<I know nobody cares, especially about Skyrim, but idk where to go with this so if you know an appropriate place (read - forum) where I can post it - tell me about it>
Suitable for both pure mages and battle mages
Suitable for both pure mages and battle mages
Why ultimate (Click to View)
I am calling this set ultimate because it is far better than any of default (means not user-modified in game or imported as a mod) gears. However, you are not required to follow each single step that I do - you can tweak this guide as you want and since I am not the best hardcore Skyrim player you can probably get even something better out of it, if you know how.
What you will get at the end (Click to View)
At the end you will get a set of armor with these values:
Helmet - 61
Armor - 126
Gloves (gauntlets, bracers, w/e) - 56
Boots - 56
You will have ability to cast spells of two schools of your choice (i.e. Destruction) without any mana loss. You will also have +25 points to wearing a heavy and light armor; you can carry 37 more units of weight and your stamina has 62 units increase.
You will also have a smithing kit that will improve your smithing by 100%
Values can be increased (only for mage gear kit, only for armor protection value) even more by tweaking this guide if you know how (I don't)
Helmet - 61
Armor - 126
Gloves (gauntlets, bracers, w/e) - 56
Boots - 56
You will have ability to cast spells of two schools of your choice (i.e. Destruction) without any mana loss. You will also have +25 points to wearing a heavy and light armor; you can carry 37 more units of weight and your stamina has 62 units increase.
You will also have a smithing kit that will improve your smithing by 100%
Values can be increased (only for mage gear kit, only for armor protection value) even more by tweaking this guide if you know how (I don't)
How to get this gear (Click to View)
First of all, you need to have lvl 100 enchanting and smithing skills. You can level it up quickly by following this mini-tut.
Now you need to be level 20 (I mean, not in something, but generally level 20 hero).
As soon as you reach level 20 you will have a courier running up to you and giving you an invitation to museum. Now you have three options - first if you just recieved that invitation and you never assembled the daedric razor dagger before; second if you have been level 20 long time ago OR you haven't recieved invitation to museum but you never assembled the dagger anyways and third if you have already assembled the razor dagger and completed the Mythic Dawn quest.
1.) Well, follow that invitation. Go to Dawnstar and find a museum of Mythic Dawn. Start the quest there. Now read instructions AFTER third option, I will mark the place with bold @ sign.
2.) Go to Dawnstar and find a Mythic Dawn museum. Talk to guy inside and start the quest. Now read instructions AFTER third option, I will mark the place with bold @ sign.
3.) You remember that place where you assembled it? Go there, kill daedras, get their hearts (you will need FOUR in total) and loot the cave-ish place there - you need all the ebony ingots you can find. Now read from place where it says so.
So you are doing this quest. At some point you will find yourself at snowy location assembling the dagger. You will have two options - kill the guy or leave him alive. Well, kill him. And get the dagger. Then kill daedras and get their hearts. Also get a key from there and go into a cave-ish place in front of you. Kill daedras there, get their hearts and loot the place for ebony ingots. After looting the place and getting hearts, you are supposed to have minimum four daedric hearts. If you have less - return to same place in a week (sleep to kill time ._.) and kill respawned daedras and get their hearts as well (yummy).
Now you need 13 ebony ingots in total. You can buy them in Whiterun. As you enter it, there will be a girl in the forge to the right. She has ebony ingots occasionly. Also in the house near the forge there is a guy. He also has them occasionly. Also, where there is a fair (kind of) in Whiterun there is a general shop (don't remember the exact name, that buys common stuff like clothing and shit). The seller there also occasionly has ebony ingots. If none of them has ebony ingots (or you bought them all but need more) just sleep and wait until their selling items respawn again. Buy some leather strips (girl at forge, guy in house near forge). You will need 9 in total.
Okie doke, you have 13 ebony ingots and 4 daedra hearts and 9 leather strips and you are 100 level in smithing. Get a perk of daedric smithing (it is in smithing section of perks <- Cpt. Obvious here) and make yourself a full set of daedric armor. Which means helmet, armor, gauntlets and boots (<- Cpt. Obvious strikes again).
Now you need to learn some enchanting perks (if you haven't done so already). You will need 5/5 Enchanter, Insightful Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter and Extra Effect perks. Now get yourselves 10 grand soul gems (buy from jarl mages, if you haven't found them in quests and stored already). Get yourself some Fortify Enchanting and Fortify Smithing elixirs (potions) (could be bought from potion shops and found in quests). Now you need to somehow find (I found all of them in quests but I guess you can buy them somewhere as well) stuff with Fortify <MAGIC SCHOOL> (Destruction/Alteration/Conjuration/Restoration/Illusion) and disenchant it. You will need to know two enchantments that will allow to fortify schools of your choice. I personally chose Destruction and Restoration simply because I use them most. You will also need to find stuff and disenchant it in order to learn (this is the part that is recommended to be tweaked to match your preferences, however you can still follow my instructions if you want) enchantments of fortifying light & heavy armor, fortifying max stamina and max weight. THIS IS NOT TO BE TWEAKED ---> also learn fortify smithing enchantment.
