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Release Ghosts SP Trainer 11+(Steam Version)

A long time since I release nothing for this community, well better late than never...

Was bored enough to bother myself to make a Ghosts Singleplayer trainer.

INB4, "This is Black Ops 2 Section Troll ", there is no Ghosts section so moderators feel free to move this to an appropriate section...


[Image: joVo5GH.png]


1. 64 Bits OS;
2. .Net Framework 4.5;
3. Original Ghosts;


1. Start Ghosts Single Player and run the trainer;
2. Check the boxes with the desired options;
3. Report any bugs here Smile


@Nukem - being friendly and helpful
@master131 - being friendly and helpful

Thanks Barata...
Don't worry if things aren't the way you planned, in the end everything will solve itself...

Nice gui Big Grin DevExpress?

(01-20-2014, 20:10)dtx12 Wrote: Nice gui Big Grin DevExpress?

Elysium SDK Smile

Thanks Barata...
Don't worry if things aren't the way you planned, in the end everything will solve itself...

Very nice trainer, good work.

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