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News Battlelog Mod
i found a cool Battlelog Mod that adds an Autojoion button and you need no password to join servers.

Here you can get it
but you need on Firefox GreaseMonkey or Scriptish!

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Coderah Battlelog Mods
// @author          Alex Howard
// @namespace
// @description     Multiple modifications for Battlelog (BF3)
// @version            2.1
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==

function coderah_battlelog_mods_main () {
     var verboseDebug = false;

var mods = {changelogLoaded: false};

if ($("body").is("#base-bf3-body")) {
    var styleInject = document.createElement("style");
    styleInject.innerHTML = '#mod-menu { position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; z-index:9999999; background: #DFDFDF; width: 270px; height: auto; border-top: 4px solid #F1F1F1; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 5px 11px rgba(0,0,0,0.4); -moz-box-shadow: 0px 5px 11px rgba(0,0,0,0.4); box-shadow: 0px 5px 11px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);}#mod-menu-item { left: -10px;}#mod-menu .content-wrapper { padding-bottom:40px;}#mod-menu .content { padding:5px; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color:#121212; font-size:14px;}#mod-menu .version { font-family: BebasNeueRegular,Arial,sans-serif; color: #343434; padding: 3px; margin-top: 5px; float: right;}#mod-menu .changelog-link { margin-top: 10px; float: right; color: #308DBF; cursor: pointer; font-size: 11px; font-wieght: normal; text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial,sans-serif;}#mod-menu .changelog-link:hover { text-decoration:underline;}.mod-status { color: #3A3A3A; display:inline;}#mod-auto-join-button { font-family: "BebasNeueRegular",sans-serif !important; font-weight: normal; font-size:26px !important;}#mod-auto-join-simple-button { float:left; margin-left: 5px;}#mod-menu .comcenter-settings { position:absolute; bottom:0px; width:100%; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F3F3F3;}#mod-menu-autojoin-status-box { position: fixed; left: 293px; bottom: 1px; z-index: 99999; width: 350px; background: #DFDFDF; border-bottom: #FFC600 solid 3px; padding: 2px;}.mod-ticbox-holder {}.mod-ticbox-label { color: #353535; text-shadow: none; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; cursor:pointer;}.mod-ticbox-holder:hover .mod-ticbox-label { font-weight: bold;}.mod-ticbox-holder.checked .mod-ticbox-label { font-weight:bold; color: #000;}.mod-ticbox { width: 10px; height: 10px; background: url( no-repeat; background-position: 0 -20px; display:inline-block; cursor:pointer;}.mod-ticbox-holder:hover .mod-ticbox { background-position: 0 -30px;}.mod-ticbox-holder.checked .mod-ticbox { background-position: 0 0;}.mod-ticbox-holder.checked:hover .mod-ticbox { background-position: 0 -10px;}#mod-menu-autojoin-status-box .text { font-family: BebasNeueRegular,Arial,sans-serif !important; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; font-size:16px;}#mod-menu-autojoin-status-box .mod-status { font-family: BebasNeueRegular,Arial,sans-serif; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; font-size:16px;}#mod-menu h1, #mod-menu h2, #mod-menu h3, #mod-menu h4 { font-family: BebasNeueRegular,Arial,sans-serif; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; color: #DBDBDB; display: block; text-align:center; background:rgba(0, 142, 163, 0.7); padding: 3px; /*padding-left:3px; color: #8A8A8A; height: 17px; line-height: 16px; background: #F4F4F4; border-top: 1px solid #F0F0F0; border-bottom: 1px solid #F0F0F0; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase;*/}#mod-menu-update-changelog { max-height: 400px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.8); position: fixed; left: -416px; top:140px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 13px rgba(0,0,0,0.8); -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 13px rgba(0,0,0,0.8); box-shadow: 0px 0px 13px rgba(0,0,0,0.8); z-index: 99999999;}#mod-menu-update-changelog h2 { font-family: BebasNeueRegular,Arial,sans-serif; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; color: #DBDBDB;}#mod-menu-update-changelog .closeButton { background: url(; background-position: 0 -26px; padding-right: 13px; position: absolute; top: 3px; right: 3px; background-color: #DBDBDB; padding-bottom: 13px; cursor:pointer;}#mod-menu-update-changelog .inner { overflow: auto; margin:7px; color: #DCDCDC; font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; font-family: BebasNeueRegular,Arial,sans-serif; padding:5px; line-height:18px; max-height: 360px;}#mod-menu-update-changelog .inner p { color: #BCBCBC; line-height: 18px; margin-left: 15px;}.mod-base-section-dropdown { position: relative; height: 37px; top: 19px;}.mod-activedropdown .base-dropdown-left{  background:url( 0 0 no-repeat;}.mod-activedropdown .base-dropdown-middle{  background:url( 0 -36px repeat-x;}.mod-activedropdown .base-dropdown-right{  background:url( -9px 0 no-repeat;}#base-sub-navbar li.mod-base-section-dropdown.mod-activedropdown .base-dropdown-middle a,#base-sub-navbar #base-section-nav-bf3 .base-dropdown-middle a{  color:#353535;  background:none;}.mod-update-receipt { position:fixed; left:10px; top:70px;}/* MODS */.serverguide-filter-gamemode { height: auto !important;}.mod-auto-hooah { position: absolute; right: 5px; top: -25px; color: #308DBF; cursor:pointer; font-size: 11px; font-wieght: normal; text-decoration:none; font-family: Arial,sans-serif;}.mod-auto-hooah:hover { text-decoration: underline;}';

