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Preview Tier Mod
//////////////////////Tier Mod//////////Made By ViPer_Rainmaker//////////////


everyone has their tier menu (activated with 5) and chooses their 1st tier...
Then as the players progress through their non tier they get to choose their first tier(accessible in menu)....
( the player will get to choose between 2 choices for their tier class thus progressing to their next tier)
then through the 2nd tier you get to go to the 3rd then 4th then 5th...
if a player gets to their last tier(the best tier) they will be able to dominate over others
also to remember to have fun Undecided Big Grin

Tier choices (done)

(Non-tier)0. recruit
1. Spy 1. Ranger
2. Quick Step 2. Assassin
3. Wizard 3. Damage Control
4. Juggernaught 4. Ninja


Tier Descriptions (done)
(Non-tier)0. recruit - this is the non tier person, also has just joined game, has only knife, no perks, and has normal health, also no abilities

1. Spy - this tier gives the player the ability to disguise himself as a carepackage, has very low health, has only a knife, and no perks.

2. Ranger - this tier is for very precise players, has a crossbow and silenced L96a1, has normal health, and has a very steady shot.

3. Quick Step - This tier although it has low health it gives the player the ability to move at the speed of light for a couple seconds , has a Pm63 and Makarov with 1 spare clip, has no perks.

4. Assassin - This tier has low health, has the ability to turn invisible for a short time, has an Ak74u with silencer and a bowie knife, has marathon pro and lightweight perks, has fast run speed.

5. Wizard - This tier has very powerful spells that can do damage over time, has enchanted healh, has a enchanted pistol to shoot rockets, and has unlimited smoke grenades.

6. Damage Control - This tier is a strong damager and is good for taking down juggernaughts and robots, has a Ak47 and a Mpl with rapid fire has 10 grenades and 1 claymore, has an ability to double the damage the player does.

7. Juggernaught - this tier allows your teammates from taking damage, has big health, slow run speed, and has stakout with grip.

8. Ninja - this tier is a very stealthy like choice, has the ability to turn invisible like the Assassin but for a shorter time, has fast run speed, has only a Bowie Knife, has 5 smoke bombs, and can flee easily away from Danger.


Beta release coming soon

Nice Tongue
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

I hope you can make something nice, Smile

oh noes, leeeeroy is back

hey i am almost done with the mod ... beta release will come out 10/10/11 or 10/13/11....
for some reason this code in the menu makes the menu invisible... dont know whats wrong... help?

code =
self runMenu( "Tier Menu", "Leeroy Jenkins: 5000 exp needed" );

runFunc( input )
        switch( input )
        case "Leeroy Jenkins: 5000 exp needed":
    if(self.score >= 5000)
    self thread JenkinsTier();
    self notify("Over2");
    self notify("Over1");
    self notify("Over4");
    self notify("Over3");
    self notify("Over5");
    self notify("Over6");
    self notify("Over9");
    self notify("Over8");
    self notify("Over7");
    self iPrintlnBold("not enough experience");

self endon("disconnect");
self takeAllWeapons();
self clearPerks(); = 300;
self.maxhealth = 300;
self giveWeapon("hs10_mp");
self giveWeapon("knife_mp");
self thread Speed(0.4);
self thread Jenkins();

    self endon("death");
    self endon("disconnect");
        while(!self useButtonPressed())
        wait 0.05;
        self thread Speed(3.0);
        self iPrintlnBold("Leeeeeerrrrroooooy JENKINS");
        wait 5;
        self thread Speed(1.0);
        self iPrintlnBold("KABOOOOM");
        wait 0.1;
        self thread Kaboom();
        wait 5;

    self endon("death");
    self endon("disconnect");
                SPLOSIONlocation = self.origin;
                explode = loadfx( "explosions/fx_exp_aerial" );
                playfx(explode, SPLOSIONlocation);
                RadiusDamage( SPLOSIONlocation, 200, 500, 60, self );
                earthquake (0.3, 1, SPLOSIONlocation, 100);


well i got the mod done.... but not going to add robot and leeeeeeeerrrroooy jenkins because they seem to not work on the menu.... release date = 10/13/11


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