So I want to create a file and write something to it,
With the power of google I found out you could use OpenFile and fprintln for it,
So I wrote this code:
I runned it and got
Okay this isnt such a problem? - I thought.
So i changed it to:
But now nothing shows up at all when I run the function
EDIT: if you guys have some other way to write stuff to a file, its also okay
With the power of google I found out you could use OpenFile and fprintln for it,
So I wrote this code:
f = OpenFile( file, "write" );
fprintln(f, "test");
I runned it and got
Com_ERROR: Server script compile error
return value of developer command can not be accessed if not in a /# ... #/ comment
f = OpenFile( file, "write" );
(see console for details)
Okay this isnt such a problem? - I thought.
So i changed it to:
/# iprintln("File id = "+OpenFile( file, "write" )); #/
But now nothing shows up at all when I run the function

EDIT: if you guys have some other way to write stuff to a file, its also okay