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Request COD BO1 Zombies SP weapon script changes
Hello and Good Day.

I apologize for coming here, but i would like to ask weapon script changes to zombie mode. Unfortunately, i could not do this myself as i do not have the sufficient tools for modding COD BO. And to be frank, i only own the Skirdow CRACK.

Based on how i mod HL2 engine, this may be simple since the weapon scripts are just scripts, and the codes are already there. But i admit that it is quite hypocritical of me if i came here to ask, yet everything seems easy. But what i am saying is that there is no model modifications here, just script modding, so in a sense it should be easier than doing everything from the ground up. But i swear, i won't be asking if i could do this on my own.

"Weapon Modification" are changes to the current weapon, by altering only their stats; some changes their attachments and names.

"Weapon Replacement" are changes to replace the current weapon with a new weapon. As per norm, the pack-a-punched version will recieve a Pack-a-Punch "camo".

By "Reload Speed", it is the speed that is reload is achieved. +50% reload speed doesn't mean that the reload is 50% longer, but the opposite.

However in general, firing sounds of Pack-A-Punched weapons are now reverted to the originals.

Thank you for everything, the list of changes is below.

A.) Weapon Modification:
Damage: (Max Damage) to (Min Damage)
Rate Of Fire: (Rounds per Minute)
Magazine Size: (Capacity) + (Max Reserve)
(None) = No Changes / No Other addition


1.1) "M14"
Damage: 130 - 90 to 200 - 100
Rate Of Fire: 625 RPM
Magazine Size: 8 + 96 to 10 + 120
Attachments: (None)
- Cost Increased from 500 to 1250

1.2) "Mnesia"
Damage: 250 - 125 to 500 - 250
Rate Of Fire: 625 RPM
Magazine Size: 16 + 192 to 20 + 240
- Reflex Sight
Notes: (None)


2.1) "Heaven"
Damage: 1000 - 300 to 1500 - 450
Rate Of Fire: 250 RPM
Magazine Size: 6 + 84 to 6 + 96

- Accuracy never deviates; 100% accuracy.

2.2) "Cobra" to "Ultimus Heaven"
Damage: 1000 - 600 to 3000 - 9000
Rate Of Fire: 312 RPM
Magazine Size: 12 + 96 to 6 + 150
- Speed loader

Notes: (None)
- New ACOG Attachment
- Damage is higher with range.
- Accuracy never deviates; 100% accuracy.


3.1) "Olympia"
Damage: 80x8 (640) to 120x10 (1200)
Rate Of Fire: 212 MAX
Magazine Size: 2 + 38 to 2 + 48
Attachments: (None)
- Cost Increased from 500 to 750
- Reload Speed is 25% faster than the original

3.2) "Hades"
Damage: 200x12 (2400) to 750x36 (24000)
Rate Of Fire: 212 MAX to 625 MAX
Magazine Size: 2 + 60 to 2 + 96
Attachments: (None)
- Muzzleflash is Dragon's Breath
- Reload Speed is 50% faster than the original


4.1) "M16"
Damage: 100 - 70 to 150 - 100
Rate Of Fire: 450 (3-round Burst)
Magazine Size: 30 + 150 to 30 + 180
Attachments: (None)
- Cost Increased from 1500 to 2000

4.2) "Skullcrusher" to "Death Knell"
Damage: 150 - 100 to 200 - 160
Rate Of Fire: 937
Magazine Size: 30 + 270
- Grenade launcher is replaced with Flamethrower
- Flamethrower has 100 + 500 capacity, 2000 RPM and deals 100 Damage.


5.1) "Steyr Aug"
Damage: 140 - 90 to 200 - 140
Rate Of Fire: 937
Magazine Size: 2 + 38 to 2 + 48
Attachments: (None)
Notes: (None)

5.2) "AUG-5OM3" to "Henrietta"
Damage: 200 - 140 to 250 - 500
Rate Of Fire: 937
Magazine Size: 30 + 270
- ACOG (Swarovsky)
- Masterkey
- Masterkey damage is increased to 375x16 (4800)
- MasterKey capacity is increased to 6 + 96
- Damage is higher with range.


