02-05-2012, 10:16
please write, and how it set?
Release Custom Weapon Pack #1
02-05-2012, 10:16
please write, and how it set?
03-01-2012, 19:02
Tested the deagle, says 'viewmodel_Deserteagle_mp1' is missing from xmodelparts.
This causes it not to work.
03-01-2012, 19:03
03-06-2012, 00:46
what do i do after i have it in my rar file someone please help
03-13-2012, 12:22
New pack, please!
03-14-2012, 06:34
havent looked at the download but if people are getting them errors its coz he forgot to add one of them ,ie if you add a xmodelpart file but dont add the surf file then linker will cry vice verca , u must have the xmodel the xmodelpart & xmodelsurfs, other wise remove the part/surfs and only leave the xmodel , @SE7EN you will not get the errors coz you have all the files in your raw folder, simple
Go home IW.... your drunk.
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMrStacie Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/rotceh_dnih
03-14-2012, 14:44
I am getting errors to with Deagle Win1200 and another weapon and when i load the mod i get all weapon_default_mp 's
03-30-2012, 21:51
WTF!!!! I CANT GET WEAPONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!egusta::dumb
04-01-2012, 10:54
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