After some weeks of work I finally release my ARMAGEDDON plugin in a beta version. This project was started during the time the addon was outdated and since most of it was created without any testing there might be some little bugs I couldn't find. During that time I was helped by @Nukem , @JariZ , @Pozzuh and @zxz0O0 so I wanted to thank them.
The basic idea of this plugin is to be a challanger to infected. It basically consists in running around with a rpg killing people like a mad man and enjoying the bonuses that you win with each kill. It works with a custom map rotation so don't forget to read the READ ME file.
ty to @Yamato for testing
Credits to @Nukem , @JariZ , @Pozzuh and @zxz0O0
Hope you have fun playing it . If you find any bugs please post them here.
To finish i would like to say that this plugin is a tribute to @Nukem . Ty for all nukie
The basic idea of this plugin is to be a challanger to infected. It basically consists in running around with a rpg killing people like a mad man and enjoying the bonuses that you win with each kill. It works with a custom map rotation so don't forget to read the READ ME file.
v1.0 - beta (Click to View)
ty to @Yamato for testing
Credits to @Nukem , @JariZ , @Pozzuh and @zxz0O0
Hope you have fun playing it . If you find any bugs please post them here.
To finish i would like to say that this plugin is a tribute to @Nukem . Ty for all nukie