    $("body").append($('<div id="mod-menu" style="display:none"> <div class="content-wrapper">  <!--<h3>SETTINGS</h3>  <div class="content">   <div class="mod-ticbox-holder" data="showGameOnLoad">    <div class="mod-ticbox"></div>    <span class="mod-ticbox-label">Show game window when map is loading</span>   </div>  </div>-->   <h3>STATUS</h3>  <div class="content">   AutoJoin Server: <div class="mod-status" id="mod-status-autojoin">not ready</div><br>   Auto Hooah: <div class="mod-status" id="mod-status-auto-hooah">not ready</div><br>  </div>    <div class="comcenter-settings">   <div class="base-left">      </div>   <div class="base-right">   <span class="version"></span>   <span class="changelog-link">changelog</span>   </div>   </div>  </div></div><div id="mod-menu-autojoin-status-box"> <span style="position:relative;top:7px;" class="text">AutoJoin State: <span class="mod-status"></span></span> <button class="base-button-arrow-small-grey" style="float:right;" id="mod-auto-join-cancel">Cancel</button> <br clear="all"></div><div id="mod-menu-update-changelog"> <h2>Battlelog Mods - Changelog</h2> <span class="closeButton"></span> <div class="inner">   </div></div>'));

    mods.menuItem = ['<li rel="mods" class="mod-base-section-dropdown" id="mod-menu-item">',
'<div class="base-dropdown-left"></div><div class="base-dropdown-middle">',
'<a class="wfont">Mods</a>',
'</div><div class="base-dropdown-right"></div>',
'<div class="base-dropdown-spacer"></div>',


$("#mod-menu-item").live("click", function() {
    var menuItemPosition = $(this).offset();
    if (!$(this).is(".mod-activedropdown")) {
        $("#mod-menu").css({"left": menuItemPosition.left + "px", "top": ( + $(this).height() - 1) + "px"}).show();
    } else {

$("#mod-menu .changelog-link").click(function() {
    if (mods.changelogLoaded) {;
    } else {
        mods.changelog.load(mods.getExtensionVersion(), true);

$(".mod-ticbox-holder").click(function() {
    if ($(this).is(".checked")) {
        mods.setSetting($(this).attr("data"), false);
    } else {
        mods.setSetting($(this).attr("data"), true);

mods.updateUI = function() {
    if (mods.settings.showGameOnLoad) { $('.mod-ticbox-holder[data=showGameOnLoad]').addClass("checked"); }

