if u need something, i can provide you all source from promod cod5.
What you need to add:
- Ready-up ( done at 80% in the last update right?)
- Weapons menu (done at 50%..)
- Timeout
- Filmtweaks on
- dvarenforcer to prevent tweaking or win fps
- a command like promod_mode match_mrxx
- Plant/defuse sound, use same like cod4/cod5/cod2
ooops wrong section
if u need something, i can provide you all source from promod cod5.
What you need to add:
- Ready-up ( done at 80% in the last update right?)
- Weapons menu (done at 50%..)
- Timeout
- Filmtweaks on
- dvarenforcer to prevent tweaking or win fps
- a command like promod_mode match_mrxx
- Plant/defuse sound, use same like cod4/cod5/cod2
ooops wrong section