05-25-2011, 10:24
![[Image: shogun2.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/m/805/9851/shogun2.jpg)
| ::::::::: :::::::: ::: ::: :::::::: ::: ::: |
| :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: |
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| ### ######## ### ######## ### ### |
|-----------------------------------< Game Reversing >--'
|> ============
|> GAME: SHOGUN 2: Total War
|> VERSION: v1.1.0 Build 3444 (main menu)
|> OPTIONS: 2 (18 in full release!)
|> DATE: 17-05-11
1) Start the game and trainer (in any order)
2) Refer to the hotkeys below (or on the trainer)
3) Enjoy it!
Trainer options are activated using the NUMPAD on the right side of the
keyboard. You will need NUMLOCK 'On' for the hotkeys to works properly.
Laptop users may need to plug in a USB keyboard to get these keys.
Special Shogun 2: total war note! All of the trainer options will
auto-disable after taking effect unless otherwise noted! These which
don't auto-disable must be manually turned off by you before hitting
'next turn' in game. Otherwise the enemy may get the advantages! So,
before emailing me complaining that the enemy is kicking your butt,
check to see that you didn't mess up in this regard.
Hotkey Option
------ ------
Num0 Add 100,000 to Treasury
Num1 Progress 10 Seasons
Num2 Retrogress 10 Seasons
>Num3 Replenish Army [TOGGLE] << PROMO!
Num4 Deplete Army [TOGGLE]
Num5 Replenish Fleet (Men) [TOGGLE]
Num6 Deplete Fleet (Men) [TOGGLE]
Num7 1-Turn Construction [TOGGLE]
F3 1-Turn Recruitment + Ships [TOGGLE]
F4 1-Turn Arts Mastery [TOGGLE]
Num8 Unlimited Army Movement [TOGGLE]
Num9 Unlimited Fleet Movement [TOGGLE]
>Num / Unlimited Agent Movement [TOGGLE] << PROMO!
Num * Raise Income by 5000
Num - Lower Income by 5000
F5 Large Food Surplus
Num + Super Slow-Mo (3D Battle)
F6 Super Fast-Mo (3D Battle)
F7 Demoralise Unit (3D Battle)
F8 Bolster Unit (3D Battle)
F9 Abilities Always Available (3D Battle) [TOGGLE]
F10 Infinite Pre-Battle Waits (3D Battle) [TOGGLE]
F11 Infinite Custom Battle Funds [TOGGLE]
F12 Infinite Character Skill Points [TOGGLE]
Detailed Notes
Add 100,000 to Treasury: Immediately gives you more funds.
Progress/Retrogress 10 Seasons: Immediately steps you either
forward or backwards in campaign time.
Replenish/Deplete Army: Activate one of these options and then
click on an army, or a city in which an army is stationed,
and it will either replenish the troops or set them to 1. Use
the first for your own armies, and the second for enemies.
Turn off this code once you have made the changes!
1-Turn Construction: Activate this and then put some buildings
into your build queue. You will see that they only need 1 turn
to create now. If you already have buildings in the queue,
enable this option, then click off and back on your queue to
update them to 1 also. On the next turn they will be made.
Toggle this hack back off before clicking next turn!
1-Turn Recruitment + Ships: As above, but this one will serve
to allow to create recruits and a navy in record time. Turn
off before clicking for the next turn to be safe.
1-Turn Arts Mastery: As above, but this one will serve to allow
you to research the mastery of the arts items quickly. Turn
off before clicking for the next turn to be safe.
Unlimited Army/Fleet/Agent Movement: These codes will allow you
to move any of your units on the map without depleting their
movement points. If a unit has already ran out of movement,
simply activate this, then click off and back on them, to
refresh their points back to full. Turn this off after use!
Raise/Lower Income by 5000: Use these codes to alter the amount
of income you get from 'other' sources each turn. You can use
the lower code to undo you chances from the raise code.
Large Food Surplus: Instantly boosts your global food surplus
(shown in the bottom-right of the HUD). Keep this turned on.