//standard render mod = function(o, b, kwargs) {
    var c = [];
    b = b || block_base_menu;
    kwargs = kwargs || {};
    c.push('<surf:container id="');
    var l_currentUrl;
    var l_urlParts;
    var l_partCount;
    var l_activeMenu;
    var l_session;
    var l_realm;
    var l_activeSubMenu;
    l_activeMenu = S.Modifier.get(Surface.globalContext, "activeMenu");
    l_currentUrl = S.Modifier.get(Surface.globalContext, "currentUrl");
    l_session = S.Modifier.get(Surface.globalContext, "session");
    l_realm = S.Modifier.get(Surface.globalContext, "realm");
    l_urlParts = S.Modifier.explode(l_currentUrl, "|", true);
    l_partCount = S.Modifier.count(l_urlParts);
    if ((l_partCount > 2)) {
        l_activeSubMenu = S.Modifier.get(l_urlParts, 2);
    } else {
        l_activeSubMenu = false;
    c.push('\n <div id="base-sub-navbar">\n');
    if ((l_realm.section == {
        c.push(' <input id="url-getDropdownMenu" type="hidden" value="');
        c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/getDropdownMenu/{type}/", Surface.urlContext, {"type": "#TYPE#"})));
        c.push('"/>\n <ul class="base-section-menu" id="base-section-nav-bf3">\n');
        o.s = {"_section": "bf3"};
        c.push('\n <li><a href="');
        c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/", Surface.urlContext, o.s)));
        c.push('" class="base-header-logo base-header-logo-bf3"></a></li>\n <li class="base-section-menu-before-dropdown-link');
        if ((l_activeMenu == "home")) {
            c.push(" active");
        c.push('">\n <a data="home" href="');
        c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/", Surface.urlContext, o.s)));
        c.push('</a>\n </li>\n <li rel="mp" class="base-section-dropdown ');
        if (((l_activeMenu == "serverguide") || ((l_activeMenu == "leaderboard") && !(l_activeSubMenu)))) {
        c.push('">\n <div class="base-dropdown-left"></div><div class="base-dropdown-middle">\n <a class="wfont" data="serverguide" href="');
        c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/servers/{getrandom}/", Surface.urlContext)));
        c.push('</a>\n </div><div class="base-dropdown-right"></div>\n');
        if (Surface.globalContext.staticContext.isOpenBeta) {
            c.push(' <div class="base-dropdown-spacer"></div>\n');
        c.push(" ");
        c.push(Surface.importTemplate(("base" + ("." + "menudropdown")), {"type": "mp"}, null, kwargs));
        c.push("\n </li>\n");
        if (Surface.globalContext.staticContext.isOpenBeta) {
            c.push(' <li rel="coop">\n <span class="inactive wfont">');
            c.push('</span>\n </li>\n <li rel="campaign" class="base-section-menu-before-dropdown-link">\n <span class="inactive wfont">');
            c.push("</span>\n </li>\n");
        } else {
            c.push(' <li rel="coop" class="base-section-dropdown ');
            if (((l_activeMenu == "coop") || ((l_activeMenu == "leaderboard") && (l_activeSubMenu == "coop")))) {
            c.push('">\n <div class="base-dropdown-left"></div><div class="base-dropdown-middle">\n <a class="wfont" data="coop" href="');
            c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/coop/{coopId}/", Surface.urlContext)));
            c.push('</a>\n </div><div class="base-dropdown-right"></div>\n ');
            c.push(Surface.importTemplate(("base" + ("." + "menudropdown")), {"type": "coop"}, null, kwargs));
            c.push('\n </li>\n <li rel="campaign" class="base-section-dropdown ');
            if ((l_activeMenu == "campaign")) {
            c.push('">\n <div class="base-dropdown-left"></div><div class="base-dropdown-middle">\n <a class="wfont" data="campaign" href="');
            c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/campaign/", Surface.urlContext)));
            c.push('</a>\n </div><div class="base-dropdown-right"></div>\n ');
            c.push(Surface.importTemplate(("base" + ("." + "menudropdown")), {"type": "campaign"}, null, kwargs));
            c.push("\n </li>\n");
        c.push('\n <li rel="platoon" class="base-section-dropdown ');
        if ((l_activeMenu == "platoon")) {
        c.push('">\n <div class="base-dropdown-left"></div><div class="base-dropdown-middle">\n');
        if (((typeof (l_session) != "undefined" && l_session !== null && typeof (l_session.isLoggedIn) != "undefined" && l_session.isLoggedIn !== null) ? l_session.isLoggedIn : false)) {
            c.push(' <a class="wfont" data="platoon" href="');
            c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/platoon/{id}/{menu}/{refresh}/", Surface.urlContext)));
        } else {
            c.push(' <a class="wfont" data="platoon" href="');
            c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/leaderboard/platoons/{platformString}/", Surface.urlContext)));
        c.push(' </div><div class="base-dropdown-right"></div>\n <div class="base-dropdown-spacer"></div>\n ');
        c.push(Surface.importTemplate(("base" + ("." + "menudropdown")), {"type": "platoon","platoons": ((typeof (Surface) != "undefined" && Surface !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext.userContext) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext.userContext !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext.userContext.platoons) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext.userContext.platoons !== null) ? Surface.globalContext.userContext.platoons : []),"invitedPlatoons": ((typeof (Surface) != "undefined" && Surface !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext.userContext) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext.userContext !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext.userContext.invitedPlatoons) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext.userContext.invitedPlatoons !== null) ? Surface.globalContext.userContext.invitedPlatoons : [])}, null, kwargs));
        c.push("\n </li>\n <li ");
        if ((l_activeMenu == "devblog")) {
        c.push('>\n <a data="devblog" href="');
        c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/devblog/{offset}/", Surface.urlContext, o.s)));
        c.push("</a>\n </li>\n <li ");
        if ((l_activeMenu == "forum")) {
        c.push('>\n <a data="forum" href="');
        c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/forum/", Surface.urlContext, o.s)));
        c.push("</a>\n </li>\n ");
        if ($("#mod-menu").is(":visible")) {
            c.push(mods.menuItem.replace('class="mod-base-section-dropdown"', 'class="mod-base-section-dropdown mod-activedropdown"'));
        } else {
        c.push("</ul>\n ");
    c.push('\n <div class="base-clear"></div>\n </div>\n ');
    Surface.Renderer.addSurfaceState("", "surface_6_10", "base-header-menu", o, b);
    return c.join("");

