Wish I had a Portal, I Wish, I Wish I had a Portal Gun
Before scrolling down to comment "OMFG WHERE ISPORTALZ!?" keep in mention that i've only managed to port the gun so far
Who, Why and Where
Yep, what you're looking at is the 1st ever weapon converted from a completely different game which isn't COD.
Why I did it? I got sick of all the *****ing COD ports.
This weapon is part of the portal mod for black ops I am currently working on.
It has a custom material with 4 different maps (thanks to @Scripts18
), It also has the j_gun , tag_flash , and tag_brass tags.
As you can see it only kills people with portals right now and it doesnt create portals on stuff
but in the next few weeks ill be adding much more portal stuff to it.
If you want to help i'd be very happy because I still need alot of people to help me because there's just alot of stuff which I cant finish before MW3 is released.
It took me 3 days to port this weapon so don't think it's something you can do in 5 min.
If anybody has a request for a weapon he wants me to put in black ops, Feel free to ask and i'll look into it.
I might create a tutorial but writing it's gonna take alot of time for me.
At around 1:00 in the video I upgraded it a little bit to have unlimited ammo and shotgun FX out of the barrel and better positioning.
Mod will contain
HD Maya Render (mental ray)
![[Image: Volmk.png]](http://i.imgur.com/Volmk.png)
Companion Cube :Awesome:
![[Image: C31F1B6D35020E4F7C960F5CCFA77198A401843A]](http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/542903423190884543/C31F1B6D35020E4F7C960F5CCFA77198A401843A/)
Awesome Portal render by me
![[Image: HTqOX.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/HTqOX.jpg)
Another HD render
![[Image: kuazp.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/kuazp.jpg)
Wish I had a Portal, I Wish, I Wish I had a Portal Gun
Watch in HD & Fullscreen
Before scrolling down to comment "OMFG WHERE ISPORTALZ!?" keep in mention that i've only managed to port the gun so far
Who, Why and Where
Yep, what you're looking at is the 1st ever weapon converted from a completely different game which isn't COD.
Why I did it? I got sick of all the *****ing COD ports.
This weapon is part of the portal mod for black ops I am currently working on.
It has a custom material with 4 different maps (thanks to @

As you can see it only kills people with portals right now and it doesnt create portals on stuff

but in the next few weeks ill be adding much more portal stuff to it.
If you want to help i'd be very happy because I still need alot of people to help me because there's just alot of stuff which I cant finish before MW3 is released.
It took me 3 days to port this weapon so don't think it's something you can do in 5 min.
If anybody has a request for a weapon he wants me to put in black ops, Feel free to ask and i'll look into it.
I might create a tutorial but writing it's gonna take alot of time for me.
At around 1:00 in the video I upgraded it a little bit to have unlimited ammo and shotgun FX out of the barrel and better positioning.
Mod will contain
- Companion cubes, Pick them up and stuff (with @iAegle 's code)
- Actual portals (if possible, it must be possible, because there are bulletholes and stuff, which are also textures against a wall)
- Custom FX coming from the barrel of the gun, blue and orange
- Custom FX coming from the hole of the gun to show which portal type is selected
- PORTAL MAPS!!1!! using the same way @zeroy did (place a model in the sky, add colision, add spawnpoints & done)
- When radiant & custom sounds will be released this mod could be 1000x times better, so let's annoy support[at]treyarch.com
- Custom playermodels, so it will look like everyone's that bitch from portal (yeah that bitch with the orange jacket)
HD Maya Render (mental ray)
![[Image: Volmk.png]](http://i.imgur.com/Volmk.png)
Companion Cube :Awesome:
Awesome Portal render by me
![[Image: HTqOX.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/HTqOX.jpg)
Another HD render
![[Image: kuazp.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/kuazp.jpg)