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Release You need Codpoints? Click here

under investigation
its now possible to get Prestige 15 on Live Servers and Cod points with all unlocks and achievements

Prestige and unlocks pricelist:
15$ = Prestige 15 with all weapons and achievements

Codpoints pricelist:
5000 = 2,00$ (but you need to buy at least 10k points = 4$)
20000 = 5,50$
40000 = 10,00$

you need more? contact me via pm!

Things to do:
-Donate here > donations[Image: 13pxatsignsvg.png] < via paypal
-you will be added to the slotlist after we received your payment.
-dont forget to tell us your steam name in the paypal notes to get informed when it starts
-check your email and your steam account.

Have Fun


I dunno whether to do it because surely there is going to be a public release at one point.. hmm

are you kidding me pay for that lol rank hack will be soon . goood joke hahahha

eyo, guys gtfo with ur hating comments.. dont tell me that if u worked ur ass of in 5 days to make this and is risking to get arrested by the plice that u wouldt take money for it.. like guys rly.. gtfo and make it urself then.. this isnt easy to make, especially not when some of the dvars are hidden online or w.e.. I totally understand that u guys would use ur money on sextoys for urself.. but well go do so, just stop hating this thread.

(11-14-2010, 16:19)Golle100 Wrote: eyo, guys gtfo with ur hating comments.. dont tell me that if u worked ur ass of in 5 days to make this and is risking to get arrested by the plice that u wouldt take money for it.. like guys rly.. gtfo and make it urself then.. this isnt easy to make, especially not when some of the dvars are hidden online or w.e.. I totally understand that u guys would use ur money on sextoys for urself.. but well go do so, just stop hating this thread.


ok guys, no one is forcing anyone of you to do this. it is a possibility, a chance!
do it or not but stop flame/rage spam. act like grown ups
i hope everything is clear now

dO i GeTz 4 FrEe? ThAnKs FoR aLl YoUr HeLp

do you have to be prest 15 or can you just have rank 50, prest 15 looks quite suss Tongue

Yeah, it's $15 for a One kill - level 50 lobby
you are allowed to join until you're prestige 15.
If you don't like prestige 15 you can stop earlier.
Included are almost infinite (several millions) CoDPoints.

(11-14-2010, 18:22)SuperNovaAO Wrote: Yeah, it's $15 for a One kill - level 50 lobby
you are allowed to join until you're prestige 15.
If you don't like prestige 15 you can stop earlier.
Included are almost infinite (several millions) CoDPoints.

If I were to pay right now, could I join it in like the next 10-20 minutes? As in is it available throughout today?'

Also, would it be possible to not receive the codpoints? It would be very suspicious to random people looking at your playercard to see several million codpoints.

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