Map & Game Type Changer by Sa3id
The best plugin for change game type and map (Together)
Source code uploaded
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!gametype <mapname> <dsrname> - ex : !gametype mp_dome sd
!map<mapname> - change map - ex : !mapdome
!mod <dsrname> - change gametype with current map - ex : !mod sd
!map<mapname> - change map - ex : !mapdome
!mod <dsrname> - change gametype with current map - ex : !mod sd
Source Code:
Spoiler (Click to View)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Addon;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
namespace Sa3idMapper
class CommandClass : CPlugin
public CommandClass()
public Boolean execCommand(String Message, ServerClient issuer)
Char[] delimit = { ' ' };
String[] split = Message.Split(delimit);
if (split[0] == null)
return true;
split = Message.Split(' ');
if (split[0] == "!gametype")
if (split.Length > 2)
if (split[1] == "")
TellClient(issuer.ClientNum, "^2Enter a map name", true);
if (split[2] == "")
TellClient(issuer.ClientNum, "^2Enter a dsr name", true);
if (File.Exists(@"admin\" + split[2] + ".dsr") && File.Exists(@"zone\english\" + split[1] + ".ff") || File.Exists(@"admin\" + split[2] + ".dsr") && File.Exists(@"zone\dlc\" + split[1] + ".ff"))
using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"admin\sa3id.dspl", true))
ServerSay("^2Gametype Changed : ^3" + split[2] + " ^2Map : ^3" + split[1], true);
file.WriteLine(split[1] + "," + split[2] + ",1");
ServerCommand("sv_maprotation sa3id");
ServerCommand("start_map_rotate Default");
TellClient(issuer.ClientNum, "^1could'nt find the map or dsr", true);
else if (split[0].Equals("!mod"))
if (split.Length > 1)
if (split[1] == "")
TellClient(issuer.ClientNum, "^2Type a dsr name", true);
if (File.Exists(@"admin\" + split[1] + ".dsr"))
string cmap;
cmap = GetDvar("mapname");
cmap.Replace("default:", "");
using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"admin\sa3id.dspl", true))
ServerSay("^2GameType Changed to : ^3" + split[1], true);
file.WriteLine(cmap + "," + split[1] + ",1");
ServerCommand("sv_maprotation sa3id");
ServerCommand("start_map_rotate Default");
TellClient(issuer.ClientNum, "^1could'nt find the dsr", true);
else if (split[0] == "!mapdome")
ServerCommand("map mp_dome");
else if (split[0] == ("!maplockdown"))
ServerCommand("map mp_alpha");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapbootleg"))
ServerCommand("map mp_bootleg");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapmission"))
ServerCommand("map mp_bravo");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapcarbon"))
ServerCommand("map mp_carbon");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapdownturn"))
ServerCommand("map mp_exchange");
else if (split[0] == ("!maphardhat"))
ServerCommand("map mp_hardhat");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapinterchange"))
ServerCommand("map mp_interchange");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapfallen"))
ServerCommand("map mp_lambeth");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapbakaraa"))
ServerCommand("map mp_mogadishu");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapresistance"))
ServerCommand("map mp_paris");
else if (split[0] == ("!maparkaden"))
ServerCommand("map mp_plaza2");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapoutpost"))
ServerCommand("map mp_radar");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapseatown"))
ServerCommand("map mp_seatown");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapunderground"))
ServerCommand("map mp_underground");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapvillage"))
ServerCommand("map mp_village");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapterminal"))
ServerCommand("map mp_terminal_cls");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapoverwatch"))
ServerCommand("map mp_overwatch");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapliberation"))
ServerCommand("map mp_park");
else if (split[0] == ("!mappiazza"))
ServerCommand("map mp_italy");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapblackbox"))
ServerCommand("map mp_morningwood");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapsanctuary"))
ServerCommand("map mp_meteora");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapfoundation"))
ServerCommand("map mp_cement");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapoasis"))
ServerCommand("map mp_qadeem");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapaground"))
ServerCommand("map mp_aground_ss");
else if (split[0] == ("!maperosion"))
ServerCommand("map mp_courtyard_ss");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapgetaway"))
ServerCommand("map mp_hillside_ss");
else if (split[0] == ("!maplookout"))
ServerCommand("map mp_restrepo_ss");
else if (split[0] == ("!maputurn"))
ServerCommand("map mp_burn_ss");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapintersection"))
ServerCommand("map mp_crosswalk_ss");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapvortex"))
ServerCommand("map mp_six_ss");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapdecommission"))
ServerCommand("map mp_shipbreaker");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapoffshore"))
ServerCommand("map mp_roughneck");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapgulch"))
ServerCommand("map mp_moab");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapboardwalk"))
ServerCommand("map mp_boardwalk");
else if (split[0] == ("!mapparish"))
ServerCommand("map mp_nola");
return true;
BoneMind Making Initial Plugin
Requirements :
MW3 Server Addon
Sa3id Map , Gametype Changer (Size: 3.63 KB / Downloads: 459)
Source (Server Admin)
Map and gametype changer (server admin source).zip (Size: 1.48 MB / Downloads: 391)