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Asm AimBoT Source - Dll (Mw2)
this code is a aimbot source code for Mw2 Multyplayer
you can edit the offsets to any other call of duty game
(its detected by Vac)

Code -
C++ Code
  1. void AimBoT(unsigned int Current_X_Degress_Address,unsigned int X_Degress_Address,unsigned int Current_Y_Degress_Address,unsigned int Y_Degress_Address,unsigned int Get_If_Aiming_Address,unsigned int My_X_Location_Address,unsigned int My_Y_Location_Address,unsigned int My_Z_Location_Address,unsigned int Enemy_X_Location_Address,unsigned int Enemy_Y_Location_Address,unsigned int Enemy_Z_Location_Address){
  2. float My_X_Location,My_Y_Location,My_Z_Location,Enemy_X_Location,Enemy_Y_Location,Enemy_Z_Location,temp;
  3. int Returns[12];
  4. __asm{
  5. Start:
  6. mov ecx,esp
  7. push [Get_If_Aiming_Address]
  8. call ReadMemory
  9. fldz
  10. fld dword ptr [esp]
  11. fcom
  12. fstsw ax
  13. sahf
  14. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  15. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  16. je end
  17. push [My_X_Location_Address]
  18. call ReadMemory
  19. pop eax
  20. push [My_Y_Location_Address]
  21. call ReadMemory
  22. pop edx
  23. push [My_Z_Location_Address]
  24. call ReadMemory
  25. pop ebx
  26. mov [My_X_Location],eax
  27. mov [My_Y_Location],edx
  28. mov [My_Z_Location],ebx
  29. push [Enemy_X_Location_Address]
  30. call ReadMemory
  31. pop eax
  32. push [Enemy_Y_Location_Address]
  33. call ReadMemory
  34. pop edx
  35. push [Enemy_Z_Location_Address]
  36. call ReadMemory
  37. pop ebx
  38. cmp eax,0
  39. je Testz
  40. jmp DontEnd
  41. Testz:
  42. cmp edx,0
  43. je Test1
  44. jmp DontEnd
  45. Test1:
  46. cmp ebx,0
  47. je end
  48. DontEnd:
  49. push [Enemy_X_Location_Address]
  50. call ReadMemory
  51. pop eax
  52. push [Enemy_Y_Location_Address]
  53. call ReadMemory
  54. pop edx
  55. push [Enemy_Z_Location_Address]
  56. call ReadMemory
  57. pop ebx
  58. mov [Enemy_X_Location],eax
  59. mov [Enemy_Y_Location],edx
  60. mov [Enemy_Z_Location],ebx
  61. fld dword ptr [Enemy_X_Location]
  62. fld dword ptr [My_X_Location]
  63. fsub
  64. fstp dword ptr [My_X_Location]
  65. fld dword ptr [Enemy_Y_Location]
  66. fld dword ptr [My_Y_Location]
  67. fsub
  68. fstp dword ptr [My_Y_Location]
  69. fld dword ptr [Enemy_Z_Location]
  70. fld dword ptr [My_Z_Location]
  71. fsub
  72. fstp dword ptr [My_Z_Location]
  73. fldz
  74. fld dword ptr [My_Y_Location]
  75. fcom
  76. fstsw ax
  77. sahf
  78. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  79. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  80. jb Compare1
  81. jmp endCompare1
  82. Compare1:
  83. fldz
  84. fld dword ptr [My_X_Location]
  85. fcom
  86. fstsw ax
  87. sahf
  88. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  89. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  90. jb Compare1_1
  91. jge Compare1_2
  92. Compare1_1:
  93. push -1
  94. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  95. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  96. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  97. fld dword ptr [My_X_Location]
  98. fmul
  99. fstp DWORD PTR [My_X_Location]
  100. add esp,4
  101. push -1
  102. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  103. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  104. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  105. fld dword ptr [My_Y_Location]
  106. fmul
  107. fstp DWORD PTR [My_Y_Location]
  108. add esp,4
  109. push 180
  110. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  111. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  112. push 1
  113. call Degrees_X
  114. jmp endCompare2
  115. Compare1_2:
  116. push 1
  117. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  118. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  119. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  120. fld dword ptr [My_X_Location]
  121. fmul
  122. fstp DWORD PTR [My_X_Location]
  123. add esp,4
  124. push -1
  125. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  126. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  127. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  128. fld dword ptr [My_Y_Location]
  129. fmul
  130. fstp DWORD PTR [My_Y_Location]
  131. add esp,4
  132. push 90
  133. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  134. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  135. push 0
  136. call Degrees_X
  137. jmp endCompare2
  138. endCompare1:
  139. fldz
  140. fld dword ptr [My_Y_Location]
  141. add esp,4
  142. fcom
  143. fstsw ax
  144. sahf
  145. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  146. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  147. jge Compare2
  148. jmp endCompare2
  149. Compare2:
  150. fldz
  151. fld dword ptr [My_X_Location]
  152. add esp,4
  153. fcom
  154. fstsw ax
  155. sahf
  156. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  157. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  158. jb Compare2_1
  159. jge Compare2_2
  160. Compare2_1:
  161. push -1
  162. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  163. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  164. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  165. fld dword ptr [My_X_Location]
  166. fmul