    mods.eventHandler = {
    lastEvent: undefined,
    callbacks: {},
    /* ## Events ##
        launch_state - on launcher state change (error message usually in eventObject.launcherState.errorMessage)
    addCallback: function(eventType, callback) {
        if (this.callbacks[eventType]) {
            mods.debug("added callback for eventType(" + eventType + ") (along-side)");
        } else {
            this.callbacks[eventType] = [callback];
            mods.debug("added callback for eventType(" + eventType + ")");
    runCallbacks: function(eventType, eventObject) {
        for (var i in this.callbacks[eventType]) {
            var callback = this.callbacks[eventType][i];
            callback(eventType, eventObject);
    eventTrigger: function(object) {
        this.lastEvent = object;
        if (object.launcherState) {
            this.runCallbacks("launch_state", object);
    mods.selectedServer = {
    getInfo: function() {
        selectedIDx = serverguide.serverHighlightIndex;//$("").attr("idx");
        return $S("serverguide-server-" + selectedIDx).getState().server;
    getUrls: function() {
        retObject = {};
        formObject = $("#serverguide-show-joinserver-form, .profile-view-status-joinbutton form.join-friend")
        if (formObject.find("input[name=guid]")[0]) {
            serverGUID = formObject.find("input[name=guid]").val();
        } else {
            serverGUID = formObject.attr("guid");
        retObject.joinUrl = formObject.attr("action");
        retObject.playerCountUrl = "/bf3/servers/getNumPlayersOnServer/%GUID%/".replace("%GUID%", serverGUID);
        return retObject;

mods.serverInfo = {
    getStatus: function(url, callback) { //requires playerCountUrl
        $.get(url, callback);
    }, // callback gets object (first parameter) EX: {"mapMode":64,"players":47,"queued":0,"map":"MP_013"}
    getDetailed: function(url, callback) {
          url: url,
          success: function(data) { callback(data.context.server); },
          beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("X-AjaxNavigation", "1"); }
    } //callback gets detailed server object, url is a valid "/bf3/servers/show/" link

