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Release Survivors coop Zombies 2013
Survivors Coop Zombies 2012
by Ghilllie

The Mod is Playable at all maps including ported and yet to be ported.
You can level up - check out the supports summary.

Please do not modify the mod into your preference instead you are free to post your suggestions and i'll be happy to analyze and grant every acceptable suggestions. Post whatever bugs you can notice. I'll be updating the mod from time to time since it is considered Beta version for now.

Video Preview

formerly US-Eastern-Co-op Co-op-Zombies Modded since 2010

This Zombie gametype is the revision of the old co-op zombies since 2010 mentioned above.


XP Rewards
First Blood ------- 100 xp
Assists ------------ 10 xp
Normal kills ------ 5 xp
Double kills ------- 10 xp
Triple kills -------- 30 xp
Multikills ---------- 50 xp
Killstreaks -------- standard
killcard Display ( "killed by" will appear instead of "You killed" ).
more, theres too much to say. Let's just say, just as how the normal gametype gives you rewards.

Feature Summary:
Co-op System ----------- Revive your fallen teammates.
Normal Maps ------------ All released maps.
Some maps will have the weapons drop every zombie kill.
Zombie Spawner --------- All maps including ported and yet to be ported maps.
Purchase Crates -------- Crates where you can buy items and perks.
Purchase System -------- Use your money to buy Items.
Bonus Drop system ------ Random Bonus to help you get rid of zombies.
Loot system ------------ achieve money by killing zombies and bonus. using _loot.gsc
Kill Streaks ----------- just as the normal gamtype with modifications to track zombies
Descent Hud ----------- customized text huds.
Descent HudIcons ------- customized colored gun icons.
Co-op Headicons -------- headicon for all the players all along the game session.
Forceuav --------------- minimap objpoint for store crates

inherited gametype = ( FFA ) Free-For-All
Survive for as long as you can
Survive by any means necessary.
Be free - room around the map - don't let the zombies catch you or die.
Revive your fallen teammates - be a team player and earn $500 each assist.
Buy weapons and upgrades to help you get rid of zombies.
Buy perks to help you out.
Buy helicopters for aerial backup.
Achieve killstreaks by killing zombies.
Ride your helicopter JoyRide and enjoy the over watch view. you'll have to find a safe place before calling this heli.
Be watchful to your back. Zombies might corner you out and get you killed from behind.
zombies health encreases as the wave goes higher.
zombies makes you down at second hit when you have no juggernaut otherwise 5 hits.

You can not hurt yourself but you can suicide by holding grenade in about 5 seconds or jump below the map.
Radiations cannot kill,

Zombies onStart spawn points will detect the mapcenter point and spawn randomly scattered around the map.
Zombies respawn point are auto generated through players location.
Zombies will track your location and will respawn when they don't see you.
Zombies will respawn nearby your location wherever you are even if you try to spawn yourself anywhere outside the map.
zombies can glitch by spawning below the map in last alive zombie or two, to get rid of it - just don't camp.

spawn locations using Free-for-all spawn points
players will spawn where the ranger wall weapon is located.
players will spawn where the interventions weapon is located in other maps.
Dead co-op players will go into spectating on one of the alive players.
OnJoin players will go into spectating untill the wave is finished.

modified to support on damaging and tracking zombies
[ 50 Kills ] predator missile -------------- Predator missile
[ 100 Kills ] Heli-PointGuard -------------- AKA Harrier Airstrike. Shoots missiles at zombies.
[ 150 Kills ] Stealth Airstrike ------------ It's not damaging zombies. just a spice for now.
[ 200 Kills ] Abrams-Turret ---------------- AKA Sentry Gun with modified shooting sounds from BTR
[ 300 Kills ] AC130 ------------------------ AC130
[ 400 Kills ] Heli-Patrol ------------------ AKA Helicopter flares or Pavelow.
[ 700 Kills ] Heli-Bombard ----------------- AKA helicopter minigun - tracks moving zombies instead of players. not added in the mod for now.
[ greater than 400 kills will reset the killstreaks down to predator missile.]

