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number1 made me lol
number1 Wrote:come on y dont u ban 4fun look how many accounts he has reporting spam post isnt tht bad and that other account was to look at the chat

SuperNovaAO Wrote:You report everything as spam even though your posts are mainly spam and the posts you report aren't spam. Also 4FunPlayin does not register accounts to bypass any bans. Also he only had 1 or 2. Against 8 of you.

number1 Wrote:i did not have 8

[quote=number1]list them

[quote=number1]come pussy

[quote=SuperNovaAO]Due to this mail you won't get unbanned.

Have fun with your life.

number1 Wrote:come on

number1 Wrote:tick

number1 Wrote:are you raging

Very immature of you Nova, you should be banned.


I agree with Number 1 though, 4fun should be banned.
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

(07-16-2011, 21:23)Pozzuh Wrote: Very immature of you Nova, you should be banned.


I agree with Number 1 though, 4fun should be banned.



4fun is a bro from the MW2/Lobbytracker ages.
'nuff said

Uh Nova I would format it, but it doesnt make much sense, it looks like 2 different chats are in there.

how a conversation should look like if you want to get unbanned:

are you there?
fuck off
i just wanted to tell you that i apologize for what i have done
i was kinda chilidish/stupid/in a bad mood/didnt shit for the last 2 weeks, my ass hurts (reason goes in here) and i overreacted.
think i learned my lesson and i accept my ban.
would be nice if you can rethink about the situation and if it could be possible to unban my main account. i will never do that again!
fk off
a solution that is a win-win situation for both of use could be, to remove the permban and set my status to be banned for one week. thats what i definitely deserve.
Chicken bye.

And how it normally goes

<Admin signed out>
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

(07-16-2011, 21:23)Pozzuh Wrote: Very immature of you Nova, you should be banned.


I agree with Number 1 though, 4fun should be banned.

and your rage thread about me is mature?

stupid hypocrite
Quote: (report) SuperNovaAO - 03-03 23:34 -- Your mom's cunt also belongs to her private parts, yet everyone knows it.
(report) OrangePL - 03-03 23:34 -- And if you can't understand, this is called PRIVATE message
[Image: userbars.jpg]
My MW2 mod Group:

(07-16-2011, 22:06)ddaavvee Wrote:
(07-16-2011, 21:23)Pozzuh Wrote: Very immature of you Nova, you should be banned.


I agree with Number 1 though, 4fun should be banned.

and your rage thread about me is mature?

stupid hypocrite

I was Troll isn't that obvious ?
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

It's an emailconvo. So start at bottom and work up (first I responded below him so the last message is the second message in the convo)
Edited first post. His mails that came in without replies of me in between came in with max 5 seconds in between. At least some excuse for the bad spelling. Typing that fast as a 6 y/o.

wait until he discovers mpgh

(07-16-2011, 21:20)SuperNovaAO Wrote: [quote=number1]come on y dont u ban 4fun look how many accounts he has reporting spam post isnt tht bad and that other account was to look at the chat

what account and what reports you professional bullshitter (I'm still better than you [bullshitting])

p.s. why I'm not banned: I have antiban pills, find at www.thisisafakesitebutyoumightnotnoticeit.orgy
[Image: 1fxsnb.jpg]

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