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Release Roll the Dice 1.2
//thanks to alistair some bugs have been fixed and better roll display!
//thanks alistair!

Roll the Dice v1.0:
- At spawn everyone gets a random number from 1 to 50.
This number represents which advantage / disadvantage you will get.


The 50 Rolls are :
1: Robot - Gives a minigun and makes your character look like a robot! - A
2: Fatass - Slow movement and makes your chest a carepacakge - D
3: Valkary - Gives you unlimited valkarys - A
4: Speed - Increased movement speed - A
5: Nosway - Gives you a sniperrifle with nosway - A
6: Allperks - Gives you all perks - A
7: Golden Crossbow - Gives you a gold crossbow - A
8: Grimreaper - Gives you a grimreaper - A
9: Infection - Gives you unlimited nova gas - A
10: Your a one hit kill - 1 HP - D
11: Freeze - Make you freeze when walking - D
12: Your on fire - Fire on your model and 60HP - D
13: Flashing - You are flashing (hiding) A
14: Invisible for 15 sec - A
15: Semi-automatic M16 - A
16: Godmode for 15 Seconds - A
17: Triple HP - 300 HP - A
18: No perks - D
19: Cartoon - Map looks like in cartoons - D
20: Invisible every 10 seconds - A
21: Double health and roll again - A
22: Thunder - Thunder on your screen - D
23: Inception - Your angles are set to 90,90,90, (Cookie for the person that can kill with that) - D
24: Jump Height - Increased jump height - A
25: Speed and Roll again - A
26: Rotate - You are rotating - D
27: Ballistic Knife - Gives you a ballistic knife - A
28: RCXD - Gives you RCXD - A
29: Hell dogs - Gives you hell dogs that are on fire - A
30: JetPack - Gives you a jetpack wich can be used with usebutton + fuelbar - A
31: JustinBieber - Spawns the chat with that you are a justinbieber fan - D
32: Invisible Weapon - D
33: Golden Spas - A
34: What now? - Gives you a strela3 - D
35: RocketPistol - A pistol that shoots rpg missiles - A
36: Hardcore - No Hud and 50 health - D
37: Zombie - Defaultweapon hands - D
38: They can see you - your a moving dot on the radar and a redmodel spawned on your head - D
39: Roll Twice - A
40: WTF?! - Weird weapon given - D
41: Big Compass - D
42: Look trough walls - Kinda wallhack - A
43: Bankshot - Unlimited Tomahawks - A
44: Orgasm - Your screaming so loud all the time because you are having a wank D
45: Commando - Long range knifing - A
46: Syringe gun - Uzi that shoots knifes - A
47: 4 Attachments - A weapon with 4 Attachments - A
48: Unlimited ammo - A
49: Akimbo Slice - Akimbo Shotgun - A
50: Damn Recoil - A small gun with lots of recoil - D

The D means Disadvantage, and the A means Advantage, This means there are 19 bad rolls, and 31 good rolls!

Robot picture :
[Image: nosfoh.jpg]

Credits : Azumikkel, he made the mw2 version, and we could use a lot of his code as a base for this mod.
Alistair, And Master131 for rolls like jetpack.
4funplayin, help and bug fixing.
Eekhoorn(me) For putting everyting togheter and creating some rolls.

Note : This mod is created in less then 3 Days of time, coding a few hours aday and testing, so if there are bugs don't hate but report them,
at the latest testlobby there were no bugs so have fun!, Can be played in all gamemodes!!

This mod is made for
Do not redistribute without my authorization.

Attached Files
.rar   RollTheDiceV1.rar (Size: 26.81 KB / Downloads: 1,730)

woww , i was wating for that .
Thank you .
very nice mod .

edit: Work now :] .

It's inside the 'mod' folder, I just checked.
[Image: 1fxsnb.jpg]

I'm no longer making mods
YouTube 1:Azumikkel- Modding
YouTube 2:DerpShark- Gaming Entertainment
Contact: im[at]

Please stay ontopic Azu!

Looks great! I was going through your code and noticed you spell Valkyrie Wrong
It's VALKYRIE not valkary.
RTD V2.7 RELEASE STATUS: Rolls Finished, debugging

i almost got bored of black ops .... thkx to this mod im bak~ shootin butts

Remove the random sayings about Justin Bieber and fix the mega load of script errors, then this would be even more awesome.

I just rolled an orgasm. Lucky me, I am too old to get one myself.

I hate Justin Bieber one Sad
[Image: wyipjqo9qon7rc2v1lo.jpg]

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