Buyable Killstreaks:
Prices details in game...
Heli-PointGuard ------------------ shoots with guided javelin missiles
Abrams-Turret -------------------- shoots with abrams sound
Heli-Patrol ---------------------- Shoots unceasingly
Heli-Destroyer ------------------- Shoots 5 consecutive guide javelin missiles.
Destroyer JoyRide ---------------- Ride the helicopter Cobra.
Note bullets that are used are not by magicbullets.

Random Bonus Killstreak:
Heli-Destroyer ------------------- typical
Heli-Patrol ---------------------- typical
Care Package --------------------- contains modded killstreaks.

hit per bullet --------------- $10
Normal kill ------------------ $50
double Points Kill ----------- $100
normal heli kill ------------- $250
double Points heli kill ------ $500
Normal ka-boom Kill ---------- $400 [ fo all players ]
double Points ka-boom Kill --- $800 [ for all players ]

HC Helicopters crate --------- buy your helicopters killstreak
QR Quick Revive crate -------- buy it to revive your fallen teammates in 1 second.
SOH Sleight of hands --------- buy faster reload
JUGG Juggernaut -------------- buy health boost
WUC weapon upgrade crate ----- buy upgrade for your current weapon
RWC random weapon crate ------ buy random weapons
C4C C4 crate ----------------- buy C4 maximum of 2. Shall we encrease this?
GC Grenades crate ------------ buy grenades maximum of 4. Shall we encrease this too?
ATC Abrams Turret crate. ----- buy modified turret called Abrams Turret
WW Wall weapons crate -------- buy your wall weapons and ammo here.

PURCHASE SYSTEM use your loot
wall weapon -------------- $ varies
ammo --------------------- $ varies
helicopters -------------- $ varies
Killstreaks -------------- $ varies
weapon upgrades --------- $ 5000
Juggernaut --------------- $ 2500
Sleight of Hands --------- $ 3000
QuickRevive -------------- $ 1500

You cannot buy ammo for your over powered guns.
You cannot buy ammo for upgraded weapons.
You cannot buy ammo from weapons that are taken from random weapon puchase crate.
You cannot buy ammo for upgraded wall weapon.
You'll have to wait for max-ammo bonus to supply your upgraded weapons.

KA-BOOM ---------------------- kill all zombies that spawned with explosive effects.
INSTAKILL -------------------- all zombies are in one shot kill in 30 seconds.
DOUBLE POINTS ---------------- doubles the loot per kill and hit in 30 seconds.
FIRESALE --------------------- sale for RWC of $10 per weapon in 30 seconds.
MAX AMMO --------------------- gives you full ammo stock, empty clips will remain empty until you reload.
HELI-DESTROYER --------------- A Heli that is equipped of guided missiles and turret will be deployed automatically for the achiever.
HELI-PATROL ------------------ High sensitive helicopter patroller to rapidly shoot at zombies unceasingly.
RANDOM BOOSTING CHAT --------- say something randomly.

More details when you play - I might have forgotten to add here the other features.

Host Settings Notes

1) If you play it in private - don't forget to set the gametype in Free-for-all (g_gametype dm) otherwise it won't work.
2) Please do not change the server name.
3) You can Add your clan name using the dvar provided in the config given below.
4) You can change the Place where you host the server using the dvar provided in the config given below.
5) Please do not change the acceptable maxPing.
6) Please set your max number of players to 6. higher than this will bug down the coop head Icons.
7) Note - this config isn't updated for the map rotations - You can Add whatever maps you like, Consider it no limits for maps including ported and yet to be ported.
8) for the admin that uses B3, Please turn your B3 for spamming off. The mod has random chat for players. And it happens repeatedly and I found in one server - All players were temp banned for 1 day because of it. They really was so innocent.

Your Server name format should look something like this:
[ClanName]-Survivors-Coop-Zombies-[Area of Origin]
Refer to the config for your ClanName and Area of Origin and set it accordingly.

If you plan to make a server please send PM me your server IP so I can join and see what bugs I could get.

