08-24-2011, 02:49
Hi all, I'm working on a new mod which is similar to BO's "Sharpshooter" I tried the code from my old mod:
But it obviously gave everyone either a SPAS hs10 olympia, ect. How would I make it so that for instance it would just give everyone a spas? Thanks.
weaponList = [];
weaponList[weaponList.size] = "SPAS_mp";
weaponList[weaponList.size] = "rottweil72_mp";
weaponList[weaponList.size] = "Ithaca_mp";
weaponList[weaponList.size] = "hs10_mp";
wait 1.00;
self takeallweapons();
weapon = weaponList[randomInt( weaponList.size )];
self giveWeapon( weapon );
self switchToWeapon( weapon );
Add me on steam! otterm