Today Rendflex and me, we started making a tank killstreak. I dont have a video recorder, so I put a screenshot. We already have a very basic driving sistem, so well try to make Driver + Turret Gunner. Some other suggestions??
Steam Community :: ^1O^2M^3A ^4Yamato :: Screenshots
![[Image: 47C486C0ACB0400777F8AB41EFB7A0B2063FF0B3]](http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/578917098317516666/47C486C0ACB0400777F8AB41EFB7A0B2063FF0B3/)
Release date: Unknown
Also, I dont know in what category does a preview go, doh, please change if its necesary.
Today Rendflex and me, we started making a tank killstreak. I dont have a video recorder, so I put a screenshot. We already have a very basic driving sistem, so well try to make Driver + Turret Gunner. Some other suggestions??
Steam Community :: ^1O^2M^3A ^4Yamato :: Screenshots
Release date: Unknown
Also, I dont know in what category does a preview go, doh, please change if its necesary.