6.1) "FAMAS"
Damage: 100 - 70 to 150 - 100
Rate Of Fire: 937
Magazine Size: 2 + 38 to 2 + 48
Attachments: (None)
Notes: (None)

6.2) "G16-GL35" to "Sinister Saints"
Damage: 150 - 100 to 300 - 200
Rate Of Fire: 937 RPM to 1200 RPM
Magazine Size: 45 + 225 to 50 + 750
- Red Dot
- Dual Mag
- Grenade Launcher (M203)

- Grenade Launcher fires M72 Rocket instead.
- Grenade Launcher damage is 2500
- Grenade Launcher capacity is 4 + 56
- Grenade Launcher ROF is at 300 RPM
- Mobility is High
- Recoil is 1/5 of the original.


7.1) "M1911"
Damage: 20 to 50
Rate Of Fire: 625 RPM
Magazine Size: 8 + 80 to 12 + 180 (Starting = 12 + 96)
Attachments: (None)
Notes: (None)

7.2) "Mustang And Sally"
Damage: 1000 + 1200 Splash to 1500 + 1500 splash
Rate Of Fire: 300 RPM to 625 RPM
Magazine Size: 6/6 + 50 to 12/12 + 180
- Dual Wield
Notes: (None)


8.1) "MP5K"
Damage: 100 - 50 to 120 - 60
Rate Of Fire: 750 RPM
Magazine Size: 30 + 150 to 30 + 360
Attachments: (None)
Notes: (None)

8.2) "MP115 Kollider"
Damage: 140 - 80 to 200 - 120
Rate Of Fire: 750 RPM to 1500 RPM
Magazine Size: 40 + 200 to 40 + 800

- Suppressor

- Reload Speed increased by 100%; effectively doubled.


Damage: 50 to 25

Notes: (None)
- Effectively allows you to survive 4 hits, 10 hits with juggernog.


10.1) "Ballistic Knife"
Damage: 500 to 2000 (3000 with bowie knife)
Magazine Size: 1 + 4 to 1 + 12

Notes: (None)

10.2) "Krauss Defibrilator"
Damage: 1000 to 5000 (9000 with bowie knife)
Magazine Size: 1 + 9 to 1 + 24

Notes: (None)
- Reload speed is at 0.5s interval


11.1) "Knife"
Damage: 150 to 450
Notes: (None)

11.2) "Bowie Knife"
Damage: 1000 + (150) to 3000 + (450)


12.1) "Spas-12"
Damage: 160x8 (1280) to 300x8 (2400)
Rate Of Fire: 312 Max to 212 max
Magazine Size: 8 + 32 to 8 + 56
Attachments: (None)
Notes: (None)

12.2) "SPAZ-24"
Damage: 300x8 (2400) to 400x8 (3200)
Rate Of Fire: (None)
Magazine Size: 24 + 72 to 24 + 120

- Suppressor

- Reload Speed increased by 100%; effectively doubled.


13.1) "MP40"
Damage: 100 - 60 to 200 - 120
Rate Of Fire: 535 RPM
Magazine Size: 32 + 192 to 32 + 228
Attachments: (None)
Notes: (none)

13.2) "The Afterburner"
Damage: 200 - 120 to 400 - 240
Rate Of Fire: 600 RPM
Magazine Size: 64 + 192 to 64 + 384
Attachments: (none)

Notes: (None)


7.1) "Earth"
Damage: 150 - 100 to 240 - 180
Rate Of Fire: 450 RPM (937 RPM 3-rd Burst)
Magazine Size: 15 + 135 to 15 + 150
- Full Auto

Notes: (None)

7.2) "Ultimus Earth"
Damage: 300 - 200 to 400 - 240
Rate Of Fire: 535 RPM to 937 RPM (Full Auto)
Magazine Size: 20 + 240 to 30 + 450
Attachments: (None)
Notes: (None)


B.) Weapon Replacement:
These weapons will be replaced; Reskinned and their functions modified. In general, their recoil, range, sounds and reload speed will go accordingly to the skin the weapon is changed to.
Damage: (Max Damage) to (Min Damage)
Rate Of Fire: (Rounds per Minute)
Magazine Size: (Capacity) + (Max Reserve)
(None) = No Changes / No Other changes


