hi guys or girls :D
im currently making my ow mod menu (mw2 ofcourse)
so i have made that function that when you press "COD 4 intervention"everybody gets and intervention with some other functions
but when you die its gone... can anybody help me with that?
and only the host gets the cod 4 intervention -.- (every1 needs to get the cod 4 intervention)
im currently making my ow mod menu (mw2 ofcourse)
so i have made that function that when you press "COD 4 intervention"everybody gets and intervention with some other functions
but when you die its gone... can anybody help me with that?
and only the host gets the cod 4 intervention -.- (every1 needs to get the cod 4 intervention)
self VisionSetNakedForPlayer( getDvar("mapname"), .1 );
self freezeControls(false);
self notify ( "exitmenu" );
self show();
wait 0.5;
iPrintLn("^3COD 4 Intervention ^4|Gunner's Admin Menu|");
self takeAllWeapons();
self GiveWeapon("cheytac_silencer_xmags_mp", 0, false);
wait 0.05;
self switchToWeapon("cheytac_silencer_xmags_mp", 0, false);
self waittill( "weapon_fired" );
foreach( player in level.players )
self playsound( "weap_mark19_fire_plr" );