Community Good I have a question I want to create a plugin for my server that my web site plublicidad
an example
When the player dies leave a message on the screen of the player with the command and tellclient already created the code but I like that I gave him the check
Community Good I have a question I want to create a plugin for my server that my web site plublicidad
an example
When the player dies leave a message on the screen of the player with the command and tellclient already created the code but I like that I gave him the check
Quote:using System;
using Addon;
namespace spam_plugin_test
public class spam_plugin_test : CPlugin
public override void OnServerLoad()
ServerPrint("spam_plugin_load By Tonejo!");
public override void OnPlayerSpawned(ServerClient Client)
TellClient(5, "^2Visita ^4Nuestro ^1Sitio Web ^");