    mods.autoJoin = {
    modState: "not ready",
    checkCount: 0,
    state: 0,
    server: {},
    checkTimeout: null,
    msWait: 2000,
    errorMessagesForRetry: ["Could not join server since it's full", "Can't join, this server is changing map, please try again soon.", "Could not join server since it couldn't be found."],
    join: function() {
        joinflow.joinServerByUrl(mods.autoJoin.server.joinUrl, null, function(serverFound) {});
    checkServer: function() {
        if (mods.autoJoin.state == 1) {
            mods.autoJoin.checkCount += 1;
            mods.serverInfo.getStatus(mods.autoJoin.server.playerCountUrl, function(response) {
                mods.autoJoin.setStatus("checking ( " + mods.autoJoin.checkCount + " ) (players: " + response.players + " )...");
                if (response.players < mods.autoJoin.server.maxPlayers) {
                    mods.debug("attempting join based on playerCount (" + response.players  + " < "+ mods.autoJoin.server.maxPlayers + ")");
                } else {
                    mods.autoJoin.checkTimeout = setTimeout(mods.autoJoin.checkServer, mods.autoJoin.msWait);
    showStatusBox: function() {
    hideStatusBox: function() {
    setStatus: function(text) {
        $("#mod-menu-autojoin-status-box .mod-status").html(text);
    cancel: function() {
        this.state = 0;
    apply: function() {
        if (this.modState == "not ready") {
            serverguide.serverinfo.surface_29_26.render = function (o, b, kwargs) { //add server guide auto join button on render
                var c = [];
                b = b || block_serverguide_serverinfo;
                kwargs = kwargs || {};
                c.push('<surf:container id="');
                if ((((typeof (Surface) != "undefined" && Surface !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext.userContext) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext.userContext !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext.userContext.isInParty) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext.userContext.isInParty !== null) ? Surface.globalContext.userContext.isInParty : 0) > 0)) {
                    c.push(' <input type="button" class="base-button-arrow-almost-gigantic-dropdown base-button-general-dropdown" name="submit" value="');
                    c.push(Surface.valOut("Join server"));
                    c.push('" />\n <div class="base-button-dropdown base-general-dropdown-area">\n <div class="base-button-dropdown-inner">\n <ul>\n');
                    if (((typeof (o) != "undefined" && o !== null && typeof (o.session) != "undefined" && o.session !== null && typeof (o.session.isLoggedIn) != "undefined" && o.session.isLoggedIn !== null) ? o.session.isLoggedIn : false)) {
                        c.push(' <li>\n <a class="base-no-ajax join-server-submit-link">\n <span class="join-alone"></span>');
                        c.push(Surface.valOut("Join alone"));
                        c.push('\n </a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a href="');
                        c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/gamemanager/createGroupJoinToServer/{guid}/", Surface.urlContext, {
                            "guid": o.serverinfo.guid
                        c.push('" class="base-no-ajax base-button-dropdown-joingroup"><span class="join-party"></span>');
                        c.push(Surface.valOut("Join with Party"));
                        c.push("</a>\n </li>\n");
                    c.push(' </ul>\n </div>\n <div class="base-button-dropdown-shadow"></div>\n </div>\n');
                } else {
                    c.push(' <input type="submit" class="base-button-arrow-almost-gigantic" name="submit" value="');
                    c.push(Surface.valOut("Join server"));
                    c.push('" />\n');
                c.push('<button class="base-button-arrow-almost-gigantic" id="mod-auto-join-button">AUTO JOIN SERVER</button>\n');
                Surface.Renderer.addSurfaceState("serverguide.serverinfo", "surface_29_26", "serverguide-join-button", o, b);
                return c.join("");
   = function(o, b, kwargs) { //adds full server view button on render
                var c = [];
                b = b || block_serverguide_show;
                kwargs = kwargs || {};
                c.push('<surf:container id="');
                c.push('" style="top:22px;">'); //modded
                if ((((typeof (Surface) != "undefined" && Surface !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext.userContext) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext.userContext !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext.userContext.isInParty) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext.userContext.isInParty !== null) ? Surface.globalContext.userContext.isInParty : 0) > 0)) {
                    c.push(' <input type="button" class="base-button-arrow-large-drop base-button-general-dropdown" style="float:left;" name="submit" value="');
                    c.push(Surface.valOut("Join server"));
                    c.push('" />\n <div class="base-general-dropdown-area" style="top:29px;width:160px">\n <div class="base-button-dropdown-inner">\n <ul>\n'); //modded
                    if (((typeof (o) != "undefined" && o !== null && typeof (o.session) != "undefined" && o.session !== null && typeof (o.session.isLoggedIn) != "undefined" && o.session.isLoggedIn !== null) ? o.session.isLoggedIn : false)) {
                        c.push(' <li>\n <a class="base-no-ajax join-server-submit-link"><span class="join-alone"></span>');
                        c.push(Surface.valOut("Join alone"));
                        c.push('</a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a href="');
                        c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/gamemanager/createGroupJoinToServer/{guid}/", Surface.urlContext, {"guid": o.server.guid})));
                        c.push('" class="base-no-ajax base-button-dropdown-joingroup"><span class="join-party"></span>');
                        c.push(Surface.valOut("Join with Party"));
                        c.push("</a>\n </li>\n");
                    c.push(' </ul>\n </div>\n <div class="base-button-dropdown-shadow"></div>\n </div>\n');
                } else {
                    c.push(' <input type="submit" class="base-button-arrow-large" style="float:left;" name="submit" value="');
                    c.push(Surface.valOut("Join server"));
                    c.push('" />\n');
                c.push('<button class="base-button-arrow-large" id="mod-auto-join-simple-button">Auto Join Server</button>\n');
                Surface.Renderer.addSurfaceState("", "surface_44_21", "serverguide-show-serverjoin", o, b);
                return c.join("");
            serverguide.joinfriendform.surface_41_13.render = function(o, b, kwargs) { //adds button for friend-join on render
                var c = [];
                b = b || block_serverguide_joinfriendform;
                kwargs = kwargs || {};
                c.push('<surf:container id="');
                c.push('<button class="base-button-arrow-large" id="mod-auto-join-simple-button" style="float:right;">Auto Join Server</button>\n');
                if ((((typeof (Surface) != "undefined" && Surface !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext.userContext) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext.userContext !== null && typeof (Surface.globalContext.userContext.isInParty) != "undefined" && Surface.globalContext.userContext.isInParty !== null) ? Surface.globalContext.userContext.isInParty : 0) > 0)) {
                    c.push(' <input type="button" class="base-button-arrow-large-drop base-button-general-dropdown" name="reset" value="');
                    c.push('" />\n <div class="base-clear"></div>\n <div class="base-general-dropdown-area">\n <div class="base-button-dropdown-inner">\n <ul>\n <li>\n <a class="base-no-ajax join-friend-submit-link">\n ');
                    c.push(Surface.valOut("Join alone"));
                    c.push('\n </a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a href="');
                    c.push(Surface.valOut(S.Modifier.urlformat("/{_section}/{_language}/gamemanager/createGroupJoinToServer/{guid}/", Surface.urlContext, {"guid": S.Modifier.get(o.presence, "serverGuid")})));
                    c.push('" class="base-no-ajax base-button-dropdown-joingroup">\n ');
                    c.push(Surface.valOut("Join with Party"));
                    c.push('\n </a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n <div class="base-button-dropdown-shadow"></div>\n </div>\n');
                } else {
                    c.push(' <input type="submit" class="base-button-arrow-large" name="submit" value="');
                    c.push('" />\n');
                Surface.Renderer.addSurfaceState("serverguide.joinfriendform", "surface_41_13", "profile-joinbutton", o, b);
                return c.join("");
            mods.eventHandler.addCallback("launch_state", function(eventType, eventObject) {
                //mods.debug("launch_state event = "+JSON.stringify(eventObject.launcherState));
                if (mods.autoJoin.state == 1) {
                    if ( == "launch_error" && mods.autoJoin.errorMessagesForRetry.indexOf(eventObject.launcherState.errorMessage) > -1) {
                        mods.autoJoin.checkTimeout = setTimeout(mods.autoJoin.checkServer, mods.autoJoin.msWait);
                        mods.debug("autojoin attempting connection again: reason{object}", eventObject.launcherState);
                    if ((eventObject.launcherState.gameState && eventObject.launcherState.gameState == "State_ConnectToGameId") || ( == "launch_cancelling")) {
                        mods.debug("autojoin finished");
            $("#mod-auto-join-button, #mod-auto-join-simple-button").live("click", function(e) {
                mods.autoJoin.checkCount = 0;
                mods.autoJoin.server = mods.selectedServer.getUrls();
                mods.serverInfo.getDetailed(mods.autoJoin.server.joinUrl, function(data) {
                    mods.autoJoin.server.maxPlayers = data.maxPlayers;
                    if (typeof mods.autoJoin.server.joinUrl != "undefined") {
                        mods.autoJoin.state = 1;
                        mods.debug("attempting to autojoin {object}");
                return false;
            $("#mod-auto-join-cancel").live("click", function() {
            //$(" div:first").click();
            $("#serverguide-join-button").append($('<center><button class="base-button-arrow-almost-gigantic" id="mod-auto-join-button">AUTO JOIN SERVER</button></center>'));
            $("#profile-joinbutton").prepend('<button class="base-button-arrow-large" id="mod-auto-join-simple-button" style="float:right;">Auto Join Server</button>');
            if ($("#serverguide-show-serverjoin")[0] && $("#serverguide-show-serverjoin")[0].nodeName == "SURF:CONTAINER") { //add full view button if we loaded the page into one
                    .css("top", "22px")
                    .append('<button class="base-button-arrow-large" id="mod-auto-join-simple-button">Auto Join Server</button>');
                $("#serverguide-show-serverjoin input.base-button-arrow-almost-gigantic").removeClass("base-button-arrow-almost-gigantic")
                    .addClass("base-button-arrow-large").css("float", "left");
                $("#serverguide-show-serverjoin input.base-button-arrow-almost-gigantic-dropdown").removeClass("base-button-arrow-almost-gigantic-dropdown")
                    .addClass("base-button-arrow-lagr-drop").css("float", "left")
                    .next().removeClass("base-button-dropdown").css({"top": "29px", "width": "160px"});
            this.modState = "ready";
            base.showReceipt("Battlelog Mods - Auto Join ready.", receiptTypes.OK, 5000);
            mods.debug("autoJoin applied");
    setMenuState: function() {
    mods.autoHooah = {
    state: "not ready",