Super Slow-Mo/Fast-Mo (3D Battle): This option will allow you
to slow or speed up the live battle time, past the options
given as standard by the game. To reset to normal, simply
deactivate this option and then pick the normal speed in-game.
How fast you can go will depend on your system specification!
Demoralise/Bolster Unit (3D Battle): These options will allow
you to vastly lower or raise the stats of a land unit in 3D
battle games. The actual effective stats and numbers of men
in a unit will likely not change, however it will trick the
game and probably give you a large boost or decrement to the
morale of a given unit, which could turn the tide of the
battle in your favour. This option has not been tested much!
Abilities Always Available (3D Battle): Units which own special
abilities will be able to use them over and over without wait,
when utilising this cheat. Works for you only, not the enemy!
Infinite Pre-Battle Waits (3D Battle): Before a battle in which
you are the attacker, you are given the chance to wait for the
weather conditions to change. Normally, you only get a few
chances to wait, but you can keep cycling with this code.
Infinite Custom Battle Funds: Activate this cheat in custom
battle mode, and then assemble the armies. You will be able to
go into massive deficit, but still be able to start the game!
Remember to turn this option off, just before entering battle.
Infinite Character Skill Points: When your characters receive a
certain level of XP, then will rank up and be granted skill
points to spend. Using this option will allow you to spend as
many as you like without running out. When you've finished,
disable this so you can spend the remaining points naturally.
If you encounter issues with the trainer not working, make sure you
disable any firewalls/anti-viruses and other security software.
If using Vista or Windows 7, run the game as 'Administrator' and
disable UAC (user account control). XP users should run as admin.
Generally, trainers should work on both x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit)
operating systems. However, some games have seperate elements for
these two types, and so a trainer may not work if this is the case.
If the trainer is getting flagged as malicious (this is false), and
turning off your AV doesn't help, try to add it to the exceptions or
whitelist, to stop it getting quarantined or deleted.
There is a more complete trainer troubleshooting guide on the site:
http://www.cheatscapes.com which you should consult if all of this
doesn't help you. If after that you're still stuck, contact me.
I aim to answer all email queries, but customers will receive
priority support for my full version trainers. Any abusive
messages will be deleted/ignored/reported, and you will lose
the right to further support. A refund may also be denied.
Please include your receipt of purchase if emailing me direct
or, alternatively, contact me through CheatScapes.
Email: psych[AT]live[DOT]co[DOT]uk
(Spamproof: Substitute the AT for @ and [DOT] for .)
This trainer release is intended for singleplayer use only! I don't
support MP cheating of any kind. Any queries relating to this trainer
this trainer not working in MP will simply be ignored.
I will not be held responsible if you use this trainer in MP modes
and get banned, or in any other way suffer negative consequences,
such as been branded as a cheater or placed on any watch lists. You,
and you alone, take any and all blame for any such actions.
Your continued usage of this trainer, and any of my other trainers,
consitutes your acceptance of these terms/conditions. If you don't
understand them, please contact me for clarification, or delete it.
Full version releases are personalised and encrypted upon download.
This is to prevent illegal distribution. Users who are found to be
engaged in such action will have their rights revoked and will not
be eligible for future trainers and updates. Please respect the work!
Promo trainers may be spread freely so long as they are not altered.
Such releases are provided in order for you to test the compatibility
with your system before purchasing the full version. As such, they
may have limited features and are not guaranteed to work for you.
This trainer, and all it's included features/code unless otherwise
stated, belongs to me. Any duplication of said code, inluding but not
limited to, cheats, artwork/design and this helpfile text, is a
breach of copyright and thus a criminal offence. Don't steal or copy!
Thanks to 'exylum' for kindly providing source. This release contains
elements of that used to base the GUI on. Thanks to 'energy' for the
graphic design work on the interface. Thanks to the CheatHappens team
for the opportunity and support surrounding CheatScapes. Thanks also
go out to everyone who purchases my releases, everyone who helps test
them and those who provide helpful feedback. Greets fly out to all of
my friends, contacts, fellow trainer makers and CheatScapes authors.