07-23-2011, 15:25
Another simple tutorial, I do about this 2 things because I have seen more than 1 guy asking me for this. The first is to do a scorepopup in colours, is nice to kill and see for example a +100 in blue or green, is much better than see it in white,
This is it, is located in _rank.gsc.
Now, lets do an example, this will make that everytime we kill somebody, it will appear on screen a +500 points in green.

The second command is the earthquake, is just a shake. It works like this:
Lets put an example of a big earthquake:
Thats all, Ill be posting easy tutorials like this often, many work in BO too.

Another simple tutorial, I do about this 2 things because I have seen more than 1 guy asking me for this. The first is to do a scorepopup in colours, is nice to kill and see for example a +100 in blue or green, is much better than see it in white,

This is it, is located in _rank.gsc.
scorePopup( amount, bonus, hudColor, glowAlpha )
Now, lets do an example, this will make that everytime we kill somebody, it will appear on screen a +500 points in green.
self waittill("killed_enemy");
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::scorePopup(500,0,(0,1,0),1);
wait 0.06;

The second command is the earthquake, is just a shake. It works like this:
Earthquake( Scale, Time, Position, Radius)
Lets put an example of a big earthquake:
Thats all, Ill be posting easy tutorials like this often, many work in BO too.