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Release TSAdminAlert - [BF3]

This little plugin will monitor chat in a bf3 server for keywords ie "hacker" for example if a player says "i think that guy hacks" then this plugin can send a message to a teamspeak user telling them what the player said that triggered the message and an admin can decide what to do about this.

- Credits
based heavily on Imisnew2's teamspeak 3 sync so big credits Smile
Zaeed for his admin alerter
& myself "rotceh_dnih" for mashing them together :p

-ServerQuery access to your teamspeak server
-a server group unique to bf3 admins who frequent your ts3 server
- the id of that server group , found in brackets beside the group in permissions or by un-commenting lines 2098-2101

Setup and basic uses video

This is a free plug-in with the option the donate if you like but Not needed!

change list
1. flagged word array refused to update -fixed [x]
2. regardless of what channel the client was in message would only be received in the default channel - fixed [x] " now sending privite text message's 1,tsClient.tsId"
3. if one client didnt have the servergroup noone would recive messages - Fixed [x] "now removing clients who dont matter"


.zip (Size: 22.95 KB / Downloads: 8)

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