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Release Chaotic Invasion Zombie Mod
Big Grin 
Good morning.

After 3 months of work, my partner Rendflex, and me, we release our zombie project, this is a V1, we are going to do a few updates and post random codes.

Lets talk about it:

Gaming sistem:

This mod was built over a QCZM V2 by killingdyl, there are no bots in the mod. When the map begins, the map is creting during 15 seconds, to give time to the map to build the bunkers and edits. After that, the game does 2 resets to clear perks and weapons and give some certain weapons. The mod gives you a random SMG and a random Handgun, Humans begin with 500 cash, so they can buy what they want in the map. After a little bit more of a minute, zombies got selected, is completely random and the number of players selected depend of the number of players in lobby. Zombies have a shop, with the same style as in QCZM, they can buy health, some perks and some advantages.


We created edits for all the maps(DLC 1 and DLC 2 included), and with many different styles of edits. In some maps, you will see the classic bunker style and is some others new never seen styles(Aztec Piramids in Estate or Super High tower in Rundown), there are more or less balanced, so they are enjoyable and not abusive. In other maps, we started using the Black Ops style, with boxes, ramps, buildings with protectable doors and much more. In the maps you can find flags to teleport to different locations and also you can find invisible flags, this invisible flags only appear in a few maps(Karachi, Quarry and one more), secret flags cost 50 cash to use them, and they teleport you to spots that have boxes and advantages. Some maps have cool special effects to make the game more awesome and exciting.


We made lot of different boxes, lots of them are the same as in Black Ops. You can find a Juggernaut Box, a QuickRevive Box, a Double Tap Beer, a Stair Box, a Speed Cola Box, AutoTurrets and some others. The boxes are the most important thing of the mod, when the game starts, humans have to find the Random Weapon Box to get new weapons(there are in total 46, we will add more soon). Boxes make that humans have to get risk from running from their camping spot to them, to get an advantage that can save their life once or more times, so you have to use your head and skill to survive and win. Most boxes are indicated in map, except Random Weapon Box and Pack A Punch Box.


There are 2 types of zombies(same as in QCZM), Alpha zombies and Normal Zombies. Alpha Zombies are the ones that get selected at the beggining of the round, they start with 250 health. Normal zombies are the others that get killed, they start with 200 health. Zombies can buy health to make them stronger, the limit is 500 hp. In some maps zombies have special effects(we will add more), like for example burning zombies in karachi, snow zombies in derail or electrozombies in bailout. Zombies can buy some advantages in shop, that makes the game more scary for humans and more balanced for zombies, some of them are throwing knifes, Explosive Zombie, Akimbo Thumpers or transforming in a Nova Gas Infected zombie.


Host has an optimized Admin Menu, works very well and let him do many things, there are some cool things in it, he can controle the mod and make the game more enjoyable. Is very easy to add a new admin to the mod. We also made another menu: Customization Menu, it gives the posibility to a player to customize his soldier, changing shoes, attachments at their backs, and some other very stupid things.


We made custom killstreaks, is very easy to add new ones and most of them are cool. You can get a UAV, a Super cheated AC130, Be a Chopper Gunner( like in Black Ops), throw a nuke and much more. There are also 2 killstreaks for skilled zombies: throwing knife and riot shield. We also added in the mod a modded sentry gun by Chronalis, if you want it, add it to your killstreak code.


The mod is stable, but it has a few bugs:
-Customization menu has a bug, only give it to people you think that are good.
-Admin menu sometimes freezes, what you have to do, is to open it while the map is creating.
-In some maps are some boxes that doesnt work, well fix them soon(I think that are in terminal and skidrow)
-Chopper Gunner bug: when you finish with chopper gunner, it doesnt unlink you, you have to press F and then you return to your old position, so is not a big problem.
-Sometimes if you use the menu much to give lot of cash(very high numbers), the mod can crash, Well try to fix that soon.


Special Thanks to Chronalis and to Maxmito, they helped a lot on our project, they are included in it.

Other credits:


Videos(Ill add another one of a gameplay when it finish uploading and processing):

This is our old mod preview, you can see there a few things.

[Image: 15fn3pd.jpg]
[Image: fcig2.jpg]
[Image: 23h8tn8.jpg]
[Image: t7k084.jpg]

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.rar   ChaoticZombiesFinal.rar (Size: 110.13 KB / Downloads: 486)

Yhis Is Just Amazing.
(I thought that this was a mod for BO until I saw DLC1 and DLC2, I hope someone makes a mod like this for BO.)

good mod
why not making it for bo indeed

Eekhorn how can I give more than +1 rep?

Nice mod ,I feel like playing mw2 again Big Grin

realy nice mod! my best mod!

its ruined by all the map edits, it laggs.
and ppl get stuck easily on rust

I love map edits Smile and nice mod Big GrinD, i have been waiting for this mod ^^

cool but how to get bots?

Hey I'm an admin on my server, but I don't get the Admin Panel? This random normal player got it for some reason. Explain to me please Smile
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