Hey guys
First poster here so be nice
I thought i would share this tool with you since i like it alot. It is a tool like MW3SA but i prefer it. It is a votekicking tool. Aslong as the Host of the game is running it all other players in the lobby also running the tool may votekick a player. As soon as the votes reach more then 50% of the people using Modern Admin the player will be kicked from the server like with MW3SA. I consider this tool more balanced since not only one person decides if a player should be kicked. This reduces abuse of "power" by a single person. It is still in development and contains an autoupdater.
Current feature list:
- An easy to use HTTP web server interface
- Displays the current Host
- Player profile links
- Ban Streaming*
- Vote kicking
- Chat logging
- Auto updater
- Kill log to show who has killed you or who you have killed
*Ban streaming is an option to "report" a player with the tool. This report is in no way linked to a report over steam. Once enough reports are made for a single player that player will be instantly autokicked if the host is running Modern Admin. So basically a global blacklist.
I would like to point out that this tool has not been coded by me but i stongly support the idea. The coder is very open to sugestions about features and potential improvements to the tool. He is also looking for some C++ programmers to maybe help him out with some of the code.
Screenshot of version 0.1.0
![[Image: maingame1.png]](http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/7850/maingame1.png)
Screenshot of beta version 1.1.b (pre 1.1.0 but what it looks like now
):![[Image: 1.png]](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/53580874/Screenshots/1.1.b/1.png)
How to use:
1. Start tool
2. Be host
3. Go to http://localhost:3060/ in the steam ingame browser
Link to Steamgroup:
Thread Updates:
- Added Screenshot of beta version 1.1.b
- Added new version as attachment (1.1.0)
- Updated changelog (1.1.0)
- Added Steamoverlay browser bookmarkmod
-@FFNJunior (The Tool)
-@N!ghT-FoX (Steamoverlay browser bookmarkmod)
ModernAdmin_1.0.1.zip (Size: 633.72 KB / Downloads: 329)
ModernAdmin_1.1.0.zip (Size: 637.15 KB / Downloads: 991)
Addon Download:
MAServerTool_Bookmark.zip (Size: 2.43 KB / Downloads: 445)
HF and frag hard
First poster here so be nice

I thought i would share this tool with you since i like it alot. It is a tool like MW3SA but i prefer it. It is a votekicking tool. Aslong as the Host of the game is running it all other players in the lobby also running the tool may votekick a player. As soon as the votes reach more then 50% of the people using Modern Admin the player will be kicked from the server like with MW3SA. I consider this tool more balanced since not only one person decides if a player should be kicked. This reduces abuse of "power" by a single person. It is still in development and contains an autoupdater.
Current feature list:
- An easy to use HTTP web server interface
- Displays the current Host
- Player profile links
- Ban Streaming*
- Vote kicking
- Chat logging
- Auto updater
- Kill log to show who has killed you or who you have killed
*Ban streaming is an option to "report" a player with the tool. This report is in no way linked to a report over steam. Once enough reports are made for a single player that player will be instantly autokicked if the host is running Modern Admin. So basically a global blacklist.
I would like to point out that this tool has not been coded by me but i stongly support the idea. The coder is very open to sugestions about features and potential improvements to the tool. He is also looking for some C++ programmers to maybe help him out with some of the code.
Screenshot of version 0.1.0
![[Image: maingame1.png]](http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/7850/maingame1.png)
Screenshot of beta version 1.1.b (pre 1.1.0 but what it looks like now

![[Image: 1.png]](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/53580874/Screenshots/1.1.b/1.png)
How to use:
1. Start tool
2. Be host
3. Go to http://localhost:3060/ in the steam ingame browser
Link to Steamgroup:
Version 1.1.0
- Web layout.
- Kill log added.
- Auto-refresh added.
- Max number of chat lines logged is now 6 instead of 8.
Version 1.0.1
- ModernAdmin falsely reporting that a "Report failed unexpectedly".
- Version number mismatches.
Version 1.0.0
- Auto-update feature added.
- Ban Streaming service added; Any streaming MA server will autokick hackers/exploiters.
- Report feature added to report hackers/exploiters.
- Votekicks now only require 50%+ of MA users in server; 2 vote minimum removed.
- Server host is now shown in ModernAdmin program title.
- The vote kick option only shows if the server is MA Enabled.
- Number of votes required to kick a person will now show next to the current vote count.
- Votekicks against a player now persist and count against them if they rejoin a game.
- Error when client and server keys got out of sync, giving an invalid key error.
- Random color codes in chat log.
- Names displaying improperly in the web browser.
- Votekick numbers not updating properly.
- Not being able to votekick a player if they rejoin a server.
- "Error initializing firewall: 4df" should be fixed.
Thread Updates:
- Added Screenshot of beta version 1.1.b
- Added new version as attachment (1.1.0)
- Updated changelog (1.1.0)
- Added Steamoverlay browser bookmarkmod
-@FFNJunior (The Tool)
-@N!ghT-FoX (Steamoverlay browser bookmarkmod)


Addon Download:

HF and frag hard
