Dear Guys,
Please test my plugin and report bug(s) to me
I hope you will like it.
Pay Attention: It 's BETA Release
!vr Show CIAddon version
!pg Show your ping or target player, Ex: !pg murderer or !pg
!mp Broadcast high ping
!np Broadcast low ping
!fr Fast restart
!kc Active / Inactive Killcam, Ex: !kc on / off
!hc Simulate Hardcore, Ex: !hc on / off
!ff Active / Inactive friendly fire, Ex: !ff on / off
!fv Change fov
!gt Change map, mod or both of them, Ex: !gt do or !gt do war
!3d Set and switch to third person
!xp Active / Inactive XPBoots, Ex: !xp high / low
!wm Will tell you what is next map
!st Will show current server time
@st Broadcast current server time
!nm Map rotate
!xu Show your or player 's XUID
!kk Kick player with / without reason
!bb Soft ban player with / without reason
!un Unban player, you must know his XUID
!hi Show history of player name by his IP
!hx Show history of player name by his XUID
!pm Send private message
Other facilities:
- Anti-Camp
- Anti-Hack
Download External Link CIAddon - v1.9.40.2329
CIAddon Repository iMW3 Steam Addon
For get latest news about CIAddon use RSS CIAddon RSS
Sincerely, Farshad Hosseini ( MUD33 )
Please test my plugin and report bug(s) to me

Pay Attention: It 's BETA Release
!vr Show CIAddon version
!pg Show your ping or target player, Ex: !pg murderer or !pg
!mp Broadcast high ping
!np Broadcast low ping
!fr Fast restart
!kc Active / Inactive Killcam, Ex: !kc on / off
!hc Simulate Hardcore, Ex: !hc on / off
!ff Active / Inactive friendly fire, Ex: !ff on / off
!fv Change fov
!gt Change map, mod or both of them, Ex: !gt do or !gt do war
!3d Set and switch to third person
!xp Active / Inactive XPBoots, Ex: !xp high / low
!wm Will tell you what is next map
!st Will show current server time
@st Broadcast current server time
!nm Map rotate
!xu Show your or player 's XUID
!kk Kick player with / without reason
!bb Soft ban player with / without reason
!un Unban player, you must know his XUID
!hi Show history of player name by his IP
!hx Show history of player name by his XUID
!pm Send private message
Other facilities:
- Anti-Camp
- Anti-Hack
Download External Link CIAddon - v1.9.40.2329
CIAddon Repository iMW3 Steam Addon
For get latest news about CIAddon use RSS CIAddon RSS
Sincerely, Farshad Hosseini ( MUD33 )
![[Image: b_560_95_1.png]](
![[Image: b_560_95_1.png]](
![[Image: b_560_95_1.png]](