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Release teleport function
ok i started trying to import the old teleport function into black ops and hope i posted all needed code to understand the problem, i precached the location selector in init etc...but when i try to call my teleport via the melee button nothing happens ingame. just nothing.

perhaps someone can look into and give me a good advice where the error is

+ i am not sure about the level.mapSize

PHP Code:
precacheModel"projectile_cbu97_clusterbomb" );
precacheItem "airstrike_mp" );
level.airstrikeModel "t5_veh_air_b52";
precacheModellevel.airstrikeModel );
precacheLocationSelector"map_airstrike_selector" );

// register the radar hardpoint
if ( mapsmpgametypes_tweakables::getTweakableValue"killstreak""allowairstrike" ) )
mapsmpgametypes_hardpoints::registerKillstreak("airstrike_mp""airstrike_mp""killstreak_airstrike""airstrike_used", ::useKillstreakAirstriketrue);

PHP Code:
self endon "disconnect" );
self MeleeButtonPressed())
airstrikeSelectorSize getDvarIntDefault#"scr_airstrikeSelectorSize", 3000 );
self beginLocationAirstrikeSelection"map_airstrike_selector"airstrikeSelectorSizetrue level.mapSize 5.625 ) );
self.selectingLocation true;
self thread endSelectionThink();
self waittill"confirm_location"locationyaw );
newLocation PhysicsTracelocation + ( 0010000 ), location - ( 0010000 ) );
self SetOriginnewLocation );
self SetPlayerAnglesyaw );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation undefined;


Maybe because you forgot the brackets for the if (meleeButtonPressed())?

like this? wait what? i dont get it

PHP Code:
self endon "disconnect" );
self MeleeButtonPressed())
airstrikeSelectorSize getDvarIntDefault#"scr_airstrikeSelectorSize", 3000 );
self beginLocationAirstrikeSelection"map_airstrike_selector"airstrikeSelectorSizetrue level.mapSize 5.625 ) );
self.selectingLocation true;
self thread endSelectionThink();
self waittill"confirm_location"locationyaw );
newLocation PhysicsTracelocation + ( 0010000 ), location - ( 0010000 ) );
self SetOriginnewLocation );
self SetPlayerAnglesyaw );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation undefined;
wait .1;


(11-29-2010, 10:59)d0h! Wrote: like this? wait what? i dont get it

PHP Code:
self endon "disconnect" );
self MeleeButtonPressed())
airstrikeSelectorSize getDvarIntDefault#"scr_airstrikeSelectorSize", 3000 );
self beginLocationAirstrikeSelection"map_airstrike_selector"airstrikeSelectorSizetrue level.mapSize 5.625 ) );
self.selectingLocation true;
self thread endSelectionThink();
self waittill"confirm_location"locationyaw );
newLocation PhysicsTracelocation + ( 0010000 ), location - ( 0010000 ) );
self SetOriginnewLocation );
self SetPlayerAnglesyaw );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation undefined;
wait .1;

i found a way to teleport you. But if you teleport you, you will die. and you will have no selection mouse. FUU XD

(11-29-2010, 19:36)Kriege203 Wrote: i found a way to teleport you. But if you teleport you, you will die. and you will have no selection mouse. FUU XD

I had that mouse problem to, you can't even close it or disconnect from server lol
[Image: 1fxsnb.jpg]

Code for the unfinished (working) Teleport:

        self endon ( "disconnect" );
        self endon ( "death" );

    for (;;)
        if (self MeleeButtonPressed())
        self beginLocationSelection( "map_airstrike_selector", true, ( level.mapSize / 5.625 ) );
        self.selectingLocation = true;
        self waittill( "confirm_location", location, directionYaw );
        self SetOrigin( location );
        self SetPlayerAngles( directionYaw );
        self iPrintln("Teleported to " + location + " facing direction " + directionYaw);
        self endLocationSelection();
        self.selectingLocation = undefined;
        wait 0.1;
        wait 0.1;

than do in onplayerspawned() :

        self thread DoTele();

- No Cursor
- Do not work on all Maps ( Summit )

Tested on Summit(not work) and on Nuketown(work)

okay nice i am trying to fix the selector / cursor

ohh the old teleport thing... always funny ;pp

A new Fix. Teleport works now on summit and with the keys Jumpbutton + Meelebutton:

        self endon ( "disconnect" );
        self endon ( "death" );

    for (;;)
        if (self JumpButtonPressed() && self MeleeButtonPressed())
        airstrikeSelectorSize = getDvarIntDefault( #"scr_airstrikeSelectorSize", 3000 );
        self beginLocationSelection( "map_airstrike_selector", true, airstrikeSelectorSize,( level.mapSize / 5.625 ) );
        self.selectingLocation = true;
        self waittill( "confirm_location", location, directionYaw );
        self SetOrigin( location + (0,0,400));
        self SetPlayerAngles( directionYaw );
        self iPrintln("Teleported to " + location + " facing direction " + directionYaw);
        self endLocationSelection();
        self.selectingLocation = undefined;
        wait 0.1;
        wait 0.1;

The Cursor bug is not fixxed Sad

    self endon("disconnect");

        self waittill("spawned_player");

            self.hud_rankscroreupdate = NewScoreHudElem(self);
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.horzAlign = "center";
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.vertAlign = "middle";
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alignX = "center";
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alignY = "middle";
             self.hud_rankscroreupdate.x = 0;
            if( self IsSplitscreen() )
                self.hud_rankscroreupdate.y = -15;
                self.hud_rankscroreupdate.y = -60;
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.font = "default";
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.fontscale = 2.0;
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.archived = false;
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.color = (0.5,0.5,0.5);
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alpha = 0;
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulseInit();
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.overrridewhenindemo = true;
        self thread tele();

    self endon("disconnect");
    self endon("death");
    for(;;) {
        if(self usebuttonpressed()) {
            wait 1;
            self beginLocationMortarSelection( "map_mortar_selector", level.mortarSelectorRadius );
            self.selectingLocation = true;
            self thread maps\mp\_airsupport::endSelectionThink();
            self waittill( "confirm_location", location, yaw );
            self notify( "used" );
            self iprintlnbold(location);
            if(getdvar("mapname") == "mp_mountain") self setorigin((location[0], location[1], self.origin[2])); // fixes instant die on summit
            else self setorigin(location);
        wait .05;
Tested on cracked and summit.
Cursor fixed.
Click usebutton to use.
helped ya? rep me +

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