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Release Find random things here
I R 1337

Yamato: <hudelem> SetCOD7DecodeFX( <decodeTime>, <decayStart>, <decayDuration> );
Yamato: sendinvite <friendname>
Yamato: <variable> <optional value sequence>
Yamato: clearAllAttachmentsForItem <customClassName> <itemIndex>
Yamato: GetCustomClassLoadoutItem usage: <classnum>, <itemname>
Yamato: FormatFloat( value, precision, width )
Yamato: equipclassattachment <customclassname> <item> <attachment>
Yamato: GetExtraCamStatic( <localClientNum> )
Yamato: equipItemInSlotSorted <customclassname> <groupItemCount> <groupName> <numItemsOfSameAttributeAllowed>
Yamato: HasWeapon( <localClientNum>, <weaponName> )
Yamato: tableLookup( filename, searchColumnNum, searchValue, returnValueColumnNum )
Yamato: <player> setsprintduration( <duration> )
Yamato: <hudelem> SetRedactFX( <decayStart>, <decayDuration>, <redactDecayStart>, <redactDecayDuration>);
Yamato: VisionSetNaked( <visionset name>, <transition time> )
Yamato: banClient <client number>
Yamato: tableLookupRowNum( filename, searchColumnNum, searchValue )
Yamato: IsCameraSpikeToggled( <localClientNum> )
Yamato: copyclass <classIndexToCopy> <classIndexToReplace>
Yamato: changeRowStatus <menu name> <row index> <new status>
Yamato: self getXuid()
^2Rendflex: Why are you
^2Rendflex: posting all these
^2Rendflex: lol
Yamato: buildItemListForGroup <group>
Yamato: I R 1337
Yamato: ui3dsetwindow(<window id>, <x>, <y>, <width>, <height>)
Yamato: +/-actionslot <number>
Yamato: addsphereinfluencer( <type>, <origin>, <radius>, <score>, <team mask>, <description>, <curve>, <timeout>, <entity> )
Yamato: SwitchToServerVolumetricFog(localClientNum)
Yamato: demo_repositiondollycammarker <cmdNum> <markerNum>
^2Rendflex: omg
^2Rendflex: stop spamming
Yamato: <string returned> getCounterTotal( <counter id> )
Yamato: SwitchToClientVolumetricFog(localClientNum)
Yamato: equipclasscurrentitem <customclassname>
Yamato: buildItemListForGroupForWeaponTable <group>
Yamato: IsInHelicopter(localClientNum)
Yamato: addcylinderinfluencer( <type>, <origin>, <forward>, <up>, <radius>, <axis length>, <score>, <team mask>, <description>, <curve>, <timeout>, <entity> )
Yamato: I R 1337
Yamato: ent set_filter_pass_material( <filterindex 0-3>, <passindex 0-15>, <materialindex 0-63>, <targetindex 0-4>, <sampler0index 0-4>, <sampler0index 0-4> )
Yamato: setClanTag <clantagFeatureIndex>
Yamato: setinfluencerteammask( <influencer id>, <team mask> )
Yamato: banUser <player name>
Yamato: statset <statname> <value>
Yamato: AnimateUI( <localClientNum>, <menuName>, <itemName>, <newState>, <milliseconds> )
Yamato: setActiveMenu <menuType>
Yamato: xaddfriend <xuid>
Yamato: ent set_filter_pass_quads( <filterindex 0-3>, <passindex 0-15>, <passquads 0-400> )
^2Rendflex: OMG PLEASE
^2Rendflex: STOP
Yamato: <player> setspreadoverride( <spread> )
^2Rendflex: OMA
^2Rendflex: OMA
^2Rendflex: OMA
^2Rendflex: OMA
^2Rendflex: OMA
^2Rendflex: OMA
^2Rendflex: OMA
^2Rendflex: OMA
^2Rendflex: OMA
Yamato: I have to paste this
^2Rendflex: OMA
^2Rendflex: OMA
^2Rendflex: OMA
^2Rendflex: OMA
Yamato: somewhere
^2Rendflex: You can make
^2Rendflex: a .txt file
^2Rendflex: lol
^2Rendflex: Not spam me
Yamato: self getGuid()
Yamato: but this is faster
Yamato: <player> shellshock(<shellshockname>, <duration>)
Yamato: <player> setsprintcooldown( <duration> )
Yamato: ent set_overlay_enabled( <overlayindex 0-3>, <enable true/false> )
Yamato: equipdefaultclass <customclassname> <defaultClass>
Yamato: setmoddvar <dvar name>
Yamato: doDamage( <health>, <source position>, <attacker>, <inflictor>, <mod> )
Yamato: <player> viewkick <force 0-127> <source position>
Yamato: ent set_overlay_constant( <overlayindex 0-3>, <constantindex 0-16>, <value> )
Yamato: setVolFog(<startDist>, <halfwayDist>, <halfwayHeight>, <baseHeight>, <red>, <green>, <blue>, <transition time>)
Yamato: SetVolFog(<startDist>, <halfwayDist>, <halfwayHeight>, <baseHeight>, <red>, <green>, <blue>, <fogColorScale>, <sunFogRed>, <sunFogGreen>, <sunFogBlue>, <sunFogDirX>, <sunFogDirY>, <sunFogDirZ>, <sunFogStartAng>, <sunFogEndAng>, <transition time>)
Yamato: toggleWeaponOption <customclassname> <optionName>
Yamato: setClientVolFog(<startDist>, <halfwayDist>, <halfwayHeight>, <baseHeight>, <red>, <green>, <blue>, <transition time>, <sun red>, <sun blue>, <sun green>, <sun dir X>, <sun dir Y>, <sun dir Z>, <sun start angle>, <sun end angle>, <max fog opacity>)
Yamato: DirectionalHitIndicator ( <victims0>, <victims1> )
Yamato: removeinfluencer(<influencer id> )
Yamato: GetTotalAmmo( <localClientNum>, <weaponName> )
Yamato: statgetindvar <statname> <dvar>
