Alright so I am posting here because we have a league opening up and we plan to use cmMOD if it has the right features.
Weapon Rules
Assault Rifle ( Primary, No Limit/Team )
- M16
- Enfield
- M14
- Famas
- Galil
- AK-47
- Commando
Sub-Machine Gun ( Primary, 2/Team )
- MP5k
- Skorpion
- MAC-10
- AK74u
- Uzi
- PM63
- Spectre
- Kiparis
Shotguns ( Primary, 1/Team )
- Stakeout
Sniper Rifles ( Primary, 1/Team )
- L96A1
Pistols ( Secondary )
- M1911
- Makarov
- Python
- CZ75
Lethal Grenades
- Frag Grenade
- Tomahawk
Tactical Grenades
- Willy Pete
- Flash Grenade
* These are the only allowed weapons.
Search and Destroy Rules:
- Multi-bomb: Off
- Bomb Plant Time: 5 seconds
- Bomb Defuse Time: 7 seconds
- Bomb Timer: 60 Seconds
- Round Length: 2 Minutes
- Side Change: Every 4 Rounds
- Score Limit: 13
Player Options:
- Number of Lives: 1
- Respawn Delay: None
- Max Health: None
- Health Regeneration: Normal
- Killcam: Disabled
Team Options:
- Spectating: Team Only
- Wave Spawn Delay: None
- Force Respawn: Enabled
- Friendly Fire: Enabled
Game-play Options:
- Head-shots Only: Disabled
- Perks: Disabled
- Kill streak Rewards: Disabled
- Hard Core Mode: Disabled
Other things to note, final killcam is on, there is no prematch period unless the ready-up system is 100% complete. Also make sure its Barebones SD, this way you can ensure there is no equipment, attachments. Please change the plant / defuse sound to the original state. We expect that with the release of mod tools, everything is perfectly set up. On a side note please make the skies of the maps more brighter and blue, don't want to see players following into depression
Weapon Rules
Assault Rifle ( Primary, No Limit/Team )
- M16
- Enfield
- M14
- Famas
- Galil
- AK-47
- Commando
Sub-Machine Gun ( Primary, 2/Team )
- MP5k
- Skorpion
- MAC-10
- AK74u
- Uzi
- PM63
- Spectre
- Kiparis
Shotguns ( Primary, 1/Team )
- Stakeout
Sniper Rifles ( Primary, 1/Team )
- L96A1
Pistols ( Secondary )
- M1911
- Makarov
- Python
- CZ75
Lethal Grenades
- Frag Grenade
- Tomahawk
Tactical Grenades
- Willy Pete
- Flash Grenade
* These are the only allowed weapons.
Search and Destroy Rules:
- Multi-bomb: Off
- Bomb Plant Time: 5 seconds
- Bomb Defuse Time: 7 seconds
- Bomb Timer: 60 Seconds
- Round Length: 2 Minutes
- Side Change: Every 4 Rounds
- Score Limit: 13
Player Options:
- Number of Lives: 1
- Respawn Delay: None
- Max Health: None
- Health Regeneration: Normal
- Killcam: Disabled
Team Options:
- Spectating: Team Only
- Wave Spawn Delay: None
- Force Respawn: Enabled
- Friendly Fire: Enabled
Game-play Options:
- Head-shots Only: Disabled
- Perks: Disabled
- Kill streak Rewards: Disabled
- Hard Core Mode: Disabled
Other things to note, final killcam is on, there is no prematch period unless the ready-up system is 100% complete. Also make sure its Barebones SD, this way you can ensure there is no equipment, attachments. Please change the plant / defuse sound to the original state. We expect that with the release of mod tools, everything is perfectly set up. On a side note please make the skies of the maps more brighter and blue, don't want to see players following into depression
