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MW3 / MW2 + many more WebInterface

Soo.. I ve been working on a WebInterface for several games....a Multi Webinterface Big Grin

Actually... Im using it for Mw3 servers, which runs pretty fine.

Edit .txt / .cfg files + dsr files
Start / stop .exe Files (Bat files also)
send CMDs to the MW3 Console
Output the server console on the Webinterface
Upload Files to the server folders

[Image: 8a3e33bcc3d7963daf9a56c3508bf320.png]
[Image: 452d218036a78dfb928e70946b1cc8b7.png]

actually I think about selling it.... offers can be send to my skype... (south2aka)

So you are actually just posting this stuff for advertising?

Great way to present yourself into our little community!

11/10 would buy...

Thanks Barata...
Don't worry if things aren't the way you planned, in the end everything will solve itself...

Also wtf, it's easy to do and you're selling it?
What's so special here? Troll
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

(03-13-2015, 02:26)Nekochan Wrote: Also wtf, it's easy to do and you're selling it?
What's so special here? Troll

You gotta admit that he was smooth:

...actually I think about selling it.... offers can be send to my skype... (south2aka)

Thanks Barata...
Don't worry if things aren't the way you planned, in the end everything will solve itself...

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