Hey guys watsup this is a tutorial on how to make a simple trainer for mw2 with AutoIt.
Firstly -- We need all the correct files to begin scripting in AutoIt v3.
The VERY First thing we need to download and install is AutoIt 3 itself... here's the link http://www.autoitscript.com/cgi-bin/getf...-setup.exe
The Second thing we need to download and install is the current beta version.. here's the link http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/file...-setup.exe
The Third thing we need to download and install is the Script Editor for AutoIt which is SciTE.. here's the link http://www.autoitscript.com/cgi-bin/getf...utoIt3.exe
The Fourth thing we need is NomadMemory.au3 to edit the memory on mw2:
We need to open up SciTE Script Editor and SAVE a BLANK file. We do this because the actual Tools menu is only available on a previously saved project.. If you click on the Tools menu before saving you'll see it has about 5 things, when if you click on it AFTER you save, it'll have a nice list going all the way down your screen.
Ok, now we right click anywere e.g. desktop and go to new -> AutoIt v3 Script. Name it Mw2 Trainer now thats done right click on the Autoit script and click edit.
Now we can create the hack. We first have to include NomadMemory.au3 to edit mw2s memory and require admin rights .
Now we want to tell AutoIt to only run this script if mw2 is open. Make sure you have mw2 open before you run this script or you will be spammed by autoit scripts lol. Also a message box is included to tell you what you are doing.
Now we want to set some variables so that we can write to memory. A Input box will determine the amount of kills you want .
Ok, now we must enter the address for kills.
Lastly we will tell AutoIt to write to memory whatever you have entered in the Inputbox.
This is what the script should look like at when your done
To run it press f5.
There you have a simple mw2 trainer lol. If you want to learn more about AutoIt read the Helpfile as it is very usefull or search for some tutorials on the Internet.
Imo AutoIt is a easier language to learn then VB but it depends what you want to do.
Firstly -- We need all the correct files to begin scripting in AutoIt v3.
The VERY First thing we need to download and install is AutoIt 3 itself... here's the link http://www.autoitscript.com/cgi-bin/getf...-setup.exe
The Second thing we need to download and install is the current beta version.. here's the link http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/file...-setup.exe
The Third thing we need to download and install is the Script Editor for AutoIt which is SciTE.. here's the link http://www.autoitscript.com/cgi-bin/getf...utoIt3.exe
The Fourth thing we need is NomadMemory.au3 to edit the memory on mw2:
We need to open up SciTE Script Editor and SAVE a BLANK file. We do this because the actual Tools menu is only available on a previously saved project.. If you click on the Tools menu before saving you'll see it has about 5 things, when if you click on it AFTER you save, it'll have a nice list going all the way down your screen.
Ok, now we right click anywere e.g. desktop and go to new -> AutoIt v3 Script. Name it Mw2 Trainer now thats done right click on the Autoit script and click edit.
Now we can create the hack. We first have to include NomadMemory.au3 to edit mw2s memory and require admin rights .
#Include <NomadMemory.au3>
Now we want to tell AutoIt to only run this script if mw2 is open. Make sure you have mw2 open before you run this script or you will be spammed by autoit scripts lol. Also a message box is included to tell you what you are doing.
While ProcessExists ("iw4mp.exe") = False ; This code is telling autoit to only open this script if mw2 is open
MsgBox (0, "Modern Warfare 2 Kills hack", "Kills hack")
$points = InputBox ("Moderrn Warfare 2 Kills hack" , "Enter amount of Kills you want. Have mw2 open")
$open = _MemoryOpen(ProcessExists("iw4mp.exe"))
$adresse1 = 0x01B2C8B0
MsgBox(0, "Success", "Please Wait 5 Seconds")
This is what the script should look like at when your done
#Include <NomadMemory.au3>
While ProcessExists ("iw4mp.exe") = False ; This code is telling autoit to only open this script if mw2 is open
MsgBox (0, "Modern Warfare 2 Kills hack", "Kills hack")
$points = InputBox ("Moderrn Warfare 2 Kills hack" , "Enter amount of XP you want. Have mw2 open")
$open = _MemoryOpen(ProcessExists("iw4mp.exe"))
$adresse1 = 0x01B2C8B0
MsgBox(0, "Success", "Please Wait 5 Seconds")
There you have a simple mw2 trainer lol. If you want to learn more about AutoIt read the Helpfile as it is very usefull or search for some tutorials on the Internet.
Imo AutoIt is a easier language to learn then VB but it depends what you want to do.