  167. fstp DWORD PTR [My_X_Location]
  168. add esp,4
  169. push 1
  170. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  171. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  172. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  173. fld dword ptr [My_Y_Location]
  174. fmul
  175. fstp DWORD PTR [My_Y_Location]
  176. add esp,4
  177. push 270
  178. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  179. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  180. push 0
  181. call Degrees_X
  182. jmp endCompare2
  183. Compare2_2:
  184. push 1
  185. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  186. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  187. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  188. fld dword ptr [My_X_Location]
  189. fmul
  190. fstp DWORD PTR [My_X_Location]
  191. add esp,4
  192. push 1
  193. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  194. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  195. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  196. fld dword ptr [My_Y_Location]
  197. fmul
  198. fstp DWORD PTR [My_Y_Location]
  199. add esp,4
  200. push 0
  201. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  202. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  203. push 1
  204. call Degrees_X
  205. jmp endCompare2
  206. endCompare2:
  207. push [Current_X_Degress_Address]
  208. call ReadMemory
  209. fldz
  210. fld dword ptr [esp]
  211. fcom
  212. fstsw ax
  213. sahf
  214. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  215. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  216. jb add360d
  217. jmp dadd360d
  218. add360d:
  219. fld dword ptr [esp]
  220. push 360
  221. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  222. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  223. fld dword ptr [esp]
  224. fadd
  225. add esp,4
  226. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  227. dadd360d:
  228. push [X_Degress_Address]
  229. call ReadMemory
  230. fld dword ptr [esp]
  231. fld dword ptr [esp+4]
  232. fsub
  233. add esp,4
  234. fstp dword ptr [esp]
  235. fld dword ptr [esp]
  236. fld dword ptr [esp+4]
  237. fadd
  238. add esp,4
  239. fstp dword ptr [esp]
  240. pop ebx
  241. push [X_Degress_Address]
  242. push ebx
  243. call WriteMemory
  244. fldz
  245. fld dword ptr [My_Z_Location]
  246. fcom
  247. fstsw ax
  248. sahf
  249. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  250. fstp dword ptr [esp-4]
  251. jb DoMinus
  252. push -1
  253. jmp elseDoPlus
  254. DoMinus:
  255. fld [My_Z_Location]
  256. push -1
  257. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  258. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  259. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  260. fmul
  261. fstp DWORD PTR [My_Z_Location]
  262. push 1
  263. elseDoPlus:
  264. call Degrees_Y;
  265. push [Current_Y_Degress_Address]
  266. call ReadMemory
  267. push [Y_Degress_Address]
  268. call ReadMemory
  269. fld dword ptr [esp]
  270. fld dword ptr [esp+4]
  271. fsub
  272. add esp,4
  273. fstp dword ptr [esp]
  274. fld dword ptr [esp]
  275. fld dword ptr [esp+4]
  276. fadd
  277. add esp,4
  278. fstp dword ptr [esp]
  279. pop eax
  280. push [Y_Degress_Address]
  281. push eax
  282. call WriteMemory
  283. push [Enemy_X_Location_Address]
  284. push 0
  285. call WriteMemory
  286. push [Enemy_Y_Location_Address]
  287. push 0
  288. call WriteMemory
  289. push [Enemy_Z_Location_Address]
  290. push 0
  291. call WriteMemory
  292. jmp end
  293. ReadMemory: ; ReadMemory(Address)
  294. pop (Returns[0])
  295. pop esi
  296. mov edi, DWORD PTR DS:[esi]
  297. push edi
  298. xor edi,edi
  299. xor esi,esi
  300. push (Returns[0])
  301. retn
  302. WriteMemory: ; WriteMemory(Address,Value)
  303. pop (Returns[0])
  304. pop esi
  305. pop edi
  306. mov DWORD PTR DS:[edi], esi
  307. xor esi,esi
  308. xor edi,edi
  309. push (Returns[0])
  310. retn
  311. Sqrt: ; Sqrt(Value)
  312. pop (Returns[0])
  313. fld dword ptr [esp]
  314. fsqrt
  315. fstp dword ptr [esp]
  316. push (Returns[0])
  317. retn
  318. Atan: ; Atan(Value)
  319. pop (Returns[0])
  320. fld dword ptr [esp]
  321. fld1
  322. fpatan
  323. fstp dword ptr [esp]
  324. push 180
  325. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  326. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  327. fld dword ptr [esp]
  328. fldpi
  329. fdiv
  330. fstp dword ptr [esp]
  331. pop esi
  332. fld dword ptr [esp]
  333. push esi
  334. fld dword ptr [esp]
  335. fmul
  336. add esp,4
  337. fstp dword ptr [esp]
  338. push (Returns[0])
  339. retn
  340. Pow: ; Pow(Base,Power)
  341. pop (Returns[0])
  342. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  343. fld DWORD PTR [esp+4]
  344. fld1
  345. fsub
  346. fyl2xp1
  347. sub esp,16
  348. fist DWORD PTR [esp+12]
  349. fld1
  350. fstp TBYTE PTR [esp]
  351. fisub DWORD PTR [esp+12]
  352. mov eax, [esp+12]
  353. add [esp+8],eax
  354. f2xm1
  355. fld1
  356. fadd
  357. fld TBYTE PTR [esp]
  358. fmul
  359. add esp,20
  360. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  361. push (Returns[0])
  362. retn
  363. Asin: ; Asin(Value)
  364. pop (Returns[4])
  365. push 2
  366. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  367. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  368. call Pow