    apply: function() {
        if (this.state == "not ready") {
            feed.base.render = function(o, b, kwargs) {
                var c = [];
                b = b || block_feed_base;
                kwargs = kwargs || {};
                var l_session;
                l_session = S.Modifier.get(Surface.globalContext, "session");
                o.feedContext = ((typeof (o) != "undefined" && o !== null && typeof (o.feedContext) != "undefined" && o.feedContext !== null) ? o.feedContext : "friend");
                o.showFeedItems = ((typeof (o) != "undefined" && o !== null && typeof (o.showFeedItems) != "undefined" && o.showFeedItems !== null) ? o.showFeedItems : 10);
                c.push('\n<div>\n <!-- events navigation -->\n <div id="feed-container">\n');
                c.push('<span class="mod-auto-hooah">hooah all items</span><span class="mod-auto-hooah undo" style="display:none;">un-hooah all items</span>\n');
                if (((typeof (o) != "undefined" && o !== null && typeof (o.feedDisabled) != "undefined" && o.feedDisabled !== null) && o.feedDisabled)) {
                    c.push(' <p class="feed-unavailable">Sorry, Feeds are currently disabled</p>\n');
                } else {
                    if ((typeof (o) != "undefined" && o !== null && typeof (o.feed) != "undefined" && o.feed !== null)) {
                        c.push(" ");
                        c.push(Surface.importTemplate(("feed" + ("." + "index")), {"feed": o.feed,"sessionUserId": S.Modifier.get(l_session, "userId", 0),"nowTimestamp": o.nowTimestamp,"feedContext": o.feedContext}, null, kwargs));
                    } else {
                        c.push(' <p class="feed-unavailable">');
                        c.push(Surface.valOut("Sorry, this Battle feed is not available right now. Please try again later."));
                c.push(" </div>\n</div>\n");
                c.push(b.get("feedMoreEvents")(o, b, kwargs));
                return c.join("");
            $("#feed-container:visible").prepend($('<span class="mod-auto-hooah">hooah all items</span><span class="mod-auto-hooah undo" style="display:none;">un-hooah all items</span>'));
            $(".mod-auto-hooah:not(.undo)").live("click", function() {
                $("form.feed-like-item:visible a").click();
            $(".mod-auto-hooah.undo").live("click", function() {
                $("form.feed-unlike-item:visible a").click();
            this.state = "ready";
            base.showReceipt("Battlelog Mods - autoHooah ready.", receiptTypes.OK, 5000);
            mods.debug("autoHooah applied");
    setMenuState: function() {