Forgot to say - you also need to buy yourself any kind of NOT enchanted:
2x Necklace; 2x Ring; Gloves; Blacksmith's Apron.
Now go to any place with enchanting table that you know/prefer and drink your enchanting potions. Enchant according to the list, all of them with grand soul gems (* means tweaking is recommended):
Daedric Armor - Fortify Magic (select two schools of spells)
*Daedric Gauntlets - Fortify Heavy & Light Armor
Daedric Helmet - Fortify Magic (select two schools of spells)
Necklace - Fortify Magic (select two schools of spells)
Ring - Fortify Magic (select two schools of spells)
*Daedric Boots - Add more weight-carrying-ability & more stamina
Blacksmith's Apron - Fortify Smithing
Gloves - Fortify Smithing
Ring - Fortify Smithing
Necklace - Fortify Smithing
Now go to any place with forge that you know/prefer. Go to workbench. Wear items that you enchanted with fortify smithing (apron/gloves/ring/necklace) and drink your smithing potions. Upgrade your Daedric Armor set to Legendary level.
You are basically done. You can save your smithing kit or sell it if you are not going to use it any more. Have fun :3
Leveling up enchanting and smithing (Click to View)
1.) Go directly to north from Whiterun, using your compass bar at top find a camp called "Halted Stream Camp". When you go inside (cave-ish place) you need to go forward until you find the room with 3 guys guarding it (I think it is second room). There is a table with a spell book there, learn this spell (called "Transmute"). This spell turns iron to silver and silver to gold. It is also a good way to level up your Alteration.
2.) Get lots of iron ore (Buy or mine or steal, doesn't matter. I prefer buying. If I do not have much money or I've emptied all shops I mine.)
3.) Now go to the stones of role selection (<- this is not the right name afaik. the stones like mage, warrior, thief that give you different buffs aka bonuses) near Riverwood (where you have been at the very start of the game) and activate warrior stone, it will give you a buff for smithing.
4.) Go to Whiterun. As soon as you enter the city, there will be a forge to the right. This is where you will be levelling up (I like it the most of all Skyrim forges :3).
5.) Transform your iron ore to silver ore and then to gold ore with transmute spell.
6.) In the forge (smelter) melt ore to create gold ingots.
7.) Now craft golden rings. A lot of golden rings. A VERY BIG LOT OF GOLDEN RINGS. Until you reach level 100.
8.) Now get a lot of petty soul gems. Same as ore, get it any way you want. I mostly find them in quests, also I am the Wintehold archmage so I have a lot in my appartments, and you can also buy them from jarl mages.
9.) Go to stones of role selection, activate mage. That will give you enchanting buff.
10.) Disenchant any magical ring (<- I suppose you have one magical ring with some enchantment on it if you are playing as a mage. Also, shame on you if you haven't done this step before.)
11.) Enchant the golden rings you've made with petty soul gems and any enchantment you have (the more it costs the better). ENCHANT A LOT. Until you reach level 100.
12.) This is really a long way. But although it is long itself - it is the fastest of all non-cheating ways. You can cheat if you want but that just sucks :/
13.) Now you have level 100 enchanting and level 100 smithing. And you have a shitload of enchanted golden rings. Sell them all.
14.) $$$PROFIT$$$ (or maybe loss, depending on how much you've spent getting ore and soul gems).
2.) Get lots of iron ore (Buy or mine or steal, doesn't matter. I prefer buying. If I do not have much money or I've emptied all shops I mine.)
3.) Now go to the stones of role selection (<- this is not the right name afaik. the stones like mage, warrior, thief that give you different buffs aka bonuses) near Riverwood (where you have been at the very start of the game) and activate warrior stone, it will give you a buff for smithing.
4.) Go to Whiterun. As soon as you enter the city, there will be a forge to the right. This is where you will be levelling up (I like it the most of all Skyrim forges :3).
5.) Transform your iron ore to silver ore and then to gold ore with transmute spell.
6.) In the forge (smelter) melt ore to create gold ingots.
7.) Now craft golden rings. A lot of golden rings. A VERY BIG LOT OF GOLDEN RINGS. Until you reach level 100.
8.) Now get a lot of petty soul gems. Same as ore, get it any way you want. I mostly find them in quests, also I am the Wintehold archmage so I have a lot in my appartments, and you can also buy them from jarl mages.
9.) Go to stones of role selection, activate mage. That will give you enchanting buff.
10.) Disenchant any magical ring (<- I suppose you have one magical ring with some enchantment on it if you are playing as a mage. Also, shame on you if you haven't done this step before.)
11.) Enchant the golden rings you've made with petty soul gems and any enchantment you have (the more it costs the better). ENCHANT A LOT. Until you reach level 100.
