94";
        switch( index )
            case 0:
                    streakShader = maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getKillstreakIcon( killstreak0 );
                    self.streakCost0 = maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getStreakCost( killstreak0 );
                    if( self _hasperk( "" ) )
            case 1:
                    streakShader = maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getKillstreakIcon( killstreak1 );
                    self.streakCost1 = maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getStreakCost( killstreak1 );
                    if( self _hasperk( "" ) )
            case 2:
                    streakShader = maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getKillstreakIcon( killstreak2 );
                    self.streakCost2 = maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::getStreakCost( killstreak2 );
                    if( self _hasperk( "" ) )
        self.killstreaks_list[index] = self createFontString( "objective", 2 );
        self.killstreaks_list[index].foreground = false;
        self.killstreaks_list[index].hideWhenInMenu = true;
        self.killstreaks_list[index].fontScale = 0.60;
        self.killstreaks_list[index].font = "hudbig";
        self.killstreaks_list[index].alpha = 1;
        self.killstreaks_list[index].glow = 1;
        self.killstreaks_list[index].glowColor = ( 0, 0, 1 );
        self.killstreaks_list[index].glowAlpha = 1;
        self.killstreaks_list[index].color = ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
        switch( index )
            case 2:
                    self.killstreaks_list[index] setPoint( "RIGHT", "RIGHT", 0, inizio-(25*2) );
                    self.killstreaks_list[index] setShader( streakShader, 20, 20 );
            case 1:
                    self.killstreaks_list[index] setPoint( "RIGHT", "RIGHT", 0, inizio-25 );
                    self.killstreaks_list[index] setShader( streakShader, 20, 20 );
            case 0:
                    self.killstreaks_list[index] setPoint( "RIGHT", "RIGHT", 0, inizio );
                    self.killstreaks_list[index] setShader( streakShader, 20, 20 );

monitorCurStreak( inizio )
    self endon( "death" );
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    giroCompletato = undefined;
    killstreak0 = self getPlayerData( "killstreaks", 0 );
    killstreak1 = self getPlayerData( "killstreaks", 1 );
    killstreak2 = self getPlayerData( "killstreaks", 2 );
    streakCost0 = self.streakCost0;
    streakCost1 = self.streakCost1;
    streakCost2 = self.streakCost2;
    if( self _hasperk( "specialty_hardline" ) )
    self resetList( inizio, streakCost0 );
        self waittill( "killed_enemy" );
        if( self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] < streakCost0 )
            self.killstreaks_list[3] setPoint( "RIGHT", "RIGHT", -25, inizio );
            self.killstreaks_list[3] setText( streakCost0-self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] );
        else if( self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] < streakCost1 )
            self.killstreaks_list[3] setPoint( "RIGHT", "RIGHT", -25, inizio-25 );
            self.killstreaks_list[3] setText( streakCost1-self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] );
        else if( self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] < streakCost2 )
            self.killstreaks_list[3] setPoint( "RIGHT", "RIGHT", -25, inizio-(25*2) );
            self.killstreaks_list[3] setText( streakCost2-self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] );
        else if( ( self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] == streakCost2 ) )
            if( !isDefined( giroCompletato ) )
                self resetList( inizio, streakCost0 );
            giroCompletato = 1;
        if( isDefined( giroCompletato ) )
            if( self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] == streakCost0 )
                self maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::giveKillstreak( killstreak0 );
                self maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::killstreakSplashNotify( killstreak0, undefined, "pickup" );
            else if( self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] == streakCost1 )
                self maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::giveKillstreak( killstreak1 );
                self maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::killstreakSplashNotify( killstreak1, undefined, "pickup" );
            else if( self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] == streakCost2 )
                self maps\mp\killstreaks\_killstreaks::giveKillstreak( killstreak2 );
                self maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::killstreakSplashNotify( killstreak2, undefined, "pickup" );
                self resetList( inizio, streakCost0 );

resetList( inizio, streakCost0 )
    self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] = 0;
    self.killstreaks_list[3] setPoint( "RIGHT", "RIGHT", -25, inizio );
    self.killstreaks_list[3] setText( streakCost0-self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] );
My Reputation is low, help me with +1 rep if i helped you! Big Grin

Looks gud!
(08-10-2011, 12:58)Pozzuh Wrote:
Se7en Wrote:Stealed, from cod4 mod ...
look who's talking

[Release] Old School Mod v2.2
[Release] Scroll menu


gudde! +rep

Nice, maybe the moving killstreak icons look better, they start like this:


looks cool Puffiamo
Black Ops Mods:

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(04-06-2012, 22:05)iAegle Wrote: Looks hud!

[Image: r212360a129ce9b84444093b6cd2699013a1fbn155.png]

Como fao isso funcionar no servidor?
How do it work on the server?

can you do monitorCurStreak( inizio ) without reseting killstreaks?

An update from @banz I did nothing, I'm just copy pasting what he said on the other forum I "work" for.
banz Wrote:Meh, i was so kind to fix it. Was a pain in the ass for round-based gametypes along with hardline class changes...

- fixed bugs in round-based gametypes (resetting variables)
- fixed various issues with hardline perk
- removed the resetting of self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] variable - to keep killstreaks vanilla
- fixed multi-kill bugs
- hidden killstreak icons while perks are shown on spawn
- support for 3 killstreaks set, 2 killstreaks set, 1 killstreak set and 0 killstreaks set (for those players it doesn't show anything, well it did display shit before ;>)


credits: Puffiamo94, banz for fixing (adding round-based support and bug fixes)

Edit: Bug fix
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
[Image: UGPjFJa.jpg]

(06-13-2013, 06:16)DidUknowiPwn Wrote: An update from @banz I did nothing, I'm just copy pasting what he said on the other forum I "work" for.
banz Wrote:Meh, i was so kind to fix it. Was a pain in the ass for round-based gametypes along with hardline class changes...

- fixed bugs in round-based gametypes (resetting variables)
- fixed various issues with hardline perk
- removed the resetting of self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] variable - to keep killstreaks vanilla
- fixed multi-kill bugs
- hidden killstreak icons while perks are shown on spawn
- support for 3 killstreaks set, 2 killstreaks set, 1 killstreak set and 0 killstreaks set (for those players it doesn't show anything, well it did display shit before ;>)


credits: Puffiamo94, banz for fixing (adding round-based support and bug fixes)

Edit: Bug fix

I have used this mod for a month on a dedicated server and haven't ever notified these bugs. (xrev)
Also this is still on a server what is 24/7 online without problems. (4x1)

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