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Release Kill Confirmed - BO - BetaV0.2
Open betaV0.1

older vid

Im releasing a open beta of kill confirmed for backops as such there may be bug's /glitchs that im not aware of yet if you encounter any then feel free to drop a line in here and let me know about it in as much detail as you can Smile

[Image: 20120303-5jr-100kb.jpg]

[Image: 20120226-8qw-137kb.jpg]

To install

-follow any other tuts or keep reading
-log on the your game servers page and copy your ftp url
-obtain an ftp client such as fileZilla and paste your url in the host box then connect
-once loged in make a new folder in the root named mp_ModName in our case mp_killconfirmed
-open that folder and place all the files you downloaded and unziped in there
-so your ftp dir should look like mp_killconfirmed> mod.ff , server.cfg , z_mp_killconfirmed
-back to go to the click on the config tab
-you should see a drop down list, select Server Command Line (commandline.txt) and click Update.
-fill in mod with the mod name ie mp_killconfirmed
-in config write "server" this is needed for the gametype dvars
-back to info tab and press re-sync , wait 30-60 sec then press restart server then go play but before...
-MAKE SURE YOU GAME THE GAME TYPE , it has to be set to kc so thats g_gametype kc or if your in privite match change in menu Smile

-{new} change dvars ie scorelimit by editing file rulesets\openwarfare\common\gametypes.gsc in the z_mp_killconfirmed.iwd
-also swaped tag model for teams -thanks fox
known Bugs
- help menu can only open once after entering the server or after going to the change team menu ,though theres nothing in the help menu anyway but it is something im fixing .

custom vehicles are not enabled in this beta but will be soon
[Image: 20120308-mfy-103kb.jpg]

[Image: 20120308-85o-96kb.jpg]

[Image: 20120306-kft-13kb.jpg]

[Image: 20120306-245-19kb.jpg]

attack heli (almost done was to be the attack heli from mw2 but i lost my mw2 so its a mw3 sp heli little bird is the name i think)
[Image: 20120310-f0n-141kb.jpg]

[Image: 20120310-j6r-51kb.jpg]

gunship(no pics yet but will be chopper gunners but one person will drive and another will shoot the minigun xD)

attack drone (from Sp mw3)
[Image: 20120311-v6m-60kb.jpg]


-rotceh_dnih for BO code port model port, textures, menus, vehicles.
-holymoly for the first code port
-dogtag model by |BU|D-tox. - thanks xD
-tom_bmx for his xmodel tool and teaching me to make wins Smile
-the guy who riped mw3 raw gsc, thanks ill find your name soon Smile

DOWNLOAD // server files only at this point untill all is finished then full raw as i normaly would , works on Dedi servers in privite match & combat training also

plz sub,Like & Fav I need Your Help!

DOWNLOAD:V0.2 - With Custom Rcxd

.zip (Size: 2.18 MB / Downloads: 325) ---- New


.zip (Size: 974.29 KB / Downloads: 156) ---- Old


:thumbs up: rep

Good job hector, OMA

very cool, btw models looks big Nyan Cat

lol vid sounds
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

Quite unique in black ops mods. Great job. Repped.

thank you guys Smile

scince releaseing this ive had time to work on my recon drone xD its looking good but im playing with models atm trying to pick the best.

on a off note i seen the first model exported from a fastfile the other day and all functions for loading all assets so even menu files will be decompiled ,also bsp :p would be in grasp ,,,,not long now

also if someone downloads this and puts it on a server could you please let me know i'd like to know how it runs on a dedi Smile

got issues with my heli tags

has anyone seen anything like this before

[Image: 20120306-2xd-25kb.jpg]

[Image: 20120306-nwq-55kb.jpg]

not sure what happend there but im 99.99% sure my models tags are correct and in the right spot but still the fx plays in the wrong spot Confused

Fixed Smile

[Image: 20120306-245-19kb.jpg]

[Image: 20120306-kft-13kb.jpg]

was a setting in effectEd

so its almost done just have to code the part about players being shown on the radar after being hit by the heli

coming close to another update not long now :0

[Image: 20120308-mfy-103kb.jpg]

[Image: 20120308-85o-96kb.jpg]

[Image: 20120306-kft-13kb.jpg]

[Image: 20120306-245-19kb.jpg]

attack heli (almost done no pics yet will be the attack heli from mw2)

gunship(no pics yet but will be chopper gunners but one person will drive and another will shoot the minigun xD)

main post updated

and holy shit i just relised ive been modding for alitte over one year now Smile, wins !

Looking good, I think I will reinstall BO for this mod.

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