![[Image: 13843218448803922222.png]](http://www.pic1.iran-forum.ir/images/up9/13843218448803922222.png)
Version 5.0 Final RELEASE.
Thanks For Community Feedback!
And Thanks for 2 years of your support and contribution to this thread, and thank the great community of Itsmods for all their support and I hope all of 4560 people who downloaded and used godplugin since the start , enjoyed this plugin and had fun with it.
Here goes, the final checkpoint, God Plugin 5.0.
GodPlugin 5.0 was under test for so long, Thanks to my dear friend @Kasra. there wont be any more bugs, but If you found any bugs in GodPlugin 5.0 , i'll fix them as soon as i can.
Note : Items Added to sv_config.ini is Different From Older Versions
Changelog :
-Improved Instant Gametype Change (Any map , any DSR!) Rep+ @SgtLegend For this.
(Note : !get()now no longer works, use !set command to change the mod and map at anytime you want. However, you can still use good ol' !get(godplugin dspl) to change mode on nextmap.)
-Added "G.Hud" , Similar to AdvancedHud by zxzO0O, With Ping, Health, And ClientNumber For Admins. (usage: !cm)
-Added Friendly Fire Toggle (You Can Turn It on and off Ingame with !ff1 and !ff0)
- Added Killer. Kill Players With Commands. (ex. !Kill Oz)
-Removed Suicide On Warns, So People with old addons can use them again.(It was gay anyway so i removed it)(Requested By Users)
-Improvements : Removed Some useless codes and loops which made godplugin run slow on weak Servers. (your server will run more smooth now)
-Bug Fixes : Updated Ban Offsets
-Added Instant Gametype Change
-Admins Can Kill Players With Warning Commands.
-"!Nextmap" Command Shows What Is Coming Next
-3 New Custom Gametypes (See FAQ)
-Bug Fixes : Ban Bug Fixed.
-Bug Fixes : Bad Words Now Works With New Addon.
v3.0 Elite:
-Better God Plugin Supporter System With Removed Console Spams
-Added Call Admin Feature (See FAQ) (Thanks @narkos)
-Changed !help Command To !cmd In Order to Avoid Interference With Premissions
-Removed !resetconf Unwarn Bug
v3.0 Beta:
-Removed Welcome Messages Completely for the guys who want to use group welcomer plugin
-Added New map "Terminal" Support. (use <!mapterminal>)
-Fixed Server Crash When !kick and !ban used.
-Fixed Server Crash When !<nothing> is used.
-Added God Plugin Supporter System ( thanks to @zxz0O0 )
-All Commands Are Now Private.
- Fixed Public Commands Issue [Requested By Many Users]
- Fixed Some Reported Bugs
-Fixed Server Crash While Using Kick And Ban Commands
-Added Gametype Change Commands With Specified DSPL Files.
- Initial Release
IMPORTANT: If You Want To Use Gametype Change Commands , You have to Create .dspl Files with Exact These Names for Every Gametype. Otherwise , Server Will not Detect the dspl file and it will shutdown automatically. (It's Not a Crash! leave me Alone!)
IMPORTANT 2: For Using GodPlugin's Instant Gametype Change , You Need To Disable Map Rotation Threshold.
IMPORTANT 2: For Using GodPlugin's Instant Gametype Change , You Need To Disable Map Rotation Threshold.
DSPL File Names:
Spoiler (Click to View)
All commands (NEW!):
Spoiler (Click to View)
Spoiler (Click to View)
What is God Plugin Supporter System?
Its a Small Text added to the Bottom Of The HUD and It Can Be Disabled If You Want.
How Do I Install It?
Just Copy the Whole thing into Plugins folder. Remember , to Prevent everybody is admin Issues, use @Pozzuh Premissions Plugin.
Does It Support Teknogods?
It may run on Certain Teknogods Servers. but I Dont Provide any Support On Teknogods. if you enjoy the game, buy it. Stop these PM Spams.
What Is Call Admin Feature?
When A Player Types !admin On Chat , GodPlugin Will Search For an Admin and Will Broadcast the name(s) On Chat. You have to add Admin XUIDs to sv_config.ini , Admins Line. (Separate By ",")
How Do I Use Custom Gametypes?
use !resetconf Once, Or Add The Lines to sv_config.ini , then add your gametypes Names to be Said When you change gametypes. use !get1 or !get 2 or !get3 to change between gametypes.
I hate G.Hud
well, i hate you too.
BoneMind Making Initial Plugin
OzonE Coding And Improvements
JariZ Help
Ich1994 Help
SgtLegend Improvement for Instant Gametype change