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Release Tactical Training Mod Beta 2
I had the idea for this mod when treyarch removed the support for console cheats (god, noclip etc...). now cheats are back but i released the mod anyways.
When you add a dummy it spawns without weapons or perks, and can't move or shoot. if the dummy dies it respawns at the same position after a few seconds.

  • God Mode
  • Unlimited Ammo
  • Ufo Mode (let you fly through walls)
  • Grenade Training (Like Eekhoorn Nade Training, but you can unlink yourself from the grenade Tongue)
  • Add Dummies (adds "freezed" bots exactly where you are)

You can open the menu by pressing F + SPACE. Move the selection with LEFT MOUSE or RIGHT MOUSE and confirm with MIDDLE MOUSE.

  • LEFT MOUSE - Go forward
  • RIGHT MOUSE - Go Backwards

  • F - Unlink
  • JUMP + KNIFE - Return to last throw position
  • 5 - Suicide

  • F + RIGHT MOUSE - Add a dummy exactly at your position
  • V + RIGHT MOUSE - Remove last dummy

[Image: bjcxs1.jpg]
[Image: 2ngd89w.jpg]


  • Fixed Infinite Ammo bug on dedicated servers (it should be fixed... i don't have a server to test it :S) (Thanks to xypew for the report)
  • Add Dummies feature now available
  • In grenade training, when you unlink from a grenade, you'll stay in mid air until you press F another time (Thanks to wildeh for the suggestion)

  • Disable killcam for a faster respawn of the dummies

  • Markers

  • Eekhoorn - Original Nade Training function
  • iSnipe v2.5 - Hud functions
  • Lost4468 - Noclip function
  • Benfa 94 (Beta tester)
  • Baso (Beta Tester)
  • Zodiac (Beta Tester)

If I forgot something please don't esitate to tell me!
Ideas and suggestions are welcome ^_^

and finally, please tell me if there's something wrong with my english Big Grin


Attached Files
.zip (Size: 24.74 KB / Downloads: 1,141)

please reup the attachment, its again bugged...approved but not visible


Great release !!

thank you Big Grin

first off, Thanks....better than devmap

suggestion, when you press F to stop following, it would be nice if u stay in the air where u pressed it.

i know nuffink about modding so i dunno how hard this would be..

also after a while on a map, if i throw my nades too high, i die and dont get to see where it landed. i dunno if its just me or a bug.

once again thanks, i will keep using it, and i will keep looking for udates.

(07-09-2011, 16:43)wildeh Wrote: also after a while on a map, if i throw my nades too high, i die and dont get to see where it landed. i dunno if its just me or a bug.
You die because the developer of the map placed killzones at high places. I am not sure if it possible to remove those.


The Best thxxxxxxxxx

(07-09-2011, 16:43)wildeh Wrote: first off, Thanks....better than devmap

suggestion, when you press F to stop following, it would be nice if u stay in the air where u pressed it.

i know nuffink about modding so i dunno how hard this would be..

also after a while on a map, if i throw my nades too high, i die and dont get to see where it landed. i dunno if its just me or a bug.

once again thanks, i will keep using it, and i will keep looking for udates.

try to activate god mode when you're using grenade training. it should work
and thank you for the suggestion!

Any chance the new version with dummies and markers is coming up soon?

(07-12-2011, 12:10)zlol Wrote: Any chance the new version with dummies and markers is coming up soon?

i'm working on it.

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