12.) This is really a long way. But although it is long itself - it is the fastest of all non-cheating ways. You can cheat if you want but that just sucks :/
13.) Now you have level 100 enchanting and level 100 smithing. And you have a shitload of enchanted golden rings. Sell them all.
14.) $$$PROFIT$$$ (or maybe loss, depending on how much you've spent getting ore and soul gems).
As soon as you reach level 20 you will have a courier running up to you and giving you an invitation to museum. Now you have three options - first if you just recieved that invitation and you never assembled the daedric razor dagger before; second if you have been level 20 long time ago OR you haven't recieved invitation to museum but you never assembled the dagger anyways and third if you have already assembled the razor dagger and completed the Mythic Dawn quest.
1.) Well, follow that invitation. Go to Dawnstar and find a museum of Mythic Dawn. Start the quest there. Now read instructions AFTER third option, I will mark the place with bold @ sign.
2.) Go to Dawnstar and find a Mythic Dawn museum. Talk to guy inside and start the quest. Now read instructions AFTER third option, I will mark the place with bold @ sign.
3.) You remember that place where you assembled it? Go there, kill daedras, get their hearts (you will need FOUR in total) and loot the cave-ish place there - you need all the ebony ingots you can find. Now read from place where it says so.
So you are doing this quest. At some point you will find yourself at snowy location assembling the dagger. You will have two options - kill the guy or leave him alive. Well, kill him. And get the dagger. Then kill daedras and get their hearts. Also get a key from there and go into a cave-ish place in front of you. Kill daedras there, get their hearts and loot the place for ebony ingots. After looting the place and getting hearts, you are supposed to have minimum four daedric hearts. If you have less - return to same place in a week (sleep to kill time ._.) and kill respawned daedras and get their hearts as well (yummy).
Now you need 13 ebony ingots in total. You can buy them in Whiterun. As you enter it, there will be a girl in the forge to the right. She has ebony ingots occasionly. Also in the house near the forge there is a guy. He also has them occasionly. Also, where there is a fair (kind of) in Whiterun there is a general shop (don't remember the exact name, that buys common stuff like clothing and shit). The seller there also occasionly has ebony ingots. If none of them has ebony ingots (or you bought them all but need more) just sleep and wait until their selling items respawn again. Buy some leather strips (girl at forge, guy in house near forge). You will need 9 in total.
Okie doke, you have 13 ebony ingots and 4 daedra hearts and 9 leather strips and you are 100 level in smithing. Get a perk of daedric smithing (it is in smithing section of perks <- Cpt. Obvious here) and make yourself a full set of daedric armor. Which means helmet, armor, gauntlets and boots (<- Cpt. Obvious strikes again).
Now you need to learn some enchanting perks (if you haven't done so already). You will need 5/5 Enchanter, Insightful Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter and Extra Effect perks. Now get yourselves 10 grand soul gems (buy from jarl mages, if you haven't found them in quests and stored already). Get yourself some Fortify Enchanting and Fortify Smithing elixirs (potions) (could be bought from potion shops and found in quests). Now you need to somehow find (I found all of them in quests but I guess you can buy them somewhere as well) stuff with Fortify <MAGIC SCHOOL> (Destruction/Alteration/Conjuration/Restoration/Illusion) and disenchant it. You will need to know two enchantments that will allow to fortify schools of your choice. I personally chose Destruction and Restoration simply because I use them most. You will also need to find stuff and disenchant it in order to learn (this is the part that is recommended to be tweaked to match your preferences, however you can still follow my instructions if you want) enchantments of fortifying light & heavy armor, fortifying max stamina and max weight. THIS IS NOT TO BE TWEAKED ---> also learn fortify smithing enchantment.
Forgot to say - you also need to buy yourself any kind of NOT enchanted:
2x Necklace; 2x Ring; Gloves; Blacksmith's Apron.
Now go to any place with enchanting table that you know/prefer and drink your enchanting potions. Enchant according to the list, all of them with grand soul gems (* means tweaking is recommended):
Daedric Armor - Fortify Magic (select two schools of spells)
*Daedric Gauntlets - Fortify Heavy & Light Armor
Daedric Helmet - Fortify Magic (select two schools of spells)
Necklace - Fortify Magic (select two schools of spells)
Ring - Fortify Magic (select two schools of spells)
*Daedric Boots - Add more weight-carrying-ability & more stamina
Blacksmith's Apron - Fortify Smithing
Gloves - Fortify Smithing
Ring - Fortify Smithing
Necklace - Fortify Smithing
Now go to any place with forge that you know/prefer. Go to workbench. Wear items that you enchanted with fortify smithing (apron/gloves/ring/necklace) and drink your smithing potions. Upgrade your Daedric Armor set to Legendary level.
You are basically done. You can save your smithing kit or sell it if you are not going to use it any more. Have fun :3
![[Image: r212360a129ce9b84444093b6cd2699013a1fbn155.png]](http://roflsaurus.com/users/public/r212360a129ce9b84444093b6cd2699013a1fbn155.png)