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Release kSnipe
This is a sniper mod based off kProMod which can be used as a competitive sniper mod, or just a public sniper mod. Its open source, anyone can use anything in it.

No Foliage / Custom UI / Graphic Changes
[Image: nofoliage.jpg]

Custom Shoutcast Interface
(Thanks to METPL for helping on this)
[Image: shoutcast.jpg]

Main Features (Click to View)

This mod is designed for balance and FPS increases / fun & for a specific competitive ladder.. should work on any game type, but is designed for SND.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 3.18 MB / Downloads: 294)

Vid or pic would be nice
[Image: lQDUjba.jpg]

There is pics of UI / graphic changes & Shoutcast Overlay.. was playing vs bots, dont mind the kill feed.


i lol'd
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

cool mod. if i played blops i would host it... but i do not play it anymore Awesome
[Image: r212360a129ce9b84444093b6cd2699013a1fbn155.png]

After playing ur awesome mod for 5-6 min I saw a big frame drop and yes it's because of the mod I have ALWAYS 60 fps like it's stuck there and at the begining of the mod it's ok but after playing a while I had a lot of frame drop until the fps went to 10 and I disconnected from the combat training and made the map again all was like the other game and again after 5-6 min the same frame drop or lag or u can call it how the F u want ! WHY ?HuhHuh

No facts. Reasonless flame/rage. Don't cry, call Treyarch support. Everyone says they are noobs but they helped me more than two times...
[Image: r212360a129ce9b84444093b6cd2699013a1fbn155.png]

(10-10-2011, 20:49)DeaDNeoN Wrote: After playing ur awesome mod for 5-6 min I saw a big frame drop and yes it's because of the mod I have ALWAYS 60 fps like it's stuck there and at the begining of the mod it's ok but after playing a while I had a lot of frame drop until the fps went to 10 and I disconnected from the combat training and made the map again all was like the other game and again after 5-6 min the same frame drop or lag or u can call it how the F u want ! WHY ?HuhHuh

no idea man, its not designed for combat training, might be something to do with an object not resetting til end of round or something, host it on SND and see if it does the same.

(10-10-2011, 16:35)Se7en Wrote: i lol'd

ahaha, whats it even say? i cant read russian.. i dont mind if they post it there as long as they arent saying "OMG CHECK DA MODZ I MAKE WHILE DRANK VODKA" im cool with it.

(10-11-2011, 10:04)koil Wrote:
(10-10-2011, 16:35)Se7en Wrote: i lol'd

ahaha, whats it even say? i cant read russian.. i dont mind if they post it there as long as they arent saying "OMG CHECK DA MODZ I MAKE WHILE DRANK VODKA" im cool with it.


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