Host Settings 2012.1

// --- QUERY INFORMATION --------------------------------
// optional settings returned by query, server listings may use this
sets _Admin "Ghilllie"
sets _Email "rhaynzy[at]"
sets _Website ""
sets _Location "Asia-Qatar"

set Ghi_placeofOrigin "Asia-Qatar"  //Place where the server is being hosted.
set Ghi_clanname "[Ghilllie]"       //The description of your clan.
set Ghi_hostNumber "1"              //The server number if you plan on having multiple server for this.
set Ghi_ZGuns 1                     //0 = zombies will not carry guns, save some bytes
set Ghi_axisAllies 0                //1 = axis and allies zombie model will spawn
set Ghi_showZcounter 1              //0 = hide zombie counter

set aiw_sayName    "^7Ghilllie"        // name server-side 'say' commands show up as
set sv_maxPing "0"                    // maximum ping, any higher and players will get kicked
set g_inactivity "120"                // time in seconds before a player gets kicked if not moving

//setting the game other than free-for-all - the game will not work
set g_gametype dm                   // game type

// - FFA //Survivors-Coop-Zombies
set scr_dm_scorelimit "0"
set scr_dm_timelimit "0"

//Survivors Co-op Zombies
set scr_scz_scorelimit "0"
set scr_scz_timelimit "0"

set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_rust gametype dm map mp_complex gametype dm map mp_afghan gametype dm map mp_abandon gametype dm map mp_checkpoint gametype dm map mp_compact gametype dm map mp_derail gametype dm map mp_trailerpark gametype dm map mp_estate gametype dm map mp_favela gametype dm map mp_invasion gametype dm map mp_fuel2 gametype dm map mp_vacant gametype dm map mp_boneyard gametype dm map mp_brecourt gametype dm map mp_nightshift gametype dm map mp_quarry gametype dm map mp_crash gametype dm map mp_rundown gametype dm map mp_subbase gametype dm gametype dm map mp_overgrown map mp_storm gametype dm map mp_terminal"
//set sv_mapRotation "gametype scz map mp_fuel2 gametype scz map mp_rust gametype scz map mp_vacant gametype scz map mp_boneyard gametype scz map mp_brecourt gametype scz map mp_complex gametype scz map mp_afghan gametype scz map mp_abandon gametype scz map mp_checkpoint gametype scz map mp_compact gametype scz map mp_derail gametype scz map mp_trailerpark gametype scz map mp_estate gametype scz map mp_favela gametype scz map mp_invasion gametype scz map mp_nightshift gametype scz map mp_quarry gametype scz map mp_crash gametype scz map mp_rundown gametype scz map mp_subbase gametype scz gametype scz map mp_overgrown map mp_storm gametype scz map mp_terminal"

Specials Thanks to:
NTAuthority ----- for his extraordinary effort for having given us 4D1
Activision -------- without them we cannot have all this glory!

Ghilllie - Owner
vivi57 - The first person to have hosted an AIZombies with buyable features back in the old alterIW.
Nukem - The legendary AIZombie maker.

Added suggestions by:

Animation Pioneers:
Se7enU or JayDi
Oma Yamato

Quote:Changelog 2012.1:
1) Zombies on start spawn origin is changed to detect random player instead of map center origin.
2) Cash generator reverted back to the old system, hud remains the same though.
3) Added Ammo purchase crate.
4) Max Ammo frequency reduced since there's already ammo crate.
5) Powerful guns: desert eagle gold and akmbo usp are restricted in buying ammo. it will rely in max ammo bonus.
6) Added pulse effect for ammostock when buying ammo.
8) Added increment effect for Money Hud like the one _loot.gsc uses.
9) Added sounds for purchase crate and wall weapons when bought.
10) loot.gsc removed it's no longer necessary because the cash generator is reverted back to the old one.
11) Target of Opportunity bonus removed since the _loot.gsc is removed.
12) crates mapicons changed in relation to its containts.
13) changed random bonus chat to iprintLn so B3 won't detect it as spam.
14) all maps excluding unreleased ported maps now have the crate store features.
15) added Zombies counter, to disable it type in console Ghi_showZcounter 0, then map_restart when you are playing in private. If the counter does not show up at first start - just type in console map_restart
16) Host settings updated to 2012.1
17) Added Wave Intermission between rounds with clock sound and explosions effects after finishing the round count.
18) Fixed the money and point system that I accidentally ruined.