Yamato: self IsLocalToHost()
Yamato: <player> shellshock( <local client number>, <shellshockname>, <duration>)
Yamato: ent set_filter_pass_constant( <filterindex 0-3>, <passindex 0-16>, <constantindex 0-16>, <value> )
Yamato: ent set_overlay_material( <overlayIndex 0-3>, <materialindex 0-63>, <sortindex 0-2> )
Yamato: spawn( "trigger_damage", <origin>, <spawnflags>, <radius>, <height> )
Yamato: SetLocalRadarEnabled( <localClientNum>, <enabled> )
Yamato: SetExtraCam( <localClientNum>, <active> )
Yamato: spawn( "trigger_radius", <origin>, <spawnflags>, <radius>, <height> )
Yamato: isspawnpointvisible( <point>, <angle>, <team>, <ignore player> )
Yamato: setfromdvar <dest_dvar> <source_dvar>
Yamato: openscriptmenu <parent menu name> <script menu response>
Yamato: buildItemListForSlotNameAndGroup <slot name> <group name>
Yamato: ent set_filter_pass_material( <filterindex 0-3>, <passindex 0-15>, <materialindex 0-63>, <targetindex 0-4>, <sampler0index 0-4>, <sampler0index 0-4> )
Yamato: setFromLocalizedString <variable> <string>
Yamato: setdebugsideswitch( <enabled> )
Yamato: purchaseWeaponOption <option>
Yamato: uiViewerSetCameraPosition <camLookatY> <camLookatZ> <dist> <yaw> <pitch>
Yamato: statset <statname> <value>
Yamato: <player> allowads( <boolean> )
Yamato: unban <client name>
Yamato: equipclass <customclassname> <item>
Yamato: SetExtraCamAngles( <localClientNum>, <angles> )
Yamato: <hudelem> setWarGameData( momentumProgress, momentumMultiplier, momentumBlitzkriegTime )
Yamato: BuildKillstreakChallengeList <KillstreakType> <sortorder>
Yamato: setspawnpointrandomvariation( <variation> )
Yamato: changeMenuCloseSlideDirection <menu name> <new direction>
Yamato: setspawnpointsbaseweight( <team mask>, <objective position>, <angle>, <score> )
Yamato: SetCurrentItemIndex <itemIndex>
Yamato: SetExtraCam( <localClientNum>, <entity> )
Yamato: selectStringTableEntryInDvar <tableFileName> <columnNum> <dvarName>
Yamato: ShowUI( <localClientNum>, <menuName>, <newState> )
Yamato: setExpFog(<startDist>, <halfwayDist>, <red>, <green>, <blue>, <transition time>)
Yamato: tableLookupColumnForRow( filename, row, column )
Yamato: ui_keyboard_new <type>
Yamato: ui_keyboard_new <type> <title> <defaultString> <size>
Yamato: <hudelem> setShader("materialname"[, optional_width, optional_height]);
Yamato: clearAttachmentForItemAtPoint <customClassName> <itemIndex> <attachmentPoint>
Yamato: GetCurrentWeapon( <localClientNum> )
Yamato: clearitemnew <itemname>
Yamato: changeMenuOpenSlideDirection <menu name> <new direction>
Yamato: setScoreboardColumns( <column1 name> <column2 name> <column3 name> <column4 name> )
Yamato: purchaseitem <itemindex>
Yamato: <hudelem> SetPulseFX( <speed>, <decayStart>, <decayDuration> );
Yamato: setviewmodel(<model name>)
Yamato: <player> resetspreadoverride()
Yamato: enableinfluencer(<influencer id>, <enable> )
Yamato: ent SetInfraredVisionset( visionset name )
Yamato: tableLookupIString( filename, searchColumnNum, searchValue, returnValueColumnNum )
Yamato: <player> stopshellshock()
Yamato: incrementCounter( <counter id>, <increment value> )
Yamato: SetLocalRadarPosition( <localClientNum>, <position> )
Yamato: logo <image name> <fadein seconds> <full duration seconds> <fadeout seconds>
Yamato: SetExtraCamOrigin( <localClientNum>, <origin> )
Yamato: mp_mutePlayer <selected player xuid>
Yamato: IsCollectors [player]
Yamato: self IsHost()
Yamato: SetExtraCamStatic( <localClientNum>, <active> )
Yamato: <player> setwatersheeting(<boolean>);
Yamato: <player> setwaterdrops(<number>);
Yamato: VisionSetNight( <visionset name>, <transition time> )
Yamato: OMA 100% ended

This is what the poor @Rendflex had to suffer, just try, I havent even stopped to try, probably some work and some wont, OMA

(09-18-2011, 16:20)Yamato Wrote: This is what the poor @Rendflex had to suffer, just try, I havent even stopped to try, probably some work and some wont, OMA


[Image: 1fxsnb.jpg]

(09-18-2011, 16:47)4FunPlayin Wrote: CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN ME WHAT IS THIS

Black Ops random commands and stuff.

Quote:Yamato: changeRowStatus <menu name> <row index> <new status>
Yamato: self getXuid()
^2Rendflex: Why are you
^2Rendflex: posting all these
^2Rendflex: lol
Yamato: buildItemListForGroup <group>
Yamato: I R 1337
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

Some codes for menu files
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

every function with <localClientNum> as parameter is a csc (clientscript) function
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

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