01-22-2011, 10:06
]This mod although it might look simple as alot of Dvar's to help boost fps and stop lag!
Every Player Gets A L96a1 with VZoom and extended mags + an Tomahawk
Knife is Disabled
field of view is set to 80
Health Is set to 20
Bouncing around when you sprint has been taken out
Lag Reducing Features
Fog has been removed along with Distortion
along with loads of other things (code Below)
Things to look forwards to in the next update!
More anti lag features
Admin menu
Class Selection (if i can get it to work)
More single shot snipers
YouTube Video
(Video Is Laggy Because My PC Sucks!)
House(me) - Making The Mod
SuperNova - Modloader + codes
Loads Of Other People For Davrs
Virus Scan - http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/repo...1295684999
SniperMod V1.2.rar (Size: 6 KB / Downloads: 581)
]This mod although it might look simple as alot of Dvar's to help boost fps and stop lag!
Every Player Gets A L96a1 with VZoom and extended mags + an Tomahawk
Knife is Disabled
field of view is set to 80
Health Is set to 20
Bouncing around when you sprint has been taken out
Lag Reducing Features
Fog has been removed along with Distortion
along with loads of other things (code Below)
self setClientDvar("r_specularcolorscale", 0);
self setClientDvar("r_dlightLimit", 0);
self setClientDvar("sm_enable", 0);
self setClientDvar("r_desaturation", 0);
self setClientDvar("r_zfeather", 0);
self setClientDvar("r_smc_enable", 0);
self setClientDvar("r_distortion", 0);
self setClientDvar("r_fog", 0);
setDvar("bg_viewBobMax", 0);
setDvar("bg_weaponBobMax", 0);
setDvar("player_sprintCameraBob", 0);
Things to look forwards to in the next update!
More anti lag features
Admin menu
Class Selection (if i can get it to work)
More single shot snipers
YouTube Video

(Video Is Laggy Because My PC Sucks!)
House(me) - Making The Mod
SuperNova - Modloader + codes
Loads Of Other People For Davrs
Virus Scan - http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/repo...1295684999

![[Image: HouseMD.gif]](http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu9/emoboy56/HouseMD.gif)