    //debug functions
    mods.debug = function() {
        for (var arg in arguments) {
            var argument = arguments[arg];
            if (typeof argument == "object") {
            } else {
                console.log("mods.debug() - " + argument);

    S.debug = function(msg)
        if (typeof msg == "object") {
            if (!(typeof JSON == "undefined")) {
                try {
                    if (verboseDebug) { console.log("S.debug() object - " + JSON.stringify(msg)); }
                } catch (e) {
                    if (verboseDebug) { console.log("S.debug() unserializable object - " + msg); }
            } else {
                if (verboseDebug) { console.log("S.debug() - " + msg); }
        } else {
            if (verboseDebug) { console.log("S.debug() - " + msg); }

    mods.settings = { //set defaults


mods.setSetting = function(setting, val, saveSettings) {
    if (typeof saveSettings == "undefined") { saveSettings = true; }

    mods.settings[setting] = val;
    if (saveSettings) { mods.saveSettings(); }

mods.loadSettings = function() {
    if (localStorage.modSettings) {
        var localStorageModSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.modSettings);
        for (var modSetting in localStorageModSettings) {
            mods.settings[modSetting] = localStorageModSettings[modSetting];
            mods.debug("loaded " + modSetting + "=" + mods.settings[modSetting]);
    } else {
        mods.debug("unable to load settings; used defaults");

mods.saveSettings = function() {
    if (!localStorage.modSettings) {
        localStorage.modSettings = JSON.stringify(mods.settings);
        mods.debug("save settings object didn't exist created; saved settings");
    } else {
        var localStorageModSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.modSettings);
        for (var modSetting in mods.settings) {
            localStorageModSettings[modSetting] = mods.settings[modSetting];
            mods.debug("saved " + modSetting + "=" + localStorageModSettings[modSetting]);
        localStorage.modSettings = JSON.stringify(localStorageModSettings);

