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Tutorial GSC Modding Tutorial
Tutorial for the xmas Giveaway

Basic GSC Modding:

Code Flow:
Example(arg1, arg2)
    //Single Line Comment
    /* Block
    Comment */

    /* Part 1 */
    self endon("disconnect");
    /* Part 2 */
    if( variable == 1 ) self function1();
    else if( variable == 2) self thread function2();
    /* Part 3 */
    if( variable == 1 ){
        self function1();
    }else if( variable == 2){
        self thread function2();
    /* Part 4 */
    while(test equation)
    /* Part 5 */
    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        if(something == true) continue;
    /* Part 6 */
        case condition1:
        case condition2:
        case condition3:
        case condition4:
    wait 1;

Ok, time to break that down. To make your own gsc, you will most likely have to create your own function. Functions can have any number of arguments.

Part 1: Endon
Endon functions are very important, it terminates the function whenever the object is notified that specific string. Custom endon functions can look like this
self endon("TheModdingSanctuaryIsTheBest");
self notify("TheModdingSanctuaryIsTheBest");

Part 2: the If-ElseIf Statement
self function1();
Runs function1 and when that function is done, it continues the current function. While,
self thread function2();
Runs function2 AT THE SAME TIME as the current function.

Part 3: just shows that for if statements, you can brackets. However if you are doing more than 1 thing, you Must have brackets.

Part 4: the While Loop.

As long as the test equation is true, the code will run. For a never ending loop, the test equation can be 1.
If in a for loop or while loop, this function is called, the loop is broken.

Part 5: the For Loop.
The first part of the argument is defining a variable, the second part is the test equation, and the third part is what to do for each loop.
If in a for loop or while loop, this function is called, the loop skips the rest of the functions within that loops and starts over.

Part 6: the Switch
Switch statements are great alternatives to gigantic if statements. It takes the variable and checks for the cases.
    case condition1:
        break; - does nothing and exits the switch
    case condition2: - falls down through condition 3
    case condition3:
        doTest(); - for both cases, does this function. Since there isnt a break, condition 2 and 3 falls down through condition 4
    case condition4:
    default: - any other case
        return; - ends function prematurely

return; - ends function prematurely
return variable; - returns the variable and ends the function.

wait 1;
Waits for 1 second, this is important in infinite loops to keep from major lags.

The 2 lines you see at the top are comments, any lines commented out will not be executed. Comments are there merely for reference, or to take notes.

NOTE: All functions end with a semicolon ";"
Variables in gsc does not have to be defined by type like in more complex scripts neither does it have to be defined before use.
There are only 4 types of variables in GSC coding.
Int - Integer (5, 0, -5)
Float - Decimal number (5.6034)
String - Text String ("Hi")
Boolean - True or False

int(string) turns a string "1" to the integer 1
There are different ways variables stored in gsc
self.variable  = "Killingdyl"; - stores the variable attached to whatever self is, most of the time its a player
level.variable = "TheModdingSanctuary"; - stores the variable to the level, resets if map_restart(true);
functionvariable = ::function; - stores a function into a variable
position = (x, y, z); - position is an array with 3 values
angle = (pitch, yaw, roll); - angle is an array with 3 values
array = []; - defines an array, doing this will clear any previous values inside the array
array[value] = []; - defines multi-dimensional arrays, clears any previous values.
To call the functionvariable you do it like this
Variables are used in if-else statements. You can use the following evaluators.
== - equal to
!= - not equal to
>  - greater than
<  - less than
>= - greater than or equal to
<= - less than or equal to

&& - and
|| - or
For variables that are defined true or false, in if statements you can use the following.
if(variable) - this is the same as if(variable == true)
if(!variable) - this is the same as if(variable == false)
true == 1 and false == 0

Now some fun ways to transfer variables is going back to the self notify function.
self notify("TMS", "TMS IS", 1, "Killingdyl is", 1, true);
This will notify yourself TMS. You can catch the notify by using a waittill.

self waittill("TMS");
Now any code after this line will not be executed until you are notified the string. This can be expanded to retrieve variables too.

self waittill("TMS", string, int, player, int2, bool);
Now you can use those variables.

More tutorials and useful information .............Here

Nice tutorial...Now we need a variable list
[Image: wyipjqo9qon7rc2v1lo.jpg]

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