1.1) "RPK" to "Minigun" (Death Machine model)
Damage: 130 - 90 to 150 - 110
Rate Of Fire: 750 RPM to 1200 RPM
Magazine Size: 100 + 400 to 499 + 499
Attachments: (None)
- Accuracy never deviates; 100% accuracy.
- Mobility is Low; That of launchers.
- 1.25 s spin-up time

1.2) "R115 Resonator" to "Death Machine" (Death Machine model)
Damage: 180 - 130 to 200 - 150
Rate Of Fire: 750 RPM to 3000 RPM
Magazine Size: 100 + 400 to 999 + 999
Attachments: (None)
- Accuracy never deviates; 100% accuracy.
- Mobility is High.
- 0.25 s Spin-up time


2.1) "HK21" to "Stoner63" (Stoner63 model)
Damage: 150 - 110 to 250 - 150
Rate Of Fire: 750 RPM to 937 RPM
Magazine Size: 125 + 500 to 30 + 480
Attachments: (None)
- Accuracy Mirrors original Stoner 63.

2.2) "R115 Occilator" to "Rolling Stone" (Stoner63 model)
Damage: 180 - 130 to 1000 - 600
Rate Of Fire: 750 RPM to 545 RPM
Magazine Size: 150 + 750 to 60 + 360

Attachments: (None)
- Acog
- Extended Magazine

- Accuracy Mirrors original Stoner 63.
- Has 0 Recoil


3.1) "Dragunov" to "Walther WA 2000" (Walther WA 2000 model)
Damage: 300 to 1000
Rate Of Fire: 234 RPM to 212 MAX (Semi Auto)
Magazine Size: 10 + 40 to 6 + 48
Attachments: (None)
- Accuracy is simmilar to handguns.
- Reload speed is 50% faster than original.

3.2) "R115 Disassembler" to "Claes .338" (Walther WA 2000 model)
Damage: 1000 to 9000
Rate Of Fire: 234 RPM to 625 MAX (Semi Auto)
Magazine Size: 10 + 80 to 12 + 180

- Extended Magazine

- Accuracy never deviates; 100% accuracy.
- Reload speed is 50% faster than original.
- Headshot Multiplier is x9999999
- Neck Multiplier is 5x
- Torso Multiplier is 1.0


4.1) "PM63" to "Kiparis" (Kiparis model)
Damage: 100 - 60 to 150 - 100
Rate Of Fire: 937 RPM to 937.5 RPM
Magazine Size: 20 + 100 to 30 + 150
Attachments: (None)
- Accuracy is Unchanged

4.2) "Tokyo and Rose" to "Avenger and Ascalon" (Dual Wield Kiparis model)

Damage: 140 - 90 to 220 - 150
Rate Of Fire: 937 RPM to 1200 RPM
Magazine Size: 20/20 + 225 to 60/60 + 960
- Dual Wield
- Accuracy never deviates; 100% accuracy
- Has 0 recoil


5.1) "HS-10" to "KS-23" (KS-23 model)
Damage: 160x 8 (1280) to 200 x 12 (2400)
Rate Of Fire: 340 (Semi auto) to 52 (Pump)
Magazine Size: 6 + 36 to 4 + 60
Attachments: (None)
- Accuracy is simmilar to handguns.

5.2) "Typhoid and Mary" to " Miss Triela" (KS-23 model)
Damage: 240 x 10 (2400) to 360 x 24 (8640)
Rate Of Fire: 52
Magazine Size: 8/8 + 80 to 8 + 128

- Extended Magazine
- Accuracy never deviates; 100% accuracy.
- not Dual Wield Anymore


6.1) "M72 LAW" to "M202 Flash" (Grim Reaper model)
Damage: 2000 to 2500
Rate Of Fire: N/A to 212 Max
Magazine Size: 1 + 20 to 4 + 20
Attachments: (None)
- Has Low Mobility

6.2) "M72" to "Grim Reaper" (Grim Reaper model)
Damage: 3000 to 3000 x 4 (12000)
Rate Of Fire: 52 RMP to 300 RPM
Magazine Size: 10 + 60 to 4 + 40

Attachments: (None)