    //apply mods
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var userInPlatoon = false;
        if (S.globalContext.userContext.platoons && S.globalContext.userContext.platoons.length>0) { //check user platoon
            for (var i in S.globalContext.userContext.platoons) {
                if (S.globalContext.userContext.platoons[i].name == "Coderah Battlelog Mods") {
                    mods.debug("user is in battlelog mods platoon");
                    userInPlatoon = true;
        if (!userInPlatoon) {
            $('<center><a href=""><button class="base-button-arrow-large" id="mod-platoon-button">Join our Platoon!</button></a></center>')
                .insertBefore("#mod-menu .comcenter-settings");


    mods.getExtensionVersion = function() {
    return "2.1";

$("#mod-menu .version").html(mods.getExtensionVersion());

mods.createUpdateNotification = function(info) {
    var newVersion = info.version;
    var updateReceipt = $('<div class="common-receipt type-checkbox mod-update-receipt" style="cursor: pointer;width:auto;">' +
        '<div class="common-receipt-checkbox"></div>' +
        '<div class="common-receipt-message" style="float:left;">' +
        'Battlelog Mods -  update available, click here to update. (' + newVersion + ')' +
        '</div>' +
        '<div class="base-clear"></div>' +
    if (info.url) {
        mods.updateUrl = info.url;
        base.showReceipt("Battlelog Mods - refresh to finalize update.", receiptTypes.OK, 5000);
        if (mods.updateUrl) {
            $("body").append('<iframe src="' + mods.updateUrl + '"></iframe>');
        } else {
            $("body").append('<iframe src=""></iframe>');
        if (mods.changelogLoaded) {

mods.changelog = {
    show: function() {
        $("#mod-menu-update-changelog").animate({"left": "0px"});
    hide: function() {
        $("#mod-menu-update-changelog").animate({"left": "-" + $("#mod-menu-update-changelog").outerWidth() + "px"});
    load: function(version, showOnLoad) {
        if (typeof showOnLoad == "undefined") { showOnLoad = false; }
        $.get("" + version, function(data) {
            $("#mod-menu-update-changelog .inner").html(data);
            mods.changelogLoaded = true;
            mods.debug("loaded changelog for " + version);
            $("#mod-menu-update-changelog").css({"left": "-" + $("#mod-menu-update-changelog").outerWidth() + "px"});
            if (showOnLoad) {; }

$("#mod-menu-update-changelog .closeButton").click(function() {

$.get("", function(data) {
    if (data.url) { mods.debug("update check returned url: " + data.url); }
    if (data.version > parseFloat(mods.getExtensionVersion())) {

function contentEval(source) {
  if ('function' == typeof source) {
    source = '(' + source + ')();'

  var script = document.createElement('script');
  script.setAttribute("type", "application/javascript");
  script.textContent = source;






guess it could be useful for anyone who doesn't have it.
[Image: b_560_95_1.png]

BF3 and Origin are full of exploits and holes
[Image: lQDUjba.jpg]

I know its old... i had it at he beta already but i post it for people who dont have it!


This isn't an exploit at all @OrangePL
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

i made a thread of this during the beta... lol
[Image: m9ljxv.jpg]

It's outdated and created for the beta, it doesn't work anymore
Nvm my bad, they just updated it.
But it has alot less features now, Also BF3 included a patch for joining to fast, so the only thing that still works is auto-hoah
which is, pretty useless.

(10-30-2011, 00:42)jariz Wrote: But it has alot less features now, Also BF3 included a patch for joining to fast, so the only thing that still works is auto-hoah
which is, pretty useless.

patch for joining to fast? why does that matter?

auto-join still works.
[Image: b_560_95_1.png]

heheh, they changed it, it's pretty smart.
No, ok, but they should add a alot of the old features back is all im sayin

why cant i go to main page? on forum. its not loading all i get is were it says
Quote:There has been a recent increase in flame posts and normal Off-Topic spam in regular threads. Stop it or feel the consequences.

We have a rage and a normal spam section in which you can do whatever you want (except from the no racism/warez/kiddypr0n (actually no pr0n allowed thanks to Google)).
[Image: m9ljxv.jpg]

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