  369. pop edi
  370. push edi
  371. fld1
  372. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  373. fsub
  374. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  375. push edi
  376. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  377. fld DWORD PTR [esp+4]
  378. fdiv
  379. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  380. call Sqrt
  381. call Atan
  382. push (Returns[4])
  383. retn
  384. Acos: ; Acos(Value)
  385. pop (Returns[4])
  386. push 2
  387. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  388. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  389. call Pow
  390. pop edi
  391. push edi
  392. fld1
  393. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  394. fsub
  395. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  396. push edi
  397. fld DWORD PTR [esp+4]
  398. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  399. fdiv
  400. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  401. call Sqrt
  402. call Atan
  403. push (Returns[4])
  404. retn
  405. Degrees_X: ; Degrees_X(Value,Value)
  406. pop (Returns[8])
  407. pop esi
  408. pop [temp]
  409. push [My_X_Location]
  410. push 2
  411. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  412. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  413. call Pow
  414. push [My_Y_Location]
  415. push 2
  416. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  417. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  418. call Pow
  419. fld DWORD PTR [esp+4]
  420. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  421. fadd
  422. add esp,4
  423. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  424. call Sqrt
  425. push [My_X_Location]
  426. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  427. fld DWORD PTR [esp+4]
  428. fdiv
  429. add esp,4
  430. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  431. pop edi
  432. cmp esi,1
  433. je DoSin_X
  434. jmp DoCos_X
  435. DoSin_X:
  436. push edi
  437. call Asin
  438. fld DWORD PTR [temp]
  439. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  440. fadd
  441. add esp,4
  442. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  443. push (Returns[8])
  444. retn
  445. DoCos_X:
  446. push edi
  447. call Acos
  448. fld DWORD PTR [temp]
  449. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  450. fadd
  451. add esp,4
  452. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  453. push (Returns[8])
  454. retn
  455. Degrees_Y: ; Degrees_Y()
  456. pop (Returns[8])
  457. pop [temp]
  458. push [My_X_Location]
  459. push 2
  460. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  461. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  462. call Pow
  463. push [My_Y_Location]
  464. push 2
  465. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  466. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  467. call Pow
  468. fld DWORD PTR [esp+4]
  469. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  470. fadd
  471. add esp,4
  472. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  473. push [My_Z_Location]
  474. push 2
  475. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  476. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  477. call Pow
  478. fld DWORD PTR [esp+4]
  479. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  480. fadd
  481. add esp,4
  482. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  483. call Sqrt
  484. push [My_Z_Location]
  485. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  486. fld DWORD PTR [esp+4]
  487. fdiv
  488. add esp,4
  489. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  490. call Asin
  491. push temp
  492. fild DWORD PTR [esp]
  493. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  494. fld DWORD PTR [esp]
  495. fld DWORD PTR [esp+4]
  496. fmul
  497. add esp,4
  498. fstp DWORD PTR [esp]
  499. push (Returns[8])
  500. retn
  501. end:
  502. mov esp,ecx
  503. }
  504. Sleep(17);
  505. }

here a video -

here full code -

all credits saves to NieXrlaM for coding

Enjoy and sorry for my english =P
[Image: 14y48rc.png]
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who know binary code and those who not understand the joke ,,

glad to have you on board

Why not just use a language like C++

Also, Sleep?

hook the frame rendering.

(11-12-2010, 02:48)SuperNovaAO Wrote: WHY?
Why not just use a language like C++

Also, Sleep?

hook the frame rendering.

its assembly forum .. so i will not post c++ aimbot.. and i have one
i need to do sleep in the function becuse if i will not.. it will not work so well
[Image: 14y48rc.png]
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who know binary code and those who not understand the joke ,,

Well, hook the framerendering function and you won't need a sleep.
+ I added syntax highlightning in your post.

(11-12-2010, 03:17)SuperNovaAO Wrote: Well, hook the framerendering function and you won't need a sleep.
+ I added syntax highlightning in your post.

edit my code.. and add what ever you want =P
if your saying that it will be better then Sleep function
[Image: 14y48rc.png]
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who know binary code and those who not understand the joke ,,

Thanks for this Niex

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