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NO airspace to crowded
hi guys

is there any way to remove the air space to crowded??

plz reply

thnx fo

In my GunshipBattle mod for Black Ops, this was done in the maps\mp\_helicopter.gsc

Probably the same for MW2. Search around.
YouTube 1:Azumikkel- Modding
YouTube 2:DerpShark- Gaming Entertainment
Contact: im[at]

I remember once removing it, I think it was a constant, anyway, I looked at _helicopter and other vehicle gsc file, my suggestion, find this:


Example: if it says something like this, remove all.

    else if ( isDefined( level.chopper ) )
        self iPrintLnBold( &"MP_AIR_SPACE_TOO_CROWDED" );
        return false;


isn't this just for the text that appears in the screen.
cant test it right now
i cant test it in about 1 week
can some1 else try this for me?

(12-24-2011, 17:05)krijnrien Wrote: isn't this just for the text that appears in the screen.
cant test it right now
i cant test it in about 1 week
can some1 else try this for me?

From what Yamato posted you need to remove the line
return false;
[Image: azuw.jpg]


Just random tip: if you will have more than 7 vehicles, game will be crashed with error: hit_blalbla_max_veh: 8
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

thnx for the random tip

is there then a way to let there be 7 aircrafts in the air?

Easy, remove the "addtohelilist" when a helicopter is spawned, and the "addque helicopter" (or something like that, there's a function in the _helicopter.gsc's init).

hmmm... alrigh

i will look into t hat next week

im at my father's place now, and his pc sucks so cant do anything now

it worked for heli's and that shit
not for ac-130 guess gotta look in _ac130
-.-'ac-130 is weard
you all will sit in 1 ac-130
so there can be 7 people shooting out of 1 ac-130

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