- Acts like a shotgun but with rockets shot of the same pellet spread as a normal shotgun.
- Has High Mobility


7.1) "Dual Wield CZ75" to "Heaven and Earth" (CZ75 and Python model)
Damage (Python): 1000 - 600
Damage: (CZ75): 240 - 180
Rate Of Fire(Python): 250 MAX (Semi Auto)
Rate Of Fire(CZ75): 450 MAX (937 RPM, 3-rd burst)
Magazine Size(Python): 6 + 210
Magazine Size(CZ75): 15 + 210

- Dual Wield: Python on the Right, and CZ75 to the left
- Python Speed Loader

- 50% more accurate

7.1) "Calamity and Jane" to "Ultimus Heaven and Earth" (CZ75 and Python model)
Damage (Python): 3000 - 9000
Damage: (CZ75): 400 - 240
Rate Of Fire(Python): 312 MAX (Semi Auto)
Rate Of Fire(CZ75): 937 MAX (Full Auto)
Magazine Size(Python): 6 + 900
Magazine Size(CZ75): 30 + 900

- Dual Wield: Python on the Right, and CZ75 to the left
- CZ75 Full Auto
- Python Speed Loader
- Python Acog (For aesthetic purpose)

- 50% more accurate


Also, please upload a video showing that it is working for SP. As well as installer or instructions of how to install for a non-steam client.
"Reality is a lovely place, but i wouldn't want to live there"

Hello, my name is Gabby, and i'am a Writer. I space out 90% of the day, and is always get sucked in daydream, free from reality. I do not have specific themes of writing, for i write by the whims of my heart, with the pen and paper, or computer as my muse.

-The 6th Messenger

"After all this Time?"

- Severus Snape

It's a bit different here.
To change the cost, you need to edit CSV file, which is not "weapon script". ( and as I remember it was included to mod tools )
But all weapon stuff such as "damage, recoil, time, etc" in weapon script.
.. and I don't think that it's possible to edit zombie weapons, because Treyarch haven't released all assets for Mod tools. So it will just give error, because there are no necessary assets... Just because you need "raw" stuff when you are creating/editing something. If you will just try to compile just one weapon script, it will give a lot errors like "no xanim viewmodel_Something" or "no xmodel found" etc.

BUT you still can add your "custom" stuff. ( weapons, models, animations, etc ).

Oh, skydrow is not supported there. Buy the game.
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

(11-19-2013, 16:41)SailorMoon Wrote: It's a bit different here.
To change the cost, you need to edit CSV file, which is not "weapon script".
But all weapon stuff such as "damage, recoil, time, etc" in weapon script.
.. and I don't think that it's possible to edit zombie weapons, because Treyarch haven't released all assets for Mod tools. So it will just give error, because there are no necessary assets... Just because you need "raw" stuff when you are creating/editing something. If you will just try to compile just one weapon script, it will give a lot errors like "no xanim viewmodel_Something" or "no xmodel found" etc..

Oh, skydrow is not supported there. Buy the game.

Oh i see, sorry. But i think i just need the modified scripts. I heard that there is an FF editor, so maybe i could just insert it from there.

As for the model, isn't that the zombies are of the same game as the campaigns? so theoretically, ZM weapons could use SP Weapons.
"Reality is a lovely place, but i wouldn't want to live there"

Hello, my name is Gabby, and i'am a Writer. I space out 90% of the day, and is always get sucked in daydream, free from reality. I do not have specific themes of writing, for i write by the whims of my heart, with the pen and paper, or computer as my muse.

-The 6th Messenger

"After all this Time?"

- Severus Snape

lol, I don't know if someone will do it for free. This game is dead.
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

(11-19-2013, 16:46)SailorMoon Wrote: lol, I don't know if someone will do it for free. This game is dead.

I see, thank you anyways ^_^
"Reality is a lovely place, but i wouldn't want to live there"

Hello, my name is Gabby, and i'am a Writer. I space out 90% of the day, and is always get sucked in daydream, free from reality. I do not have specific themes of writing, for i write by the whims of my heart, with the pen and paper, or computer as my muse.

-The 6th Messenger

"After all this Time?"

- Severus Snape

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