Quote:Final changelogs for version 1
1) added random preparatory notice at the end of wave intermission.
2) Added pulse effect at intermission counter.
3) Added Deathsound effects after wave intermission countdown.
4) rearranged huds.
5) fixed the zombie guns being spawned in wrong animation type and suite type.
6) fixed zombie guns being sometimes placed at the zombies butt.
7) fixed zombie guns being sometimes floating in front of them.
8) removed "killed by" card display.
9) fixed minimap disappearing after killing a zombie.
10) zombies now move to players smoothly, no more annoying pause in movement.
11) revised animation switch and zombies speed according to their random animation type.
12) zombies that do not have deathAnims are now fixed.
13) much faster zombie spawning system. this fixes the zombie that takes too long to spawn in the last alive zombie
14) zombies will rove around in certain radius when no player is sighted... no more just standing there and animate without moving to.
15) added "killed zombieclient" notice hud in the lower left corner.
16) added "zombieclient spawned" notice hud at the lower left corner.
17) added fire sound at the store crates.
18) Fixed Armory doors prices that opens even you've got no money...
19) added hint messages to teleporter and teleporter charger of highrise map.
20) Made it 2 different difficulties: Easy and Hard (type in Ghi_hardMode 0 or 1) 1 = hard, 0 = easy. the default value is easy since it seems hard for the users.
21) you'll get marathon and fast reload perks in easy mode.
22) restriction for other gametypes have been removed - Note that the Co-op Revive system works for all gametypes. The game will automatically reset to Free-for-all upon map_restart.
23) zombies now chase faster. in other word much harder specially when you set the difficulty to hard.

Since it is now released - You are free to use everything inside the files
but please don't forget to add me in credit -

The game now supports and opens with all the gametypes however the game will reset to free for all upon map_restart - its original supported gametype.

virus total
Survivors-Coop-Zombies 2013 v1.0

Survivors-Coop-Zombies 2012 V1 Oct-22-2012
Virus Analysis

Surco-Zombies Beta
Virus Analysis

Attached Files
.rar   Survivors-coop-zombies2012.3.1.rar (Size: 336.46 KB / Downloads: 216)

thanks and file attached

(08-24-2012, 09:06)d0h! Wrote: thanks and file attached

Thanks for attaching it! Please update the downloads. I just found a bug for the first downloadable. the thread explains the bug...

(08-24-2012, 12:01)ghilllie Wrote:
(08-24-2012, 09:06)d0h! Wrote: thanks and file attached

Thanks for attaching it! Please update the downloads. I just found a bug for the first downloadable. the thread explains the bug...

done, btw you can add your file as attachment either.

(08-24-2012, 12:21)d0h! Wrote: done, btw you can add your file as attachment either.

Thanks! I'll do it myself next updates...

played it 3 months ago lol, looks cool
also rename Se7enU to me ( @JayDi , its me )
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

(08-24-2012, 14:24)JayDi Wrote: played it 3 months ago lol, looks cool
also rename Se7enU to me ( @JayDi , its me )

3 months? means you were playing the oldest one, It's now have many new stuff in it :-d
Your name added, I remember you somehow from the old alterIW and some youtube, I am new here and don't know much from here yet.


(08-28-2012, 23:52)bloodyzombie99 Wrote: DUDE EVERYTIME I CHANGE SERVER NAME IT GOES BACK

its not that hard to read through the description, isnt it?
also caps lock is not necessary at all

(08-29-2012, 01:30)Gravzy Wrote: He does say that you can't change the server name...


(08-29-2012, 09:18)d0h! Wrote:
(08-28-2012, 23:52)bloodyzombie99 Wrote: DUDE EVERYTIME I CHANGE SERVER NAME IT GOES BACK

its not that hard to read through the description, isnt it?
also caps lock is not necessary at all

(08-29-2012, 01:30)Gravzy Wrote: He does say that you can't change the server name...
ok so i downloaded the mod i load it i renamed the server to what u said in description when i change map the server goes back to the old name


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