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Release Zombie Annihilation Mod v1.7 (updated)
Hunter Shop:
- "Name of Item" [Points required]
- Weapons
> Normal Weapons
> Good Weapons
> Awesome Weapons
- Perks
- Speedoo [500] // Makes you run & reload faster.
- Ninja [400]
- Small Crosshair [150]
- Limb Protector [300] // Protects you from the first limb (tomahawk) hit.

- Normal Barricade [100] // Place out a box to prevent zombies from getting in.
- Standing Barricade [150]

Class Shop
The class shop is the special shop for the class you selected in the start of the round, the class shop contains special items like rare powerful weapons, discounts and other perks.

Zombie Shop
- Increase Health [100] // Gives you a permanent HP boost with 50 HP each purchase, max health for a zombie is 500.
- Fast Zombie [300] // Makes you run faster.
- Hell Zombie [450] // Hunters who come near you will be lit on fire, lose health and possibly die.
- Remove a limb [400] // Removes a limb and is used as a tomahawk to kill hunters.
- Ballistic Knives [600]
- Flakjacket [700]
- Hijack Satellite [600] // Deployes a SR-71 Blackbird.
- Cade Limb [200] // Instantly destroys barricades.

Zombie Annihilation Mod is a PVP (Player vs Player) Zombies vs Survivors gamemode where a few random zombies are chosen at the start of the round and the remaining survivors will try to survive the zombie apocalypse, if a zombie kills you, you will turn into one and now the people you thought was your friends are now your enemies.

Download & Play the mod
To download and play the mod join one of our servers:
EU Server. Amsterdam, NL: /connect
US Server. New Jersey, US: /connect
- Our servers can also be found in the unranked server listing named
/UU/ Zombie Annihilation.

Frequently asked Questions
Question: How do I use my points?
Answer: By pressing 4 your shop should open and from there you can find the stuff you need.

Question: What are the rules of the server?
Answer: By typing !rules in the chat the console will write them out, for more rules follow this link:
More might be added later, but if you have more questions, ask an experienced player, or a server admin.



- Classixz.
- Rollonmath42.
- Tom Crowley.
- Nukem.
- Azumikkel.
- MetPL.
- Tito.
- ParadoX.
- Pozzuh.
- Killinggdyl.
- Smeackle.
- 100% Lemon.
- JayDi.
And help from various forums such as MPGH and ItsMods.

Quote:- Hands when you are a zombie.
I think I saw that before Troll

Looks pretty cool as far as I can tell, good job!
(08-10-2011, 12:58)Pozzuh Wrote:
Se7en Wrote:Stealed, from cod4 mod ...
look who's talking

[Release] Old School Mod v2.2
[Release] Scroll menu


Its cool that you added some of the WW2 weapons Big Grin

(06-02-2013, 21:17)Yamato Wrote: Its cool that you added some of the WW2 weapons Big Grin
Thank you, we also have Kar98k for so called "VIP's" Big Grin

(06-02-2013, 21:07)iAegle Wrote:
Quote:- Hands when you are a zombie.
I think I saw that before Troll

Looks pretty cool as far as I can tell, good job!
Yes, the hands are like the only zombie like "weapon" as you can get, since ots in campain Tongue and thank you Smile

Fuck VIPs. Troll

But looks nice.
Any screenshots, video?

Edit: It's just copy of frozen zombie mod?
Edit2: dafuq, do you have your ideas? Frozen clan ( and Lemon ) have made epic mod, and you just copied it?
Edit3: rage
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

(06-03-2013, 15:16)SailorMoon Wrote: Fuck VIPs. Troll

But looks nice.
Any screenshots, video?

Edit: It's just copy of frozen zombie mod?
Edit2: dafuq, do you have your ideas? Frozen clan ( and Lemon ) have made epic mod, and you just copied it?
Edit3: rage
Its not a copy of zombie epidemic, classified putted it all together, he took some ideas from lemon's zem, but no source tho, and yes they have a good mod, but since spinnzz and frozen dosnt care about it anymore we desited to make an own zombie mod etc etc etc

and yes, fuck vip's, thats why "we" made it not op with vip's

and we have one video of some1 named T' ICE made a kind of gameplay, but it wont let me show it >.<

At least you had the decency to change some perk names Wink
Then again most of the things I added to ZEM, like fog, are in large thanks to people like @SailorMoon and @rotceh_dnih and without you I wouldn't know almost any of the stuff I know now Big Grin

Let's just hope you at least try to make it different from ZEM, shouldn't be that hard.
[Image: enjin-103434-13169654251028747231-blue.png]

(06-04-2013, 12:59)frozenliquid Wrote: At least you had the decency to change some perk names Wink
Then again most of the things I added to ZEM, like fog, are in large thanks to people like @SailorMoon and @rotceh_dnih and without you I wouldn't know almost any of the stuff I know now Big Grin

Let's just hope you at least try to make it different from ZEM, shouldn't be that hard.
LiQuid, you have never played this mod, you only played another mod called UndeadsZombieMod....witch was indeed very like zem but much eorse, we tryed to make it unline zem, but since they both r zombie mods It's pretty difficult, but we're trying.

Added Gameplays Link, I cant Share YouTube Video's in this forum, So just press the link to get into a site their you can see all 3 currently gameplays of our server/mod Smile (vids are in version 1.4 1.5 will come out soon and we will have more gameplays and more awesome stuff)

Added new server, deleted Denmark server and created a Netherlands couse of DDoS.

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