01-13-2011, 10:50
Quote:Got bored and decided to write up something of a novelty.
First off youre going to need this in your includes at the top of your gsc :
#include maps\mp\_airsupport;
Create a self thread SpawnModels(); wherever you have your stuff launched from and then create this thread wherever else :
self endon("disconnect");
self waittill("weapon_change"); //You can replace this with whatever you want
self beginLocationComlinkSelection( "compass_objpoint_helicopter", 1500 );
self.selectingLocation = true;
self thread endSelectionThink();
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
newLocation = PhysicsTrace( location + ( 0, 0, 1000 ), location - ( 0, 0, 1000 ) );
self notify("used");
self iPrintln("^5You Spawned A Model!");
Plane = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(1,1,1));
Plane setModel("t5_veh_jet_f4_gearup"); //I believe this is the napalm plane
Location = newLocation;
wait 0.2;
Plane moveto(Location, 3.5);
This has apparently been confirmed working, thanks to crook47 down there for confirming it.